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How to be useful in PvP
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How to be useful and increase your PvP win ratio.
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  • Stick together. Try to guard stronger players so they last longer. More guns = more damage. The longer your more powerful teammates stay alive, the better. Additionally, try not to rush ahead of your team. Some players may not have loaded into the game yet, and by putting yourself forward alone, you risk being ganged on by the entire enemy team.

  • Focus fire. Your best bet as a new player is to not take damage and deal as much damage as possible to the enemy team. The best way to achieve both is to focus on one enemy at a time - killing the weakest first, then moving to more powerful targets, or vice versa. By targeting small and weak enemies you quickly reduce the number of shots the enemy can make. Without all the smaller vehicles running around you can focus on the larger threats. This does have its disadvantages, as the larger vehicles usually have the more damaging weapons.

  • Car-jack other people ASAP! Every person on your team is helpful even if they only do a little damage.

  • DPS is very important, so make sure your guns are well protected. If an enemy can easily hit your guns, or they're attached to your vehicle via some flimsy buggy floors, you're doing it wrong. Armor your guns well as they are the most devastating thing to the enemy team.

  • Drone users should have a manual weapon to draw fire from the opposing team. I see a lot of drone users that do nothing but drive around. If they could draw the enemy's attention away from their own team's higher DPS tanks, they would be twice as effective. Not only would they be dealing damage, but their larger companions would last longer.
Design Considerations
  • I've found wedge-shaped builds to be very effective in taking hits; if you design your car this way, stay at the front of your group.

  • As previously stated, drone builds should have a weapon to attempt agro on the enemy team, and they should stay near the middle of the group. Most people build these to be fast, but remember that your drones are your main weapon and they are only useful if they are still nearby.

  • Missiles go good with wedge-shaped builds (3x Wasps especially), as do shotguns.

  • Cannons seem to be very popular; 3x Executioners are the best but any cannon setup will do.
Staying together in battle is the best choice in this game. Generally, the enemy team will spread their shots amongst the group, so you'll take less damage when not alone. The largest and most threatening/colorful vehicles will attract the most shots so stay near them.

I'm not the best at this game and i'm not going to pay $100+ to buy legendary and relic weapons, so I probably missed some stuff.
Počet komentářů: 29
chaos_zen 8. dub. 2023 v 13.15 
I think that half of the time, I do the complete opposite of this.
As long as most of my team is sticking together to focus on the other team, I will sometimes use a quick, but armored and survivable speeder to "tag" one or two enemies for agro, then run away, to get them to split up so that my team has smaller, more manageable groups of enemies to deal with.

Sometimes having a speeder "tag" the enemy base, will get a few to race off from the fight to go check on their base, to also make things easier for the rest of your team.
catsg7 10. led. 2023 v 7.58 
@a flying brick i spent a lot of money on crossout too and i kept loosing because i didn't know how to build competitively
saintskinny111 28. srp. 2022 v 6.00 
yeah rushing ahead was my biggest mistake when I first started, probably needless to say but I did a lot of spectating when I tried the 'lone wolf' strategy. Probably didn't help that all I had was hornets lol but we all started somewhere.
A Flying Brick 13. úno. 2020 v 21.10 
I think I wasted about 1k USD when I should have read this. :/
Nicole  [autor] 21. pro. 2019 v 8.36 
@DragonF1reCDN I feel that the title and description of the guide accurately reflect its content, and that you therefore have only yourself to blame for your wasted time :/
DragonF1reCDN 20. pro. 2019 v 11.01 
this... isn't helpful. make a guide on how to grind gold easily, then i'm interested.
ROFLer 20. pro. 2019 v 10.56 
Koll 28. lis. 2019 v 10.11 
buggy parts are technically the strongest parts, quit your bullshit
Nicole  [autor] 16. lis. 2019 v 22.47 
@FtRookie I like to think about what I'm missing when I pick any particular weapon. With a cannon, I can only fire so often; so it's a nice idea to pick a secondary weapon with a high fire rate. However, you may want to design a vehicle that really packs a punch in combat - for this you could consider shotguns and cannons, which work in tandem to deal huge damage, and rely on your teammates to cover you while you recharge.
FtRookie 16. lis. 2019 v 14.42 
good gun combos?