Cities: Skylines

Cities: Skylines

253 ratings
Porte Saint-Martin [Paris]
File Size
3.179 MB
20 Aug, 2017 @ 5:26pm
1 Change Note ( view )

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Porte Saint-Martin [Paris]

In 1 collection by Gèze
French Architecture
205 items

The Porte Saint-Martin is a 17th century monument. It's situated in the 10th arr. of Paris.

Some facts:

1.It's 18m tall.
2.It stands where old city fortifications once stood.
3.It was designed at the order of Louis XIV in honor of his victories on the Rhine and in Franche-Comté.

Additional informations:

Main model: 1043 tris; 1024
LOD model: 170 tris; 256
Template used: 2x1 Unique Building
Stats: Doesn't use electricity or water. Doesn't produce sewage, garbage or noise.

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Please rate and comment! It helps a lot!
mjm92150 9 Dec, 2017 @ 11:41am 
Ouah, c'est magnifique ! Merci beaucoup de l'avoir fait partagée !
lys_knight 3 Nov, 2017 @ 11:41am 
Alcor 5 Sep, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
Beau travail comme toutes tes réalisations
BonBonB 28 Aug, 2017 @ 12:53pm 
Asset reviewed in What Map #110
FEARCRAFTOR 27 Aug, 2017 @ 3:31am 
Great as usual
BritishGamerNI 25 Aug, 2017 @ 1:21pm 
@Geze i'll try it, i always thought it'd look cool with pedestrians actually walking through it
Gèze  [author] 25 Aug, 2017 @ 1:12pm 
@BritishGamerNI Nope. Game doesn't allow placing paths or pedestrian connections on tile edges. The only way to do that would be to use MoveIt to place the arch over exiting pathway.
BritishGamerNI 25 Aug, 2017 @ 11:36am 
can you put a pedestrian path through the arch?
hypokrass 22 Aug, 2017 @ 10:21am 
Génial !! je vais pouvoir rajouter toutes les portes parisiennes !!
Continue ton splendide travail de mod sur les bâtiments parisiens!!
AVIHA 22 Aug, 2017 @ 8:33am 
Super pour ma ville européenne ! merci !!