

146 ratings
How to Make Arts With Emoticons That Mosaticon Cannot Load
By gawrone
This guide offers very simple to use method, that allows you to make arts with emoticons you have in your inventory, but Mosaticon is not loading them.
Mosaticon cannot load some emoticons from your inventory? Probably those you just wanted to use in your art? This is an issue known to lots of Steam emoticon art creators.

In this guide I will share a temporary solution to that problem, than I've been using. It is most useful in large emoticon arts, when replacing each emoticon by hand would be very time consuming, but it can make your life easy also in small arts.
After september 2017 (not sure if this has something to do with Mozilla update, or Mosaticon was fixed), many people have noticed that the problem has decreased. There are still emoticons that Mosaticon cannot see, but it includes mostly emoticons that are no longer avaivable on the market, like those from deleted games. That is why I'm not deleting this guide - it still going to be useful. I'm just updating it to present circumstances.
Step 1 - Replacement for the Looks
Make a mosaic in Mosaticon using an emoticon that looks similar to that desired missing one.

I wanted to use :atorb_e1: to make a simple, four color bar pattern. This emoticon comes from a deleted game so cannot be bought on the market anymore, but has a very unique shade of blue. Unfortunately Mosaticon cannot see it.

As a temporary replacement I used :sp:, which is very similar. This way I can predict how my mosaic will look at the end.

Unfortunately :sp: has a much shorter name than :atorb_e1: I want to use. I need to make sure if this emoticon art will fit the steam character limit, after I replace emoticons, so let us move to the next step.
Step 2 - Replacement for the Lenght
Find an emote with the same name lenght as desired one and use it to check the character count.

Simply use bucket tool in Mosaticon to replace your temporary "looks" emoticon, with any other emoticon that have the same name lenght as your desired, missing emote.

I used :woo_crow: becasue my desired :atorb_e1: also uses 10 characters of the limit (including colons).

Now I know that my final mosaic will have 764 characters, so I can move to the next step.
Step 3 - Replacement for the End.
Export the code and use any text editor with a function of finding and replacing text fragment.
Use it to replace any appearance of the code of the "replacement" emoticon to the desired one.

Be aware, that some text editors can only find and replace words separated by spaces, and will treat your mosaic code as one word. You need a function that can find set of characters inside a word.

If you do not have editor like that or do not want to download any new software, use this link to a free online tool I use all the time, and will use as example in this guide:

Using it is very intuitive. You have upper and lower big windows, and small bars between them for text input. Follow this procedure:

1) Paste your code into the upper window.
2) Write the name of your "replacement" emoticon in the upper bar.
3) Write the name of your desired emoticon in the lower bar.
4) Copy the result from the bottom big window.

The result is the code for your emoticon art, with the desired emoticon, ready to paste on steam.

And this is how the result looks, when published on Steam:

Other Guides
If you want to check how to create emoticon art picture instead of generating it:

If you want to make transparent emoticon arts:

If you want to crop your emoticon art much more efficient, than mossaticon allows you to:
Final Words
If you found any way of improvement for this guide, please share in comments.

Now go and have fun with all your emoticons, even those invisible for Mosaticon.


♣polkovnik♠ 9 Oct, 2021 @ 9:50am 
Hi guys,how to clean the canvas from emoticons?
𝒓𝒐𝒎𝒂𝒂𝒔 'ㅅ') 17 Oct, 2017 @ 1:44pm 
thanks for the great work, my friend ~ :grayball:
you always help us ~ :erune:
Phoenix 17 Oct, 2017 @ 6:54am 
Nice guide:steamhappy::bsshrapnel::rosebud::ruby:
❈ ჯҽӀą ❈ Д 17 Oct, 2017 @ 12:44am 
good Guide :100percent::upvoted::starempty:
ProCryonicX⁧⁧ᵇˡˢ 17 Oct, 2017 @ 12:03am 
Rated and Faved! This guide is both genuinely helpful and very needed on steam! :lifeheart:
gawrone  [author] 16 Oct, 2017 @ 11:27pm 
Of course I remember, and you was not alone :blackbird:
stardustsunday 16 Oct, 2017 @ 11:25pm 
Faved and rated! :rbrb4::retroheart: Thanks for addressing this problem! :kiss: (I know you remember I told you about it before)
A7CHEMIST. 16 Oct, 2017 @ 12:09pm 
Nice :lovew: awesome guide as always, keep the good work!
gawrone  [author] 16 Oct, 2017 @ 8:11am 
Thank you! :crowmance:
Steph S. 15 Oct, 2017 @ 4:15pm 
Very helpful