

194 ratings
Achievement Guide (DLC)
By Erika
How to unlock all achievements in the DLC (Blissful Sleep)
There are 22 achievements in the DLC, 2 of them can only be done in Government Elite mode. If you do a achievement in Government Elite mode it will also unlock for Trainee mode. This guide contains achievements from the DLC only, for achievements from the main game, see the guide below.
Part 1
I'm Too Old For This
Undergo the Blissful Sleep procedure in advance
Don't make any deals with Bruno Hempf or Christopher Danson. Go to the Euthanasia Center before the timer has run out by calling them and telling them you are ready.
Sleep Tight
Hector slept his Blissful Sleep
Don't make any deals with Bruno Hempf or Christopher Danson. Go to the Euthanasia Center after the timer for the task "I don't want to die" has run out (don't call them)
Dance, dance!
Find Zlata Schimmer's biological parents
Find Zlata Schimmer's real parents and pay for her surgery.

• Talk to Klaus and he will offer you the task "Preparing for the holiday".
• Buy fireworks from Nathan and give them to Klaus.
• After Zlata gets taken to the hospital Klaus will offer you the task "Looking for parents".
• Call and request for Zlata's profile. Have her DNA analyzed (-2,000 reputation)
• Search Schimmer's apartment for a lollipop that can be used for DNA analysis.
• Give the DNA to the courier, he wants you to get him a picture of a naked woman.
• Talk to George de Latour and convince him to give you a image of a naked girl (-300 reputation)
• Give the picture to the courier. Pick up the phone when it rings to learn who Zlata's real parents are.
• Tell Klaus who Zlata's parents are. After Klaus has talked to Jacob he will offer you a new task.
• Talk to Louisa and Jacob about Zlata. Wait for a few hours then ask Louisa about Jacob's reaction.
• Call and make a verbal report on Jacob. Talk to Louisa and learn what happened.
• Pick up the phone when it rings, Louisa wants you to get her money for the surgery.
• Call Louisa and tell her you will transfer the money (Trainee: $7,500 / Government Elite: $15,000)
• When Louisa comes home, ask her about the surgery. She will move out and take Marcus with her.
It's not my business
Don't touch secrets of the past
When Klaus wants you to find Zlata's real parents, let the timer on the task run out.

• Talk to Klaus and he will offer you the task "Preparing for the holiday".
• Buy fireworks from Nathan and give them to Klaus.
• After Zlata gets taken to the hospital Klaus will offer you the task "Looking for parents".
• Ignore the task and let the timer run out to unlock the achievement.
District 9
Hector ended his life in the slums
Make Christopher Danson help you by threatening him.

• Rent an apartment to Christopher and Gertrude Danson.
• Watch Christopher until you discover that he beats his wife.
• Talk to Christopher about him beating his wife and ask him what's up (-500 reputation)
• Search the apartment until you find a letter (Christopher's father turned 88)
• Ask Christopher about his father (-500 reputation)
• Make Christopher help you by threatening him.
• Go to the Euthanasia Center (let the timer run out or call them and tell them you are ready)
Without a Severance Pay
Hector went abroad
Ask Christopher Danson for help and have less than 30,000$ when you leave.

• Rent an apartment to Christopher and Gertrude Danson.
• Watch Christopher until you discover that he beats his wife.
• Talk to Christopher about him beating his wife and ask him what's up (-500 reputation)
• Search the apartment until you find a letter (Christopher's father turned 88)
• Ask Christopher about his father (-500 reputation)
• Ask Christopher for help (-1,000 reputation)
• Talk to Gertrude about saving relatives, convince her to help you (-2,000 reputation)
• Talk to Christopher and ask him what he wants. He will tell you that they will help you.
• Make sure you have less than $30,000 so you don't get a comfortable life.
• Go to the Euthanasia Center (let the timer run out or call them and tell them you are ready)
I made it in life
Hector went abroad and guaranteed a comfortable life (Trainee mode)
Ask Christopher Danson for help and have more than 30,000$ when you leave.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "Dolce Vita")

• Rent an apartment to Christopher and Gertrude Danson.
• Watch Christopher until you discover that he beats his wife.
• Talk to Christopher about him beating his wife and ask him what's up (-500 reputation)
• Search the apartment until you find a letter (Christopher's father turned 88)
• Ask Christopher about his father (-500 reputation)
• Ask Christopher for help (-1,000 reputation)
• Talk to Gertrude about saving relatives, convince her to help you (-2,000 reputation)
• Talk to Christopher and ask him what he wants. He will tell you that they will help you.
• Make sure you have more than $30,000 so you will get a comfortable life.
• Go to the Euthanasia Center (let the timer run out or call them and tell them you are ready)
Dolce Vita
Hector went abroad and guaranteed a comfortable life
Unlocks when you do "I made it in life" in Government Elite mode.
Work or die
Work in the Archives till the end of your life (Trainee mode)
Pay Bruno Hempf to not get euthanized and instead work in the archives.
(If you do this in Government Elite mode you will also unlock "111 kilometers")

• Available after Zlata dies or survives and Louisa and Marcus Manishek has moved out.
• Talk to Jacob when he lives alone, he will be angry with you and call you a ministry rat.
• Pick up the phone to recieve the task "Ministry Order" from the Ministry.
• Search Klaus Schimmer's apartment for his certificate and steal it.
• Call Bruno Hempf and report about the absentee ballot.
• Give the ballot to Bruno outside the building. Talk to him about avoiding euthanasia.
• Call Bruno and tell him you have the money (Trainee: $35,000 / Government Elite: $70,000)
• Talk to Bruno when he is outside the building and pay him to not get euthanized.
• Go to the Euthanasia Center (let the timer run out or call them and tell them you are ready)
111 kilometers
Work in the Archives till the end of your life (Hard Mode)
Unlocks when you do "Work or die" in Government Elite mode.
Part 2
Love Potion No. 9
They lived happily… or not
Give Jeanne Oehrn a love potion.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren.
• Talk to George de Latour about the mistress, George will tell you that he is in love with Jeanne Oehrn.
• Talk to George again after a few hours and he will offer you the task "Love and Granite".
• Talk to Khan about a love potion. Agree to help him with the task "A Wicked Deal".
• Put a bag inside each bed in the apartments 1, 2, 3 and 4 (only works if you put it inside the bed)
• When you are done, talk to Khan and he will tell you that he needs a personal item.
• Search the wardrobe in George's apartment and steal Jeanne's hat.
• Give the hat to Khan and he will give you the love potion.
• Talk to Jeanne and persuade her to drink the love potion (-500 reputation)
At both fronts
Contribute to art development
Help George find a buyer for his statue.

• Watch George and discover that he is making an unusual statue.
• Ask George about a woman's statue to recieve the task "Image of the Leader".
• Talk to Mark Ranek about the state standard form, he will leave to get the form.
• Find a bottle of whiskey. When Mark comes back, give it to him and he will give you the form.
• Give George the state standard form. Call Bruno and offer him the statue.
• Talk to George about the statue and he will thank you for your help.
Merry Drakaris
Warm the old lady
Buy "Calefacient" from Khan and give it to Rosa Ranek.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren.
• Talk to Rosa Ranek about the cold and offer her your sympathy.
• Talk to Khan about different remedies. Buy the remedy "Calefacient" ($500)
• Talk to Rosa Ranek about the cold and give her the balm.
Leg Grower
Help the war veteran grow back his leg
Buy "Leg Grow" from Khan van Megeren and give it to Murray Gibbs.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren and Murray Gibbs.
• Ask Murray about his work and then his injury.
• Wait until Murray offers you the task "An Old Wound".
• Talk to Khan about different remedies. Buy the remedy for amputees ($500)
• Talk to Murray and offer him the "Leg Grow".
Awesome Descartres
There can't be too many thoughts!
Buy "Killer Descartes" from Khan van Megeren and give it to Johanne Bessler.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren and Johanne Bessler.
• Pick up the phone to receive a task from the ministry (answer the phone but ignore the task)
• Talk to Johanne and ask him about his work.
• Talk to Khan about different remedies. Buy the potion to improve one's mental prowess ($500)
• Give the potion to Johanne.
Look into the monsters' eyes
Fear must be overcome
Buy "Face the Monsters" from Khan van Megeren and give it to Christopher Danson.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren and Christopher Danson.
• Watch Christopher until you discover that he beats his wife.
• Talk to Christopher about him beating his wife and ask him what's up (-500 reputation)
• Ask Christopher about hard labour and he will tell you that he is scared of his boss.
• Talk to Khan about different remedies. Buy the remedy against fear ($500)
• Talk to Christopher and offer him a way to cope with fear.
Blast from the past
When the ghosts from your past haunt you
Buy "Blast from the Past" from Khan van Megeren and give it to Lionel Kramer.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren and Lionel Kramer.
• Search the wardrobe in Lionel's apartment and find the skeleton.
• Ask Lionel about the skeleton, agree or disagree to help him (doesn't matter). Ask him about his wife.
• Talk to Khan about different remedies. Buy the cure for sorrow ($500)
• Talk to Lionel about the past explosion balm.
Law and Order
Talk to the cat in one language
Buy "Animal Talk potion" from Khan van Megeren.

• Help three tenants with balsams from Khan (Rosa, Murray, Johanne or Christopher)
• Talk to Khan and ask him what he needs. He will tell you that you have bought 3 balsams from him and then offers you a special potion for understanding animal speech. Buy it from him ($1,000)
You're not Hannibal Lector
Bring justice
Write a report on Lionel Kramer after finding the skeleton in his wardrobe.

• Rent an apartment to Lionel Kramer.
• Search the wardrobe in Lionel's apartment and find the skeleton.
• Steal the skeleton fragment (not the skeleton) from the wardrobe.
• Call the ministry and request a DNA identification (-2,000 reputation)
• Give the DNA sample to the courier standing next to the mailbox.
• Pick up the phone when the ministry calls, they will tell you that the DNA is from a missing girl.
• Write a report on Lionel and use the new evidence you found (a criminal is detected)
Be friends with a pirate
Help Murray Gibbs get a new job as a pirate in the theatre.

• Rent an apartment to Khan van Megeren and Murray Gibbs.
• Wait until Murray offers you the quest "Honor and Respect".
• Open the mailbox and find the ad from the theatre, call the number to schedule an audition.
• Tell Murray about the job. When he gets back from the audition, ask him what happened.
• Talk to Khan and ask him about the parrot. Buy the stuffed crow from him ($1,000)
• Talk to George de Latour and ask him to color the stuffed bird for you.
• Give the parrot to Murray. Talk to Murray when he gets back and he will tell you he got the job.
Whiskered idler
Try to get rid of the animal
Write a report on your cat.

• Find red caviar (buy it from Nathan for $23,100 or steal it from Ranek or Danson's apartment)
• Put the red caviar in your apartment and discover it so it shows up on Order's profile.
• Write a report on Order and use the red caviar as evidence.
Live like a boss
Feed the cat with banned food
Give your cat red caviar instead of cat food.

• Find red caviar (buy it from Nathan for $23,100 or steal it from Ranek or Danson's apartment)
• When Order gets hungry, feed him the red caviar instead of using the canned cat food.
Some_kind_of_no_name 17 Apr, 2023 @ 12:11pm 
emscrm 8 Apr, 2022 @ 10:59am 
Already opened all the achievements and only now saw this guide, but you made it very well :BEjoyful:
darwin 7 Apr, 2022 @ 1:33pm 
намного лучше русского гайда :steamthumbsup:
Proxykon 22 Jul, 2021 @ 10:56am 
Your description of District 9 is partially incorrect. You can't just threaten Christopher and be done with it. After you threatened him, you have to talk to him again and discuss the agreement. Only then will he and his wife move out and only after that can you call the Euthanasia Center or wait the remaining time out to get the District 9 ending. Otherwise the game will default to the Blissful Sleep ending.
GX7 10 Jul, 2019 @ 7:43pm 
Awesome, thanks very much!
Joanne Fairchild 17 Apr, 2018 @ 7:54am 
Thanks, it was awesomely helpful! 100% Achievements achieved!