No Man's Sky

No Man's Sky

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How to Create and Do a 10 Stasis Device/Hour Farming Routine
By Electron
This guide describes the steps to find suitable systems for creating a base and atmosphere harvesters and describes how to set up a base for 10 stasis devices. It also contains an example of a farming routine to follow.
The following video is a demonstration of how to earn 180+ million units in just 50 minutes by crafting stasis devices and this post includes a guide on how to set this up and, after that, how to go about the actual process of the farming!

No Man's Sky Stasis Device Farming 189 Million/50 Min

This guide is only intended as a baseline for how create a farm like this. Change it up as much as you like!

This farming routine only requires about 24 exosuit general slots and 17 exosuit cargo slots. Of course, use your starship inventory if you would like to do so.
How to Set Up the Farm and Atmosphere Harvesters
1. Find a yellow star system which contains iridium, emeril and gold and a planet or moon with a lush or hot atmosphere. Consider picking a system with a low conflict level, has at least one of the aforementioned metals on the lush or hot planet or moon and the other remaining metal or metals on a planet or moon near the lush or hot one. The idea is to reduce travel time.

2. Set up a base on the lush planet or moon so that the star brambles can grow outdoors or set up a base on a hot planet or moon to grow solar vines outdoors if you want more solar vines than star brambles.

3. The next step is to find systems suitable for placing atmosphere harvesters. You can use your home system but keep in mind each atmosphere harvester takes up 40 of the base complexity limit so if you're working with the default limit, set these up in other systems.

You can only set up 3 harvesters per planet and you'll need to set up 9 harvesters for a single run, though if you want to keep doing this every 50 minutes, you'll need to set up 18. This section assumes you want 18.

This is doable in a single system. I recommend splitting this into 2 systems though and looking at systems with low conflict levels and only 3 celestial bodies. Why only 3 planets and moons? It's to simplify finding the next one to go to while we are collecting gases and to keep the travel distances short between atmosphere harvesters.

For a single farming run you'll need 5000 nitrogen, 5000 radon and 5000 sulphurine. The atmosphere harvesters only can store up to 250 units of a single kind of gas each and take an hour to fully fill. So, in order to collect the whole 5000 necessary of each gas type per run we need to make use of a glitch to keep getting the stored gas back to come back.

To perform the glitch, wait until the harvesters have filled partially and then take the resources. Then travel upwards of 30 seconds away from them, at least far enough that they disappear. And then go back and check them and they should be slightly more full than when you first took resources from them. You can repeat this to collect 5000 of each gas.

You can collect nitrogen on lush and toxic planets, radon on radioactive and frozen planets, and sulphurine on hot and barren planets. Try to find systems with 1 of each type of planet or moon.

Consider crafting nomad geobays to make getting away from the harvesters faster and crafting beacons so that icons will appear right near the harvesters. Consider placing the beacons upwards of 30 seconds away from the harvesters to make it easy figure out when you're far enough away. You may need to go further away than that. In fact, in the video, I always go further away just to be sure I've gone far enough that the harvesters will have regained lots more resources.

4. For one full completion of the routine you will need: 30 coprite flowers, 80 gamma weeds, 70 frostworts, 40 solar vines, 10 echinocactuses and 80 star brambles.

Solar vines and echinocactuses take 2 hours to grow each so if you want to repeat the routine again immediately after completing it you may want 120 solar vines and 30 echinocactuses just to make sure there's enough fully grown plants. This guide assumes you want the extra plants.

On PC, you can set a custom base building limit so that you can place all the plants at your base.

However, if you're on PS4, you'll have to split the plants between your freighter base and your planetary base.

The games' default base complexity limit is 2000. Every plant takes up 5 of the limit, bio-domes take up 40 and both the door and holo-door take up 5, cuboid rooms take up 10 and glass cuboid rooms take up 15, hydroponic trays take up 5 and large hydroponic trays take up 20.

To stay within the limit, you could place the following at your planetary base: All 80 star brambles, 14 bio-domes and doors, 20 coprite flowers, 80 gamma weeds, 70 frostworts and 10 echinocactuses. You can place all your solar vines and 20 echinocactuses in hydroponic trays on your freighter base.
An Example of a 10 Stasis Device Farming Routine
1. Warp to a space station in the system of the atmosphere harvesters you want to use and buy 1250 heridium and 1250 plutonium.

2. Travel to the planets and moons with harvesters and fill them up with plutonium and collect 750 of each gas from them.

3. Warp to your home system and go to your base. Use the space station to travel to your base if that's faster.

4. Pick all 20 coprite flowers and 80 gamma weeds and craft 10 lubricants.

5. Pick all 70 skyworts and craft 10 glass followed by crafting 10 living glass.

6. Pick 40 solar vines and craft 10 heat capacitors.

7. Pick 10 echinocactuses, all 80 star brambles and then craft 10 poly fibers followed by crafting 10 circuit boards.

8. Purchase and mine a total of 1250 carbon and 1250 iron.

9. Mine 1250 emeril and craft 10 grantine.

10. Travel to another planet to mine 1250 gold and craft 10 magno-gold.

11. Mine 1250 iridium and craft 10 aronium followed by crafting 10 iridesite.

12. Warp back to the system with the atmosphere harvesters and collect 4250 nitrogen and craft 20 ammonium salt.

13. Travel to another planet, collect 4250 sulphurine and craft 20 thermic condensate.

14. Travel to the next planet, collect 4250 radon and craft 20 enriched carbon, followed by 10 hot ice, 10 semiconductors, 10 superconductors, 10 quantum processors, 10 cryo-pumps, 10 cryogenic chambers and then 10 stasis devices.

15. Warp to your base and sell the stasis devices.

Consider finding a galactic trade terminal where you can sell the stasis devices for a good profit.
LordOfNoobs™ 24 Oct, 2020 @ 10:30pm 
You get all the blueprints in the Anomaly Construction Research site.
venture 2 May, 2020 @ 5:16pm 
where to get trade termianal blueprint