Shadowrun Returns

Shadowrun Returns

48 ratings
An open world rpg where you get to explore.
Story Attributes: Import Character, Import Items
Contains: Story
File Size
172.104 KB
8 Oct, 2017 @ 4:50pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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An open world rpg where you get to explore.

+1 Story Mission
+7 Cop Missions
+7 Criminal Missions
+1 Hitman Mission
+1 Socialite Mission

-Allows character import
-Has social system for talker characters who want to walk on by through the missions when you increase your (+3) social standing
-Has Business and Crime districts for robbing or shutting down operations. You can also purchase the business or criminal activity, you get paid when you get back home.
Maro 25 Dec, 2018 @ 3:08pm 
Because of the comments this has, I'll leave the choice of trying this out for another time, although it does seems interesting.
nln_rose 22 Dec, 2018 @ 5:40pm 
No dialog options or conversation your interactions are limited to pickpocketing, arresting, selling drugs and the like. unneccesarily vast spaces.
Kira Did Nothing Wrong 30 Sep, 2018 @ 1:48am 
will take a look and that sounds good
Black Spiderman  [author] 29 Sep, 2018 @ 3:45pm 
@Mihailo Vasic I haven't given up on making a sequel, I've just been busy writing other things, you can check them out for free at and , Zarx The Bounty Hunter is my favorite story, check out that one . Just to get you excited for the Open City RPG 2, I might do story-locations that trigger events like, your drug lab place got robbed, so you're active about it, instead doing stuff like that to other people. And making the social system, a group thing, so it's more The Sims-like, so if you make friends with a civilian, you're on the civilian side, so it's more RPG-y.
John Helldiver 22 Sep, 2018 @ 11:04am 
it doesn't seem to run
Kira Did Nothing Wrong 13 Sep, 2018 @ 6:17am 
did you make the sequel op
Black Spiderman  [author] 9 Nov, 2017 @ 3:46pm 
Thanks for letting me know. I'm pretty sure I borked it. It didn't used to mess up until the recent reupload I did where I changed the dependencies and switched to the character import from new character creation. I'll probably make a sequel, rather than go back and fix it, to be honest. If there was a fix that I'd do, it would be switching back to new character creation since the character import switch seems to have corrupted the entire campaign with asking you to import before each scene.
chaosdragon49 9 Nov, 2017 @ 1:42pm 
This UGC is an interesting concept but it needs some serious polish, it asks you to import before each scene, dialog is non-existent, there's no stash for players, and you can't change scenes without the game freezing.
Black Spiderman  [author] 8 Oct, 2017 @ 4:54pm 
I decided to add a story mission, added a money payout for every mission, fixed a typo, and changed it so there can be a character import, so players can have a functional base.