Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

99 ratings
Crane Rails Prop Pack 1: Essentials
Assets: Prop
File Size
3.845 MB
18 Nov, 2017 @ 7:50pm
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Crane Rails Prop Pack 1: Essentials

In 1 collection by Kearsarge
Shipyard Assets
84 items
Tired of just plopping your harbor cranes down on bare ground? This pack provides rails for movable cranes, in prop form.

This is the "essentials" pack, with the basics you need to start installing crane rails in your port. Contained:

- Rail endstop alone
- Single rail, with endstop
-Single rail, no endstop
- pre-set 13-meter gauge rails with endstops
- pre-set 13-meter gauge rails, no endstops

These allow you to create rails for irregular cranes, plus a pre-set prop for a standard crane rail gauge.

The 13-meter gauge fits my Horsehead Crane, Matt Crux's Port Crane A, and matches the crane rails from the base game.

Use the props with ends and no ends to create longer rails. These will overlap nicely, so don't worry about needing odd lengths.

If you use my gantry crane, I recommend also subscribing to Pack 2, which contains rails for my cranes both present and future.

If you use any of Matt Crux's other popular port cranes, I recommend subscribing to Pack 3, which contains rails pre-set to his cranes, for your convenience.

A few practical notes on these assets:
- You obviously will need a mod like More Beautification to place props in-game
- I recommend Prop and Tree Anarchy for placing these over and around roads and buildings.
- I strongly recommend that you flatten the terrain before placing these. Even small terrain changes can cause the yellow warning strip to disappear underground.

All these assets come with custom tooltip and thumbnail images to make them easy to use, and easy to match to specific cranes.

Hope these are useful. I've seen far too many awesome screenshots of beautiful ports with cranes begging for rails.
Big Bad Nonja 10 Nov, 2020 @ 8:45am 
@aubergine18 - Have you tried converting the prop to a PO object? That will take care of the prop count issue, and allow scaling as well. Curves are out of course. I at 1st thought the idea was silly, until I googled...
leftbehind 3 Jul, 2018 @ 4:01pm 
Would it be possible to create 'network' version of these? That way we could draw them like we draw roads, including curves. And we'd only need single track - we could use Move It to copy a network and paste it alongside existing network for perfect parallel track of any desired width. Would help reduce number of assets (faster loading) and number of props on the map.
hexula 19 Nov, 2017 @ 1:19am 
millions of thanks..
Producer K 19 Nov, 2017 @ 12:47am 
F Yeah!!