Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

54 ratings
3 level garage left ramp
Assets: Park
File Size
1.189 MB
19 Nov, 2017 @ 3:30pm
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3 level garage left ramp

In 1 collection by propermike
Mike's very old modular parking garages
9 items
3 level garage left ramp by propermike

A simple 3 level modular parking garage. All of the lots are 1x8 and under the park menu. All lots have a weak park effect and all the parking spaces function. Must be placed on flat terrain.

I suggest getting an anarchy mod and moveit to place a small street going into the garage from the entrance. This will minimize the number of flying cars going from the street to the higher levels.

Stats for the ramp pieces:
Polygons = 604
LOD Polygons = 290
propermike  [author] 11 Apr, 2021 @ 6:54am 
not sure. I do have more recent modular garages. they use more resources and are a bit more difficult to use, but might work for you
bj1981 10 Apr, 2021 @ 4:42pm 
awesome, working a treat now, thanks, is there anyway of doing this so you can link footpaths across the top floor?? or being able to join the carparks via road at the ends where the gaps are? ive tried to use move it with road and prop anarchy but its just not the same, no one can actually walk across them unless i link them to the ground then the angle is hella steep and looks a bit odd with people just appearing out of the floor
propermike  [author] 9 Apr, 2021 @ 7:34am 
sorry about that. These are pretty old. I didn't have a good grasp on how to do this then. I'll try to fix this up for you.
bj1981 8 Apr, 2021 @ 1:23pm 
would love to sub to this but it keeps dragging me around in circles as each part is dependant on the other, mustve just opened up about 30 windows telling me to sub to another part which popped up another window telling me to sub to another part which popped up another window,,, get mey drift,, please bundle them together i hate having to download individual items like this, sometimes theres no need, if theyre modular then they will act as such no need to download separately
Captain James 5 Jul, 2018 @ 5:33am 
haha thx
propermike  [author] 3 Jul, 2018 @ 10:29am 
In the works...within a month (I hope).
Captain James 28 Jun, 2018 @ 9:46pm 
Absolutelly great idea to make them modular, you're the best! So can you do a taller version of these assets? Maybe with 5 or 6 levels, that would be perfect for airports :D