The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Bag of Trash (tw edition)
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2 Jan, 2013 @ 12:08am
3 Jan, 2013 @ 5:16pm
4 Change Notes ( view )

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Bag of Trash (tw edition)

In 1 collection by Team Vladof
Convenience Tweaks
22 items
Serial kleptomaniac's rejoice!

Mod adds a Bag of Trash to your inventory that you can open & toss unwanted junk away in. You can also adjust the bag's settings to pay you a % of the junk value. Items get removed cleanly from the game world (and your save file), and you make some coin on the side. Hurrah!


1) When you first use the mod, your Bag of Trash will be immediately added to your armor inventory with a quest-like fanfare

2) Drop the bag from your inventory

3) Activate the bag to change payout settings (ie: % of item values you want to get paid when trashing them in Bag of Trash)

4) Pick up bag again

5) Equip it in your armor inventory, then close your inventory; the Bag's inventory will open up for you to toss items into it

6) Once done tossing items into it, close the Bag's inventory; it'll scrap everything and pay you the % gold based on your settings

You can toss the bag into a storage container or drop it on the ground and move it around as you see fit. You only get one bag, though, so if you put it in a container that resets or you lose it, simply uninstall the mod then reactivate it to have a new one added.


This is a fork/update/revision of zBobg's original (which itself was based on JustinOther's Bag of Holding). I made quite a few changes under-the-hood, but main ones are getting the gold payout working (and giving player feedback on how much was paid), plus giving player settings to adjust bag's % item value payout (0-100%).

I had it in mind to make a Dwemer Clutter Bug for the longest time. The idea was to open its inventory, and add junk to it that you wanted it to eat from your inventory. EG: a basket. After closing it, you'd walk around around, it would periodically scan your inventory for any items that matched what was in its inventory, and if it found them, it'd remove them from your inventory and pay you for them. The idea behind this was that you could then run around grabbing all those worthless baskets, lanterns and other garbage littering places, and automatically get a little gold for them without even having to jack around with your inventory or going to a merchant; the clutter bug would just "eat" them automatically and poop gold in return.

I found zBobg's Bag of Trash, and decided to download and look at it to get an idea of how to do the inventory swappings and such. However, I quickly trashed my idea after jacking around with papyrus to try to use Form Lists like arrays, loading and removing clutter bug items from it that it would search for. I couldn't get ♥♥♥♥ to load in the form lists even though I could get them to pull back other values (like the gold amount of the item).

So, I gave up on that.

But, I noticed zBobg didn't update his mod since Feb 2012, and folks were complaining about the bag eating items w/o returning gold. So, I started tweaking stuff.

I basically stripped out a lot of script, and moved things around so they're not in the OnUpdate event being called all the time when not needed. (For some strange reason, Skyrim was still processing OnUpdates even when I forced them to unregister OnLoad and only gave them a RegisterForSingleUpdate(1) command... it just keep running the update on the container script. So, shuffling things into functions that only ran when called fixed it.)

The main difference in his vs. mine is that his would add/remove gold from you as you added/removed each item from the bag. I think it was doing it silently, and since players didn't get any feedback they thought it wasn't adding gold. Mine streamlines the process by simply tracking the net sum of gold as a variable as you add/remove items from the bag. When you finally close the bag, it gives you a single, grand total pay out.

Likewise, zBobg had different versions of his mod for folks that didn't want to get paid, wanted to get paid a little, or wanted to get paid full value of trashed items. I liked the idea, but decided to make a "settings" option that lets you set how much the bag pays out. This way one mod covers all of that.

A final change is that the dropped bag is no longer a container you can open. When the bag is dropped, it's just an item you can activate to take, leave or adjust settings. To open and use the bag, you must add it to your inventory first.


Because papyrus only has a function to GetGoldValue on the form (base item), but not the object ref (current item instance), you will only get gold based on the item's base value. Sounds confusing, let's explain...


Ysgramir's shield has a base value of 1000g. If I work it over at the forge to be super-leet and worth > 1000g, the Bag of Trash will still only pay me based on the base 1000g when I trash it.

I don't like this, but I can only work within the confines of Beth's scripting language.


Also, if you equip Bag of Trash multiple times real fast and/or equip it then drop it real fast and close your inventory (ie: basically, you screw around), you may end up with more than 1 in your inventory. (I think I ended up with 1 on the ground and 1 in my inventory, which made 2 when I picked the other up).

If this happens, just get all of them in your inventory, then equip Bag of Trash once (like a normal person), toss the extras in it, and close it ... *poof* gone. I reduced Bag's value to 0g (instead of zBobg's 10,000g), so you won't get gold for glitching this.

I could work-around this by making the bag a "potion" or "food" that you consume, thus only letting you click it once in your menu and it disappearing immediately while setting a flag to open the container. But, some folks (me included), like to keep a very small inventory. Some of us don't use potions or carry food, so constantly seeing the potion/food option show up in the inventory just for the bag is annoying. Almost everyone does use armor (or some kind of clothing). So, bag can hide out there w/o the inventory menu getting cluttery.


And finally, if you ever lose or misplace the bag, just uninstall and reactivate the mod per instructions below.


This will def conflict with any Bag of Trash version from zBobg, since I basically kept his objects and script names intact (just tweaked the scripts themselves mostly).

Either use his, or use this, but don't use both.


1) Close game
2) Deselect mod on next start-up
3) Make new save w/o bag mod
4) Close game
5) (optional) re-activate mod to get bag added again
6) Restart game

Change Log

* Tundro's fork of zBobg's original Bag of Trash

* Per Adura's suggestion, modified script to use %'s properly to calc gold returns

* Optmized gold & payout tracking / calculations to be more memory efficient (ie: tracked as ints instead of floats)
* Upgraded Settings menu for more robust player control of payout setting

* Huzzah! .. finally fixed bag to only add once, never bugging you again about adding itself when you restart the game. Bag also remembers it payout setting now. (Basically, zbobg was using a quest to auto-run the bag add script, but the "complete quest" flag wasn't checked. So, it kept running the quest initialization on every game startup. It was a minor tweak, and problem is solved.)
dukethepcdr 10 Jun, 2020 @ 3:39pm 
When you first get this mod, remember to equip the bag, then drop it so that you can adjust the settings before you pick it back up again. I keep mine set on giving 100% of items' worth in gold. Use it that way, and you'll be rolling in gold in no time.
dukethepcdr 10 Jun, 2020 @ 3:38pm 
This is possibly the best mod for dealing with excessive loot, especially if you are trying to save up enough gold to buy a horse, house or something else expensive. It doesn't advance your speech perk like buying and selling with vendors does, so don't over-use it if your speech is low. Raising your speech can really help you out in this game. Sometimes, even more than raising attacks can.
Raden 15 Apr, 2020 @ 11:48pm 
Thank you! I only noticed today that it was eating my items and not giving me gold. I discovered this when I should have had 4000 gold after Helgen (because of all the dead soldiers I looted the armour and weapons from) when I got to Whiterun and was like "cool, time for a spell tome shopping spree at Farengar... wait, where the hell is all my money??" Was not pleased. I'm looking forward to trying this one out!
Vampire Woona 15 Jan, 2019 @ 9:02am 
So I recently decided to try out the old Bag Of Holding mod that this is essentially a second-generation cousin of, and I really like some of that mod's features, like finding it during a quest, not having to close your menu to use it, and particularly being able to open it directly from the world when you drop it. So I was wondering if it would at all be possible to make a sort of hybrid between Bag Of Holding and Bag of Trash, so that they're more like sisters than cousins? I have almost no experience creating mods, so any help in attempting this would be greatly appreciated.
Team Vladof  [author] 21 Aug, 2018 @ 8:23pm 
@Stygander ... cool. Thanks, man.
Stygander 21 Aug, 2018 @ 5:50pm 
ported to SE, and uploaded to nexus. Credit given, will change things as needed
Ali'Sys ⛧ 16 Nov, 2017 @ 10:44pm 
Alright, thanks for letting me know about if it's a bug or not (seriously I was going bloody insane).

And thanks again for providing the Bag Mod, serves as an excellent 25% trade-off (What I've set it to) for not fast-travelling. Also, I think the fact that it doesn't pay you for the full enhanced amount is a fair diminishing return for not selling it to a real shop in my opinion.

I honestly don't even see how such a potential bug (the weapon one) got past the game-testing phase so easily in the first place.
Team Vladof  [author] 16 Nov, 2017 @ 9:54pm 
@Equilisys ... the "weapons left behind" is a bug. Most game cells are supposed to reset at some point, but I think in Skyrim the reset time (in in-game days) is so high you hardly ever see it. The Unofficial Patch fixes most of this "crap left behind" stuff, tying weapons to enemies and having the weapon despawn when the enemy despawns. But, again, you have to wait for the cell reset timer to cool down, which can take a long time if you're not fast travelling across the map 20 times over.
Ali'Sys ⛧ 15 Nov, 2017 @ 7:58pm 
I have a problem at the moment (yet to find a PERFECT workaround in CK) where the world has weapons lying everywhere after kill despawns and could potentially build-up-clutter the enviroment unecessarily and also negatively impact my machine. Using this mod is far better than having the immersion completely killed to a possible bug; finding a damn chest that resets to dump the trash weapons to clean up the area.

Ontop of that, having the bag convert other unwanted items into gold saves time, especially the very fact that the trash uses up my vendor gold which drives me nuts when I am trying to turn a decent profit. The only thing from there I can do with it is attempt to level my speech which trash doesn't serve that well. I especially tried the recycling mods but they don't seem to cover everything.

TL;DR: This Bag is like the final solution to my problems and THANK You for uploading this.
Team Vladof  [author] 21 Aug, 2017 @ 8:17pm 
@Trezor ... yes, any kind of gear that you can have in inventory and put in a bag (ie: as long as it's not a quest item you can't remove from inventory). Items in the CK have an intrinisic gold value as part of their creation. But, the bag only uses the base gold value, not any value added by crafting / enhancing. So, if you toss in a sword from a mod, it will use the base gold value. If you smithed the sword to be worth more, you'll still just get the base gold value.