Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

382 ratings
L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly
Assets: Prop
File Size
9.332 MB
9 Nov, 2017 @ 8:14pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly

In 2 collections by Czardus
Water-Friendly Surface Rocks
6 items
Copper Ridge Let's Play Series - Mods/Assets List
90 items
L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly by Czardus

This is a prop version of Owl's original surface rock (large A), which allows the rocks to be used on land or in water without needing to use building anarchy to solve the water gliching. You can find Owl's original asset here ( ) and special thanks for his great work on the model!

NOTE: You may need to use More Beautification and Find It in order to use these rocks.
TheCulprit 1 Oct, 2022 @ 12:45pm 
All of the surface rocks stopped working in my game. Strangely enough, they worked just fine after the new update, but after I reinstalled my game and subscribed to these assets again they fail to load every time.

I unsubbed from all other mods and tryed to unsub / sub to these several times, but they just don't seem to work in my game. Any ideas why this might be?
onlineleon 5 Feb, 2022 @ 8:47pm 
Thanks. I'll uns/res. I'll give it another try and come back to say what happens.
Czardus  [author] 5 Feb, 2022 @ 6:45pm 
No, I have not changed the name of any assets.
onlineleon 5 Feb, 2022 @ 5:19pm 
Option "Save assets report" in Loading Screen Mod.: here is my REPORT from
- "Assets that are missing
Note: this section might be incomplete because some assets are not reported.
There are two reasons for an asset to appear in this section: (1) The asset is placed in the city but is missing (2) The asset is used by some other asset but is missing.
L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly NTCP You have L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly but it does not contain L1 Surface Rock - Water Friendly NTCP. Name probably changed by the asset author."
Did you indeed change the name? I love your work and this is what I'm looking for...thanks a lot anyway.
74091796519793665 4 Jan, 2021 @ 6:11pm 
Hello @Czardus - Thanks a lot for the confirmation. Hope you get time to fix the LOD issue. They are a very nice rocks. By the way, you have a lot of good things in your workshop, thanks for sharing them.
Czardus  [author] 4 Jan, 2021 @ 6:03pm 
@Kottur.CS-Builder - You can use Find It with prop and tree anarchy to place these in water. Unfortunately I still haven't found the time to fix the LOD issue.
74091796519793665 4 Jan, 2021 @ 4:21pm 
@SHADOWxPHENIX @LemonsterOG I don't have that problem when zooming in, but when zooming out, it gets flat/glitchy and eventually disappear unless I increase LOD with Ultimate Level of Detail mod. It's a common problem with props.

I though they may work in water using anarchy, like some other water friendly rocks, but it did not work. I guess it may work using prop and tree anarchy, but have not tried it.

More beatification should do the work, as the author says, but that mod cause some problems.

So for me, I only can place then in land. Or... place in land and drag them to water using move it.
PHENIXX 23 May, 2020 @ 12:09pm 
I have the same question as LemonstarOG Zooming in they disappear..
LemonsterOG 15 Mar, 2020 @ 11:04am 
Why do these disappear when I zoom in on them?
Horanth 27 Dec, 2018 @ 11:57am 
very good