Portal 2

Portal 2

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dank pank 14 Feb, 2021 @ 1:57pm 
Absolute work of art in puzzlemaking. So few elements and so much potential fully used. It was a real brain twister for me and my friend and solving it was very worth it. Very nice job
Darth Vader 24 Jul, 2020 @ 9:48pm 
Well done! Very cool map, me and my friend enjoyed too much, so fun! Many puzzles, and smart map! recommend it! Its took 50 minutes to complete.

Please check my map: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1832332194
leave your comment, suggestions and don't forget to rate it! Thanks!
Infinite Gigahertz 14 Jan, 2020 @ 9:03pm 
You see, when trying to get other people to buy your bread, watch your movie, or play your Portal map, we, as a society, collectively agree that creators should market fairly and honestly to consumers. If a food company lies about how many calories are in their bread, they get fined by the FDA. If a movie studio lies about how explicit the content in its film, they get fined by the FCC.

But what happens if someone lies on their Steam Workshop page? What if someone puts something in their tags that isn't in the map? What if someone promises goo, but there is no goo? Nothing. Nothing happens. And that's a major problem in our society. I don't blame the map creator entirely, this person just took advantage of a system they had no part in creating. But if we have a society where people are allowed to promise goo on Portal 2 maps but don't deliver, do we really live in a society at all?
Doctor Bowtie 14 Jan, 2020 @ 8:57pm 
I constantly feel myself being reminded of the folly of man, this will usually come in the form of a level using the goo tag when in fact no goo is present. Am I missing some deeper meaning? or are the creators of this level toying with me until I watch my sanity fade away like teardrops in rain. Perhaps the goo is something that I must find within. Either way if goo is what you seek, you will not find it here, despite how goo has been clearly indicated in the level tags. 9/10 The goo is a lie.
Jeepdigger89 8 Nov, 2019 @ 2:54pm 
spendt 10 minutes on this one. great map :steamhappy: ^^ thou funny thing you can jump ontop of the button and land on the blue beam at the end, as a goof
TS_Mind_Swept 4 Sep, 2019 @ 6:46pm 
OnO, what happened to the vid with the two crazy Scottish girls playing this level? That video is the best! :undyne:
naaffax 19 May, 2019 @ 5:42am 
too easy
SocksAreCool 25 Jun, 2018 @ 10:08am 
Kinda easy, we beat this map in ~10 mins
Trundler 17 Apr, 2018 @ 9:23pm 
Very good and fun map! For some reason it took a while to load the stage and the name is knida unrelated but I can can see why you named it that. Still very fun tho! Well done! :wftohappy:
TG 1 Oct, 2017 @ 7:14am 
Very clever map!