Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

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8x1 Deco Parking Lot Lit
Assets: Park
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699.773 KB
13 Oct, 2017 @ 10:01am
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8x1 Deco Parking Lot Lit

In 1 collection by Artemis *Seven*
Parking Lots by Artemis *Seven*
21 items
by Artemis *Seven*

IMPORTANT: The planters used in my Deco line of assets have been linked to Network Extensions 2 mod. I realize some people have problems with getting it work (Mac users specifically) and I'd like my parkings to be conflict free, however until I find (or make) a proper replacement, Network Extensions 2 will be listed as a requirement. In the meantime I'll ask Lazarus if he can release the planter as a standalone prop.

Functions as a an actual parking lot and can be found in Parks.
It will not attract people or create fake usage.

NOTE: The use of TM:PE parking features is highly recommended to properly utilize all parking spaces. It is available here:
Traffic Manager: President Edition on Steam Workshop

Has 6 required items. Not subscribing should not break the asset however it will lack most of the visuals.
Fifth in the only series (Deco) of my parkings that will feature tile surface decals. Contains extra low poly trees by the great pdelmo.
All required items are vetted for (extra) low performance imact so you can plop away :)

This parking is designed for esthetics over funcionality, however it contains the same number of parking spaces as my Basic line parking lot of equivalent size.

It consumes very small amounts of both electricity and water (for the trees, no sewage). It is twice as expensive to build and maintain as my basic parking of equivalent size (which is still very little).

Meant to be placed between roads and buildings as a natural and functional 1-tile separator.

It is side-stackable meaning it should seamlessly join with another instance of itself when placed on either side.

- Please inform me in the comments if the planters don't appear for you, I am not 100% certain I listed ALL requirements (I'm fairly certain the planters are vanilla)

Entertainment stats:
Accumulation: 25
Radius: 250