Left 4 Dead 2

Left 4 Dead 2

65 ratings
OBO: Pumpshotgun Upgrade script
Game Content: Weapons, Scripts
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13 Sep, 2017 @ 4:07am
9 Feb, 2022 @ 8:41am
37 Change Notes ( view )

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OBO: Pumpshotgun Upgrade script

In 2 collections by Lankycide Book
OBO: The Collection - All the Mods!
49 items
OBO: The Collection - Director's Cut
21 items
OBO, pronounced "oboe" (yes, like the instrument), stands for "Overall Balance Overhaul."

This is a script that upgrades the Pumpshotgun, making it a more viable weapon while maintaining balance.

The standard pump shottie. It really was kinda weak in vanilla. It reloaded and fired painfully slowly and had a tiny magazine, which made survivability against Specials and hordes a challenge, but much to my surprise and horror, both the fire rate and reload speed seem to be hardcoded, which limits my options greatly. All I really had to work with was power, spread, and capacity, but the result is still a solid improvement over vanilla.

Emulating a short-barreled, relatively wide-scattering, "home defense" kind of pump-action shotgun, it'll do far more damage per shot than before, and more than my OBO semi-auto shotguns, but will still deal less DPS due to the fire rate. This makes it a decent general-survivability weapon with very good ammo efficiency and can blindside Specials effectively at short range. To give you an idea of the kind of video-game-y power I'm talking about, only two pellets need to hit a Common to kill it on Advanced and Expert, and only one on Normal and Easy. Next, it has more piercing an additional layer of Commons than most weapons to help a bit with its vastly inferior fire rate (roughly a quarter as fast) as compared to semi-auto shotguns.

Lastly, the magazine size... It's been raised from 8 to 12. I felt this change was worth it, since a healthy game balance is always more important than real-world accuracy, no matter how much my internal OCD hates it. Endlessly being behind the curve of shells needed to shells reloaded with the pump-action shotguns got grating and annoying quickly for me, and with a hardcoded reload speed, this was the only remaining solution. Serendipitously though, it means that I've been able to balance all my OBO shotguns with a different capacity, which makes each feel more unique and defined.

Overall, it'll still be significantly worse than a Semi-auto Shotgun for short-range horde-busting and DPS, which are the primary reasons for a shotgun, but it now has its own upsides in that department, especially if you're firing down a tight hallway and Commons are nicely lined up or when ammunition is scarce.

Changelog (X means unchanged):

VerticalPunch - 4 to 5.0
SpreadPerShot - 1 to 6.667
MaxSpread - 5 to X
SpreadDecay - 5 to 12.5
MinDuckingSpread - 0 to X
MinStandingSpread - 0.8 to 0
MinInAirSpread - 2.5 to 0
MaxMovementSpread - 1.5 to 0.3
PelletScatterPitch - 5.0 to 4
PelletScatterYaw - 7.5 to 6
ReloadDuration - 0.473 to 0.396 (Changing this does nothing, not sure why)
DeployDuration - N/A to 0.3 (added this line)
PenetrationNumLayers - 2 to 3
PenetrationPower - 30 to 68
PenetrationMaxDistance - 500 to X
CharacterPenetrationMaxDistance 300 to X (Shooting through targets doesn't count against penetration up to this range)
Damage - 25 to 50
Bullets - 10 to 9
CycleTime - 0.5 to X (Changing this does nothing, not sure why)
clip_size - 8 to 12

Disclaimer about the preview screenshot(s):
I got them randomly off the internet. I claim nothing. If need be, I'll replace them with something generic from Wikipedia or something.
Lankycide Book  [author] 6 Dec, 2018 @ 10:03am 
Cool, cool. If you or anyone else finds any issues or has any suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments. :)
ParagonFlash 6 Dec, 2018 @ 8:41am 
Ey its alright people makes mistake all the time thx for fixing the problum
Lankycide Book  [author] 5 Dec, 2018 @ 10:47am 
UPDATE: It has recently come to my attention that this weapon was firing ninety pellets per shot instead of the intended nine pellets. That's why you were able to kill Tanks, and pretty much anything else so easily. I quickly fixed my embarrassing typo and have updated the mod, and I even credited you in the Change Notes. :) I apologise for any inconvenience my clumsy fingers may have caused. I really should stop editing my mods late into the night, before I accidentally add one too many zeroes to the Tank's HP or something. xD
Lankycide Book  [author] 3 Dec, 2018 @ 7:22am 
Five shotting a Tank? That doesn't sound right. O_O At fifty damage per shot multiplied by 9 pellets, that's 450 damage per shot. Chargers have 600HP in vanilla Normal difficulty and Tanks have 4000. Unless I'm missing something. Are you using my Dead World gamemode mod? And what difficulty are you playing on?

Thanks. xD I was worried about the descriptions of my mods, because I tend to I ramble a bit too much. :/
Lankycide Book  [author] 3 Dec, 2018 @ 7:22am 
There is actually nothing I can do about this. All shotguns fire an explosive slug (single pellet) when using Frag Rounds, which means all the damage at once in splash format. Really dangerous. Even if I reduce the damage, I won't be reducing it anywhere near the weak vanilla damage. I have to choose between functional balance or better Frag Rounds, I have to choose the general experience because it's just more important. But thanks, I appreciate the feedback. :)

You also feel it's too powerful? Hmm... I'm going to have to do some more testing then. Which I already planned on doing, but I'll make it a priority next time I'm playing. Probably tonight sometime. Then I'll see about maybe tweaking the stats a bit. :)

ParagonFlash 1 Dec, 2018 @ 7:06am 
Note to anyone dont get explosive ammo with this unless its an open area if you shoot your self you will go from green to red very fast and stun PLS fix the pellets
Jen 26 Nov, 2018 @ 11:10am 
perhaps lower the damage 30% from the current value? both chrome and this
WickedSmile 24 Nov, 2018 @ 4:12pm 
Was the change to 90 bullets an accident? I've been one-shotting tanks lol.
Morgoth Of WA 18 Nov, 2018 @ 3:24pm 
Honestly, as much as I like the feel for this mod, it needs heavy handed nerfs.
The mod is great for emulating the lethality of a real shotgun in the L4D universe, as broken as it is. (tldr)
Rebalancing > Overtuning
In my time with this mod (hard rain campaign on solo realism mode)
I have come to some conclusions, some right away, others over time.
The magazine size vs time between shots is almost a direct buff over being a full auto shotgun, you will never waste bullets on enemies, the range is WAY WAY to reliable, (I one shot a charger as it was just entering its charging run.) speaking of which, you can and will solo a tank in 5 shots, maximum.
My tips: Lower magazine size, increase cocking time, reduce damage from 50 per pellet to 32, maybe even less. And increase the spread by a fair amount, or even INCREASE it over the vanilla pump. Then maybe it could have the desired effect on making the gun leaps and bounds more useful than the vanilla pump.
THE-LAST-SAINT 30 Aug, 2018 @ 11:56am 
@SCP-001 Overseer. what great discription! i can leurn from this for my future projects.
also this script looks professional and thus making it a recommended script for script-users.