451 평점
Achievement Guide
Erika 님이 작성
How to unlock all achievements in the main game.
즐겨찾기 해제
There are 38 achievements in the main game, 10 of them can only be done in Government Elite mode. If you do a achievement in Government Elite mode it will also unlock for Trainee mode. This guide contains achievements from the main game only. For achievements in the DLC, see the guide below.
Part 1
Not a Big Dealer
Report the drug maker
Get Jacob Manishek arrested by writing a report during the task "Crime and Punishment".
Die Like You Mean It
Be killed by a tenant
Can be done in multiple ways. One way that can be done early is to write a report on your son Patrick and then talk to Anna who will get angry and shoot you.
I Did Nothing!
Force a tenant to commit suicide
Can be done in multiple ways. One way is to write a report on Klaus Schimmer and talk to Maria about the arrest. Cheer her up and then tell her you are sure he will be jailed for life.
Billing Them Softly
Be caught in theft
Steal items from a tenant until the police arrives.
White Papers, Black Mails
Write a blackmailing letter
Find evidence and use it to blackmail a tenant.
Parental Control
Report Martha
Write a report on your daughter Martha.
Family Guy
Get on track with your family
Complete the task "Trust and care".

• Talk to Anna about domestic problems, help her find a pot (ask Maria Schimmer)
• Talk to Martha, help her find her lost doll (wardrobe in your son's bedroom)
• Ask Patrick if he needs anything, help him find books (ask Klaus Schimmer)
Pimp My Bride
Find a woman for Shpak
Help Alloisius Shpak find a girlfriend.

• Rent an apartment to Alloisius Shpak.
• After 1 day he will offer you the task "Lonely Alloisius" (only available for 48 hours)
• Find a girlfriend for Alloisius. There are two girls available.
• Talk to Rosa Ranek about Shpak's loneliness, she will tell you about her niece.
• Talk to Alloisius and tell him you found a girlfriend for him (Rosa Ranek's niece)
• Find the ad in the mailbox and call the number. Pick up the phone when she calls back.
• Talk to Alloisius and tell him you found a girlfriend for him (the girl from the ad)
Dementia and Courage!
Drink poisoned coffee
Discover Sarah's real identity and confront her.

• Introduce Alloisius Shpak to Sarah (see "Pimp My Bride")
• Ask Sarah what she's doing here. Tell Alloisius that Sarah is here to see him.
• After 1 day Alloisius will offer you the task "Gathering data"
• Talk to Rosa Ranek about Sarah.
• Call and request data on Sarah, report Sarah as an imposter.
• Talk to Sarah about it and refuse to strike a deal. Stop the conversation and drink the coffee.
Easy Virtue
Klara lived in the house twice
Clara was your tenant twice.

Part 1
• Introduce Alloisius Shpak to Clara (see "Pimp My Bride")
• Buy a chocolate bar from Nathan and give it to Alloisius.
• Ask Alloisius what happened when he comes back from the date. Agree to let her move in with him.
• After 1 day Clara will offer you the task "Drunk and happy". Find whiskey or rum and give it to her.
• After a while Alloisius will offer you a new task. Agree to help him get rid of Clara.
• Talk to Clara about eviction and make her leave (choose any option, they all work)
• After Clara has moved out, talk to Alloisius and he will give you his cruise tickets and move out.
Part 2
• Rent an apartment to Albert Meineke (available after the task "Under suspicion")
• Talk to Albert to learn that he is mute. Watch him until you see him talk on the phone.
• Talk to Albert about the phone call. Learn the true story (-500 reputation) and agree to help.
• Rent an apartment to Bastian and Clara Walner. Talk to Clara to unlock the achievement.
Bahama Mama
Set the Shimmers off to cruise
Help Klaus and Maria Schimmer escape by giving them cruise tickets.

• After you have received the task "Ministry order" go and talk to Klaus.
• Tell Klaus about the order and offer to help him to recieve the task "Papers, please!".
• Talk to Mark Ranek about Schimmer and tell him the true story. Find whiskey and give it to him.
• Talk to Mark when he comes back to recieve the papers. Give the papers to Klaus.
• Get the cruise tickets from Alloisius Shpak (see part 1 of "Easy Virtue")
• Give the cruise tickets to Klaus so he and Maria can escape.
My Heart Will Go On
Set the Shimmers off to sailing the barge
Make a deal with Jones Popanedo so Klaus and Maria Schimmer can leave the country.

• After you have received the task "Ministry order" go and talk to Klaus.
• Tell Klaus about the order and offer to help him to recieve the task "Papers, please!".
• Talk to Mark Ranek about Schimmer and tell him the true story. Find whiskey and give it to him.
• Talk to Mark when he comes back to recieve the papers. Give the papers to Klaus.
• Get the task "Great offer" from Jones Popanedo. Agree to sell his canned goods.
• Talk to Nathan about the canned food. When he comes back the next day talk to him again.
• Talk to Jones who will ask you for the money. Offer him a way to earn money.
• Talk to Klaus and tell him Jones will help them escape the country.
I Choose Violence
Dishouse Klaus Shimmer in a hard way
Get Klaus Shimmer arrested by writing a report during the task "Ministry order".
Bad Time Stories
Tune the agitation device on children radio wave
Change the frequency on the propaganda car to 81.6

• Complete the task "Bedtime stories" for Anna (buy a radio for Martha)
• When the propaganda car arrives, agree to change the frequency when Danton calls.
• Talk to Justas about the car, find a way to change the settings (-500 reputation)
• Talk to Justas again, learn when his shift is over. Find rum and give it to him.
• Buy a screwdriver from Nathan. Open the programmer and enter the code (21.12.1864)
• Change the frequency to 81.6.
Dirty Hands
Take part in the attempt on the life of the General
Kill Airel Johnson during the task "The butcher from Agloe" from Danton.
Not So Dumb
This dumb is not mine!
Discover that Albert isn't mute.

• Rent an apartment to Albert Meineke (available after the task "Under suspicion")
• Talk to Albert to learn that he is mute. Watch Albert until you see him talk on the phone
Part 2
Iron Curtain
Carl left in the country
Stay in the country and fail the assessment.
No Man's Spy
Be out of conceit with the secret ending
Open the mailbox and turn the newspaper around. Click on the three fists in the upper corner to reveal a number. Call the number and answer "yes" to get the secret ending.
Patria o Muerte!
New Tomorrow won (Trainee mode)
Help Danton and complete the tasks he gives you. Don't pay a state contribution to Bruno.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Brave New World")
Brave New World
New Tomorrow is already here!
Unlocks when you do "Patria o Muerte!" in Government Elite mode.
Ignorance Is Power
State influence upon citizens life increased (Trainee mode)
Don't help Danton. You can also get this by paying a state contribution to Bruno.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Freedom is Slavery")
Freedom is Slavery
State influence upon citizens life increased
Unlocks when you do "Ignorance Is Power" in Government Elite mode.
Make Peace, Not War
The war ended with ceasefire (Trainee mode)
Help Albert Meineke get the blueprints. Kill Inga Birkenfeld or help her escape.
Don't pay Bruno Hempf a military contribution.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "What Is It Good For?")
What Is It Good For?
The war ended with ceasefire
Unlocks when you do "Make Peace, Not War" in Government Elite mode.
War Is Peace
The State still continues war on the border (Trainee mode)
Don't help Albert Meineke get the blueprints. Don't kill Inga Birkenfeld or help her escape.
You can also get this by paying Bruno Hempf a military contribution.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "War Never Changes")
War Never Changes
Battle actions still take place on the border
Unlocks when you do "War Is Peace" in Government Elite mode.
Solitary Man
All family is dead (Trainee mode)
Everyone in Carl's family died.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Beholden To No One")

• Martha dies (don't buy any medicine for her)
• Anna dies (when Danton calls about Antoine Grubic, tell him Antoine is a government worker)
• Patrick dies (don't give him money for school or the trip abroad)
Beholden To No One
I have nothing to behold
Unlocks when you do "Solitary Man" in Government Elite mode.
Social Unit
All family is alive (Trainee mode)
Everyone in Carl's family survives and emigrates abroad.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Most Important Thing")

• Martha survives (complete the tasks for her medicine, "Life-threatening condition" and "The last jerk")
• Anna survives (when Danton calls about Antoine Grubic, don't tell him Antoine is a government spy)
• Patrick survives (pay for his school and his trip abroad)
• Escape abroad (pay Georg Dreiman to help you emigrate)
Most Important Thing
All family is alive
Unlocks when you do "Social Unit" in Government Elite mode.
Gold Standard
Carl became a gold standard of a model citizen (Trainee mode)
Stay in the country and don't fail the assessment. Do a good job for the ministry by completing their tasks and not helping Danton. You can also pay Bruno to save yourself.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Citizen Shteyn")
Citizen Shteyn
Carl became a gold standard of a model citizen
Unlocks when you do "Gold Standard" in Government Elite mode.
Fired! Out of a Cannon
Carl failed fit and proper test (Trainee mode)
Stay in the country and fail the assessment. Do a bad job for the ministry and help Danton by completing his tasks. Don't pay Bruno to save yourself.
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Validol or Validation?")
Validol or Validation?
Carl failed fit and proper test
Unlocks when you do "Fired! Out of a Cannon" in Government Elite mode.
Borderline Disorder
Carl was caught on the border while he was trying to escape (Trainee mode)
Complete the task "To go or not to go" from Georg Dreiman by leaving without money.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Wetback Wall")
Wetback Wall
Carl was caught on the border while he was trying to escape
Unlocks when you do "Borderline Disorder" in Government Elite mode.
Unpaid Holiday
Carl went abroad (Trainee mode)
Complete the task "To go or not to go" from Georg Dreiman by paying him money.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Their Grass is Greener")

Georg will help you emigrate if you pay him $145,000. Each person you have helped will lower the amount you have to pay. If you helped everyone (see list below) you only have to pay $25,000.
Schimmers: Helped Schimmer's escape with the cruise tickets.
Albert Meineke: Helped him get the blueprints from Bastian Walner.
Inga Birkenfeld: Gave her the fake passport so she could escape.
Danton: Helped Danton and the New Tomorrow movement.
Patrick: Paid for Patrick's school and for his trip abroad.
Their Grass is Greener
Carl went abroad
Unlocks when you do "Unpaid Holiday" in Government Elite mode.
댓글 30
冰激凌小偷 2024년 2월 2일 오전 6시 24분 
thank u
Lucky Thirteen 2023년 11월 12일 오후 8시 54분 
Thanks for the guide! I'd just like to add:

I got the achievement "Iron Curtain" by staying in the country and PASSING the assesment (that playthrough was a mess, guess I did some things well and some things poorly?)

The achievement "Social Unit" can be unlocked even if you don't pay for Patrick's school and give him the Cruise tickets when he asks for money for his trip.
BerçotGames 2023년 11월 7일 오후 6시 04분 
IdrinkWater 2023년 11월 4일 오전 2시 42분 
i drink water
勇者葉纸 2023년 7월 21일 오후 9시 34분 
Green 2023년 5월 22일 오전 2시 27분 
For "Beholden To No One" (all family dead) You can just let the bomb explode in part 1
IDDQD 2023년 1월 30일 오후 2시 28분 
I still got the Gold Standard achievement despite helping Danton kill the General (I lured him to the corner of the apartment.)
nywphadora 2022년 10월 14일 오후 3시 31분 
Steam say it's 60 achievements
Missnezor 2022년 8월 31일 오전 1시 41분 
Hey, thank you so much for this guide! :BUDflower: I noticed that the achievement called "wetback wall" was now named "Stop or I'll shoot!" :acduck:
tyrantton 2022년 7월 7일 오전 4시 41분 
For Patrick to die, you must not give money to Patrick both for his status in the university and for leaving the country. He must be dumb (by working in a mine) and broke (by not having money to escape) to be reckless enough to rob the bank. If you let him die robbing the bank and Martha die when she needs 20000 for medicine, Anna will commit suicide soon after you talk to her about her children's demise. The achievement will pop right when the last member of your family dies.