Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

Star Wars: Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005)

37 ratings
SWBFII (Classic, 2005) Tips and Tricks for playing on Hero Assault Servers
By Echo NO Aim and 1 collaborators
Update: Since this is my first Guide I had no concept about how I will write down my whole knowledge about this game. Now I noticed this Guide will be a bit confusing so I decided to split it in different Guides and shift some content. It will take some time until I finished this so if you're eager to learn some (new) things please be patient with me.

This guide is for beginners and people new to the hero assault mode. If you've played this game for a longer period of time or when the multiplayer was still alive you maybe won't find something new. I created this guide so the basics won't get lost in the future. Also I added some 'techniques' that were used by experienced players. Some people may call it bugs/glitches, some may not. Players that used those moves had a huge advantage over others on multiplayer. You won't need half of them in singleplayer since it's not that challenging if you have improved in this game mode. Also the AIs aren't that smart, too.
Some movements may be easier to perform with Darth Vader.

Some basics are explained here:

I will translate this guide into German when I have enough time.

Because I was inactive for some years I might have forgotten some things. I will add them if I remember them or people remind me.

Some screenshots will follow.

If there's something I can improve or some instructions are unclear, let me know it.

P.S.: Sorry for bad English.

Thank you for reading and have fun!
Proper Lightsaber Block
Lightsaber Block doesn't work on Jedi/Sith as it does on blasters. Ever got knocked down by a Jedi or Sith while blocking? Look at the center of a map to block every physical attack. If you don't know the direction of the map's center open the map (default M).

Edit: Apparently there are people knowing more than me about the 'Center Block'. For more information you can read this:

I will update it when I have the time. Rewriting those texts really take their time. And English is my second language.
Infinite Lightsaber Block
Use up your whole stamina. When the stamina bar regenerates press block (default F, mouse button 3). This only works if the stamina bar is still low while regenerating.

Infinite Force Choke
Use Force Choke on an enemy and switch your force power to Saber Throw. This only works with Sith having the ability to throw their lightsaber.

Shifting your attack radius
By looking up into the sky you shift your attack radius up and behind you. This makes you hit your enemies standing behind you with normal lightsaber attacks. You also can force choke an enemy standing behind you with this.
Looking at the bottom only makes you hit the target in front of you.
Force Choke combined with Force Lightning
Use Force Choke on the enemy and switch your force power to Force Lightning while choking.

Emperor Glitch (only visible on online servers)
Get very close to a target (enemy, ally, droid) and press Lightsaber Attack + Force Power (default mouse button 1 + default mouse button 2). You will be surprised what happens. You also can make your target (enemy, ally) spin around while doing this by looking up.

Remember, this is only visible on multiplayer servers.

I will add some more but multiplayer is still lagging as hell so I can't take proper screenshots right now.
Infinite Jedi Sprint
Use infinite Lightsaber Block. Then move forward (default W) and press Sprint (default SHIFT, right SHIFT) and Roll (default ALT) at the same time. You also can press W+SHIFT+ALT at the same time whil using infinite Lightsaber Block. If this is too hard for you move forward and hold down Roll. Then press SHIFT.
Slow Jedi Sprint
Switch your Force Power from Saber Throw to any other Force Power. Then sprint while blocking (default SHIFT+ default W+ default F). This also works with 'default mouse button 3' instead of 'F', but I prefer using 'F' for this.
Well, I hope you can see the missing motion blur in the second picture. I didn't turn it off through video options or Fake Console. Since it's a slow sprint the motion blur doesn't appear.
Lag Jedi Sprint (Lag Sprint)
Ever had the phenomenon of sliding instead of sprinting (happened a lot on multiplayer servers)? It looks like you're standing while sprinting. You can enforce this occurence by switching your Force Power to Saber Throw and crouching (default C). Then move forward (default W) and press SHIFT. Hold down both keys and press block (default F). With a bit of practise you can press all 3 keys at the same time to make this happen.

Jedi Sprint while facing into different direction on screen
Use infinite Jedi Sprint and then slowly switch from moving forward (default W) to left or right (default A, default D). You will run slower than using the slow Jedi Sprint. Now switch from one of your chosen directions to moving backwards (default S) and your character will look at you while sprinting. This isn't useful at all but for the enjoyment. Also this will be used for backwards sprinting that I will explain later.

Infinite Lag Sprint
Now let's combine the two previous sections. It's a bit tricky but I think you will manage it.

Use up all your stamina so the stamina bar will be grey and fade until it regenerates the normal stamina. While this happens crouch (default C), move forwards (default W), press Sprint (default SHIFT) and Roll (default ALT) and hold these keys (W+SHIFT+ALT). Crouching (default C) isn't needed for this combination, you only need to crouch at the very beginning. Now add Lightsaber Block (default F, mouse button 3) to this combination. Experienced players are able to pull this off by pressing all 4 keys at the same time.
After you are in lag sprint mode you only have to hold forward (default W) and Roll (default ALT) to maintain the infinite lag sprint.
Sprinting backwards (Backwards sprint)
Remember when I told you about sprinting backwards? The previous sections were to explain step by step how to pull that off.

Use infinite lag sprint and combine it with the Jedi Sprint that faces towards a different direction on your screen. You hold forward and Roll (default W, default ALT) for the infinite lag sprint and switch from forward (default W) to another direction (default A, default D) and then to backwards (default S). Now you will be lag-sprinting backwards. Be careful you still hold A or D while playing around with forwards and backwards while doing this or you will exit your lag sprint.
Nulling (Nullifying sprint/dash attacks)
Nulling is easy explained, but difficult for beginners to use. If an enemy is sprinting towards you and attacks with a sprint attack, you don't have to block him. Nulling is used to knock down a dashing enemy and canceling his attack.

If an enemy charges at you and is already using his sprint attack, just stand still and hit him (default mouse button 1). If your timing is perfect he will take damage and fall down while you're still standing without suffering damage. If an enemy is heading towards the center of the map trying to attack you will have a harder time nulling him. You can prevent this by placing yourself looking towards the center of the map. If you're not sure about your timing just null and take a step to the left/right at the same time. Some people had numerous notations for that like 'haxing'.

It's hard to practice without multiplayer.
On some buildings there are curves between the bottom and the wall. Run against them and keep holding the keys for sprinting. Now you will spurt up the wall. With Darth Vader you will even shoot into the air.
Walljump and jumping in the air without using stamina
Use Wallrun and jump at the proper moment to gain altitude. It's the moment you hit the wall with your character. This uses a lot of stamina and applies to all classes (Jedi, Sith, Troopers, Droids...).

For jumping in the air without using stamina at the first jump use Wallrun. When you're in the air or charging into the air let go from all keys and press Lightsaber Block (default F, mouse button 3). I prefer mouse button 3 for this. Now you're blocking while being in the air. Now you can jump like you're standing at the bottom.

Here are a few videos explaining how to use rounded roofs on Mos Eisley for ramping by Walzatrov. Ramping is the same like wallruns but instead of using walls you use the spherical roofs.

Keep running in the air
Use Wallrun and press forward (default W), Lightsaber Block (default F) and Sprint (default SHIFT) at the same time. When you stop touching the bottom and get launched into the air keep pressing shift but let off forward and Lightsaber Block. Now you're standing in the air for a short amount of time. You can press forward now (default W) to walk for a very short amount of time in the air. While doing this press and hold Lightsaber Block again (default F, mouse button 3) to start running mid air. It's easier doing this while pressing forward (default W) and Lightsaber Block (default F, mouse button 3) at the same time. After a certain amount of time your sprint will turn into a free fall. To prevent this hold sprint (default SHIFT) and keep tapping forward (default W) and Lightsaber Block (default F, mouse button 3) at the same time.
The Master discipline in online mode:
Maybe you already did that without knowing or already know that, but finishing off an enemy while looking up sends him flying.

While he is in the air but close to the bottom place your back towards the enemy and just hit him again and keep looking up. It's very easy if you use the backwards attack, also known as Backslash (default S + default mouse button 1). Keep using this attack when the already dead enemy is close of hitting the bottom. Darth Maul is recommended for this since his Backslash makes the enemy fly very high and inexperienced players will have more time to adjust themselves below the enemy again. If you're good at this you can vary juggling with normal hits. Personally the most easiest way for me is using the Emperor, Darth Vader and Count Dooku.
Very good players that mastered juggling can juggle 2 or more people at the same time or keep juggling for minutes. This was very annoying for some people in the past since it keeps you from respawning. To escape a good juggle just leave the server and rejoin.
Sprinting after Saber Throw
If you throw your lightsaber, you normally can't run from attacking enemies but jump away from them. But if you switch your Force Power (default 1, mousewheel up) from Saber Throw to your second Force Power (Force Choke, Force Pull, Force Push) after throwing your lightsaber you still can sprint (default W (2x), default W + default SHIFT).
Thanks to Walzatrov this guide finally gets a few videos explaining how to pull off some of the tricks. Maybe his YouTube channel will get even more exciting content.
Echo NO Aim  [author] 26 Oct, 2020 @ 5:15pm 
Nulling is practiced best with a partner in online gaming. Sorry for the very late reply.
Your lightsaber should strike down before the enemy player attacks you. Your lightsaber is already down when the enemy player uses his sprint attack against you.
GoonSlaper 6 Oct, 2019 @ 10:03am 
Can you do a guide on nulls
Time 19 Nov, 2018 @ 8:13am 
Ein Guide, der dir die Basics mal etwas näher bringt. Absolut klasse.
Bei Gelegenheit werde ich diesen Guide weiter empfehlen, da hier wirklich alles gut auf den Punkt erklärt ist. Jedoch gibt es noch so viel mehr... :D
Ich habe mir seit Oktober letzten Jahres noch so einige Dinge beibringen können. z.B. habe ich mir mal das Kampfsystem näher angeschaut und bin jetzt in der Lage, Aayla's Dash mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 90% zu nullen. In früheren Zeiten hätte ich mir gar nicht vorstellen können, welch' große Rolle das Center der Map hier spielt. So wirken die Möglichkeiten in einem Kampf schier unendlich. Nun gut, genug gelabert...

Gruß Time
Echo NO Aim  [author] 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:32am 
No. Blocking works on rockets, blasters and flamethrowers as long as you stand in front of someone. If attack from behind of course you will land your shots.
Evils: The Evil Clone of Elvis 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:28am 
also, do nulls work with the flamethrower and blaster?
Echo NO Aim  [author] 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:23am 
Well then practice. There's no guaranteed kill. If you know how you get killed then learn to avoid these situations.
Echo NO Aim  [author] 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:22am 
By the way I think I'll return to SWBF2 later this year. Maybe some old folks I played with from v1.0 will follow.
Evils: The Evil Clone of Elvis 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:22am 
I want to know how to get some kills with them reliably
Echo NO Aim  [author] 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:21am 
Not pointless but annoying I'd say.
Evils: The Evil Clone of Elvis 21 Aug, 2018 @ 9:19am 
they're kind of pointless in hero assault