Space Engineers

Space Engineers

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The Sanctuary Citadel final
Type: Blueprint
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1.539 MB
10 Aug, 2017 @ 10:53am
13 Aug, 2017 @ 6:56pm
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The Sanctuary Citadel final

this grid is 47078 blocks,and is an expansion of another ship i made called Hades

it can serve as a ..luxuary cruiseliner with guns/a battlestation/battleship/tradehub/hotelship/comercial ship/a neutral spacestation/carrier/command ship/civilian base with guns...etc,etc you name it,you can use it for anything,and i think it would be especially cool for scenarios.

there isnt any advanced weapon systems or rotors and pistons on this ship, the only moving parts are guns and hangardoors/normal doors.basically,it has what you see.

all effort was put into the internals of the ship and with long term spacetravel in mind.
when you are onboard a ship for months at a time,it has to be comfy,and close to "home". looking at gray walls for months would drive anyone insane.

it has a couple of different decks,crew decks,residentail decks,command deck etc,etc,there are a lot :) youre just gonna have to go and explore the ship yourself :) and there is a lot to explore,ill add some screenshots to give you an idea.

it has 5 hangars,several decks,jumpdrives,refinery,assembler,and room to add more if you need to.
there is also a hidden large room,kind of like a panicroom,im not gonna tell you where that is completly seperated from the rest of the ship,it has an external entrance.

i will add a list of the needed mods for this ship needs about 29, wich is about 10 less than what was needed for the ship,that Sanctuary is an expantion of(Hades)

let me know if i missed any mods in the requirements.
StopDontComeBack 13 Jul, 2021 @ 9:02am 
Not sure if you are still updating this. When I load the ship, it looks like many blocks are missing, especially ramps or stairs. I've downloaded and installed all of the required mods. What could be the issue here?
NAF-5th.Legion-Waffen.Div  [author] 22 Jun, 2018 @ 6:21am 
i think this ship with the advanced battle systems mod would be awesome. ill have to try that some time.
NAF-5th.Legion-Waffen.Div  [author] 22 Jun, 2018 @ 6:20am 
thanks bro, im sorry i cant duel you,, i can barely run this game atm, imm on an anchient rig, but please, subscribe it and have someone pilot it, i would love to see the video :)
Shonnas 22 Jun, 2018 @ 5:26am 
we need a duel, between my big Asimov variation and this , now ive reduced a few mods from my build the sim speed is ok
Shonnas 22 Jun, 2018 @ 5:09am 
fuk yeah , can't belive ti missed this , love it !
NAF-5th.Legion-Waffen.Div  [author] 22 Nov, 2017 @ 2:12pm 
thanks bud,much appreciated :)
Watermelon.- 22 Nov, 2017 @ 12:41pm 
I love this Motherf*ckr Big ship !
NAF-5th.Legion-Waffen.Div  [author] 20 Sep, 2017 @ 7:26pm 
feedback would be appreciated.