Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V

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100% Completion Story / All Missions Gold Medal
Von lonerunner
This Video guide is intended to help you complete story with 100% completion and earn gold medal in all missions. This is not guide for 100% completion of everything in game, only story mode missions.

After completing all story missions with gold medal you earn achievement:

Solid Gold, Baby!
Earn 70 Gold Medals on Missions and Strangers and Freaks.

NOTE that this achievement can be achieved earlier if you complete some Strangers and Freaks missions with gold medal too. Achievement is accumulative for 70 gold medals total. You will also earn other achievements as you finish some of the missions and other tasks.

In this guide i completed almost every mission tasks in one gameplay of the mission, but as mission tasks are accumulative you don't need to get everything in one run. Example: If you achieve accuracy in one mission gameplay and you didn't get time, you can replay mission and aim for time. In the end they both will be marked as achieved.

Most of missions have "to complete on time" tasks so on most of missions you will have to skip cut scenes to be able to achieve time, if you follow the story than you will probably have to replay those missions to be able to watch the cut scenes and achieve time.

In following guides i recorded every mission how i played and achieved all the tasks. So for the missions that require to skip cut scenes to be able to achieve the time those cut scenes are not in the videos.

All the missions are in order how they appeared on me in the game, for missions that require to choose for loud or stealth approach i was always going for loud approach and i never replayed to play with stealth. (So basically i was following the story).

I do not record my voice in the videos but i do write explanations on some missions so please turn on subtitles in videos so you can read some explanations when needed.
Preis verleihen

There is nothing specific to do to complete mission 100%, just play the mission to the end.
Franklin And Lamar

• Not a scratch (Completed)
Deliver a car with minimal damage, try not to damage it, few scratches are ok.

• Focused Driver (Completed)
Use Franklin special ability for more than 7 seconds.

•Winner (Completed)
Win the race against Lamar. Just follow the Lamar nearly till the end and try to reach to destination before him.

• We come in peace (Completed)
Try not to hit the aliens when passing through filming studio, when you are there try to slow down because one of the aliens will run in front of you.

• Time (Completed)
Complete the mission in 6:30 minutes

• Trail Blazer (Completed)
Shoot the gasoline trail of the blue car when in fight.

•Headshots (Completed)
Make 6 kills with headshots.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Complete the mission with more than 70% accuracy.

• Time (Completed)
Complete the mission in 5 minutes. To be able to complete mission within 5 minutes you must skip cutscenes!

• Can't Touch This (Completed)
Take no damage during a fight with Simeon, just try to hit him without he hitting you back.

•Dirt Nap (Completed)
Knock out gardener with a stealth attack. Enter from front of the house and sneak on the back of the gardener and hit him.
Father / Son

• Quick Catch (Completed)
Rescue Jimmi within 10 seconds. As soon as Jimmy starts hanging of the boat boom, position your self below him and try to catch him in less than 10 seconds. In this video i was able to catch him within 1 second as i was directly below him.

• Not a Scratch (Completed)
Deliver Amanda car with no damage. When you go to Los Santos Customs and repair the car, drive it back without taking damage

• Not a Scratch (Completed)
Complete with little damage done to Lamar's Van.

• Homedog (Completed)
Enter Chop's perspective for 10 seconds.

• Advanced Reflexes (Completed)
Use Franklin's special ability for 7 seconds.
Marriage Counseling

• Not a Scratch (Completed)
Complete with little damage done to the Bison. Try not to wreck the car completely.

• Time (Completed)
Complete within 5:30. To be able to complete within time you must skip cut scenes in this mission.

• Drive-By Killer (Completed)
Kill 3 enemies while in a vehicle. When the chase starts kill the chasers without exiting vehicle.
Daddy's Little Girl

Watch out for your stamina, if you health starts dropping during a BIKE ride slow down, make sure your health is full because you will need it to be able to swim to the boat in less than minute. When you need to reach boat within minute you must swim fast all the time, at some point you will run out of stamina and your health will start decreasing. Keep swimming fast no matter your health decreasing. If you have full health, you will reach the boat on time.

• Fastest Speed (Completed)
Reach top speed on the Seashark. Just hit the gas on straight line for a while, holding shift might help on some vehicles and leaning back helps on bikes.

• Stabilizer (Completed)
Don't fall off the bicycle.

• Faster Than Fish (Completed)
Swim to the boat within 1 minute.
Friend Request

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete the mission within 8:30. To complete this mission on time you must skip cut scenes.

• Popups Clear (Completed)
Clear all pop-ups within 32 seconds. There is a neat glitch on PC to clear popups easily on time. Just before you enter cut scene where you sit on PC and clear popups, you should turn on slow more ability and it will count you like you cleared popups much slower.
The Good Husband

There is nothing special for gold requirement for this mission, just make sure you answer the phone when your wife calls you and select positively to go and save her from arrest. Once you go to location to pick up your wife, yo need to steal the car with your wife in and get away from the cops.

This mission is before Casing the Jewel store.
Casing The Jewel Store

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete with 8 minutes.

• Perfect Picture (Completed)
Capture all 3 security features in 1 picture. As soon as you walk in the Jewel store go to the right corner from the doors and focus toward store, you should be able to catch all 3 security features.
Carbine Rifles

This is just pre-mission for "The Jewel Store Job" Mission (Loud version), but you can replay this mission later as separate mission.

• Swift Getaway (completed)
Lose the wanted level within 2 minutes. The solution here is to find a good hiding spot which is also covered on top because helicopters. Find some place below the bridges, in tunnels, or parking lot and hide your self.
The Jewel Store Job (Loud)

To complete the mission with 100% gold you don't need to achieve all tasks at one run. And this is one of first mission where it's almost impossible to get all in one run.

This mission is from 2 parts, first you must steal Carbine Rifles from special Police car. Than when you drove Rifles to destination, the second part will start, planing and heisting Jewel Store. When you finish mission you can replay this as 2 separate missions
Carbine Rifles
The Jewel Store Job.

For Carbine rifles, you will receive location of police car from Lester to intercept car and steal the rifles. Once you steal rifles you must lose cops in less than 2 minutes.

When second part of mission starts, you plan the heist.
For this mission you must steal jewelry in less than 50 seconds and also steal from all 20 cabinets.

Since it's ALMOST IMPOSSIBLE to do both tasks in one run, i would suggest you to first STEAL ALL 20 cabinets, than repeat a mission and steal and get out in less than 50 seconds.

It's important to get BEST driver and also BEST gunman. If you don't select best driver, during escape run one driver will fall from bike and you lost big part of money. If you don't select best gunman, than hostages will raise alarm and also other gunmans will be slower, dropping jewelry and get you less money.

For hacker, good hacker will give you more time so you don't have to rush too much when stealing from all cabinets.
The Long Stretch

For this mission to be able to finish on time you must skip cut-scenes.

When go to Ammu-Nation, buy a shotgun, buy alot of ammo, and buy addons for shotgun, silencer specially, it's supposed to be more precise with it. If you aim in the head, you can get enough headshots and accuracy.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of at least 60%

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 10 enemies with a headshot

• Unmarked (Completed)
Complete with minimal damage to health and armor

• Mission Time (Completed)
Finish within 10:30

IMPORTANT thing about this mission, after you complete this mission and before you get introduced with Trevor(which is in next mission) you should complete random event "Simeon Yetarian" if you don't complete this random event and you finish next mission (Mr.Philips) you won't be able to complete random event "Simeon Yetarian" anymore.
Mr. Philips

For this mission to be able to finish on time you will need to skip cut-scenes. It is possible to finish on time without skipping cut-scenes but if you want to get all objectives finished at once, you will have to skip cut-scenes.

• No Survivors (Completed)
Kill all fleeing bikers. This is one of most irritating objectives in the game. When you are shooting with bikers on their trailers place, the last 4-5 bikers start to run away, and if you are not close enough or they are scattered, they run away very fast and easy and they disappear from map, so you don't get objective. I found a way to go in circle and shoot all the bikers.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 12 enemies with headshots.

• Trailer Trashed (Completed)
Cause $5000 damage to Ortega's Trailer. In middle of fight you will see one trailer with two guys standing on porch. Shoot the guys and than shoot at gas tank next to the trailer, there will be big explosion and that's it.

• Lost and Damned
Kill Terry and Clay during the chase. When you start chasing black van with 2 bikers, kill those 2 bikers and continue to chase the van to destination.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 12 minutes
Nervous Ron

For this mission to complete on time, you must skip cut-scenes.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 5 enemies with headshots.

• Death on a Wing (Completed)
Kill all bikers while laying on the plane wing.

• 6 Bridges, 1 Plane (Completed)
Fly under 6 bridges along the flight path.

• Nervous Twitch (Completed)
Win the race against Ron.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 12:30.
Trevor Philips Industries

For this mission to complete on time, you must skip cut-scenes.

• Body Count (Completed)
Kill 32 enemies. In this gameplay i got totally 33 kills, so nearly at the end of the mission you must kill remaining few enemies who try to flee with cars.

• Unmarked (Completed)
Complete with minimal damage to health and armor.

• Scrap Man (Completed)
Destroy 6 vehicles.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 4:30.
Crystal Maze

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 10 enemies with headshots.

• Unmarked (Completed)
Complete with minimal damage to health and armor.

• 2 Birds, 1 Stone (Completed)
Kill 2 enemies with one shot. For this one you must kill 2 enemies with one shot, best to do it is to snipe 2 guys on upper floor of the house outside, or 2 guys by the barn. To make sure you kill both guys with one shot you can use Trevor special ability. You should have sniper rifle from previous mission, if not, stop by gun shop and buy one.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of at least 80%. On this mission accuracy is so high, you can only miss a hit just few times. Best is to snip them from outside house, and if one gets close, use your pistol because if you fire more bullets from rifle it can lower your accuracy.
Friends Reunited

This mission is not hard, you just need a bit patience and stealth approach.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 5 enemies with headshots.

• Mystery Gift (Completed)
Destroy the trailers without being detected

• Unmarked (Completed)
Complete with minimal damage to health and armor

• Perfect Gift (Completed)
Destroy all trailers at once. Do not detonate any bomb until you place bombs on all trailers. Than you detonate all bombs at once.
Fame or Shame

• Fastest Speed (Completed)
Reach top speed in the phantom. This is extremely hard to reach at the same time when you have trailer attached to your truck. If you don't reach it at first, i would suggest you to replay mission and this time unhook trailer. That way you will reach top speed much easier.

• Bearing Down (Completed)
Stay close to Lazlow throughout the chase. Don't lose Lazlow from your sight when you chasing him. If you lose him from your sight and red icon start blinking on map, it means you won't get this task.

• No, I Can Park Here (Completed)
Knock out the event coordinator. You can see in video, when you get to Maze Bank arena, don't run inside, first smack down parking guy than run in arena.

• All Hooked Up (Completed)
Don't unhook the trailer. Self explanatory. Don't unhook or detach trailer of your truck while chasing Lazlow. Be careful, cars hitting you can also detach your trailer.
Dead Man Walking

For this mission you need very high accuracy so use Michael's special ability often, and you also need to skip cut-scenes to be able to finish on time. Even if you skip cut-scenes, you need to escape the cops quickly so you can reach time. Best way is to find secluded place like under the bridge or better yet in tunnel.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of at least 70%. Use Michael's special abbility often.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 14 enemies with a headshot.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 9:30. Skip cut-scenes.

• Focused Killer (Completed)
Kill 4 enemies using Michael's special ability.

• Unmarked (Completed)
Complete with minimal damage to health and armor. Avoid getting damage more than 1/3 of health.
Did Somebody Say Yoga

This mission can be very irritating to those who are a little bit impatient. You must complete all 3 poses without any fault to get all tasks for doing yoga. If they make you repeat a pose that means you failed.

For Mission Time, you can complete this mission on time without skipping cut-scenes, but you will have to do all Yoga poses without mistakes and quick, and also drive very quick, so i decided rather to skip first cut-scene to make it on time.

For yoga poses on PC you need to follow instructions on screen for mouse direction and what buttons to press. So if pose suggest to use bottom left on buttons and bottom right on mouse, you press and hold bottom left movement direction button on your character (A+S on my keyboard) and move mouse to bottom right when arrow is aligned green. Than when two circles are shown, press and hold left and right mouse button until circles are filled than release both mouse buttons.
Three's Company

To complete this mission on time you must skip cut-scenes. Best way to get accuracy is to shoot with Franklin with sniper and when when possible to change to Michael, to use his special ability. At the end when you need to switch to helicopter, don't use Michael to shoot because you will lose accuracy. Rather use Trevor and drive to destination back while Michael shoots other helicopters. This way you will save time and accuracy.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 7:30.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of at least 60%.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 10 enemies with headshots.
By The Book

For this mission to succeed with all tasks you need to use all tools on Mr.k to torture him without stopping his heart. The hardest is with electrocution, so you have to watch to not electrocute him for long.

• Don't Stop Me Now (Completed)
Complete without Mr.K's heart stopping

• Electrocutioner (Completed)
Electrocute Mr.K

• The Tooth Hurts (Completed)
Pull out Mr.K's tooth

• Wrenched (Completed)
Hit Mr.K with the wrench

• It's Legal! (Completed)
Use waterboarding on Mr.K
Hood Safari

To complete this mission on time you will have to skip cut-scenes. And when escaping cops, you will have to find some secluded place fast and stay hidden. Best way is to turn around when you can split with your team and go in to the tunnel. You can watch how i escaped fast in this video.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 7:00

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of 70% or higher

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 12 enemies with headshots
Hotel Assassination

The most easiest and fastest way for this assassination is to go on the roof, prepare your car for jump and snip the target than jump from the ramp for quick getaway.

You will have to kill target with sniper rifle to get gold.

• Time Taken (Completed)
Base Reward

• Sniper Kill Bonus (Completed)
Used Sniper Rifle

• Money Earned (Completed)
Base Reward + Sniper Bonus
The Multi Target Assassination

You have to kill each target within time limit to get the gold.

• Time Taken (Completed)
Base Reward

• Speedy Killer Bonus (Completed)
Completed kills within time limit

• Money Earned (Completed)
Base Reward + Sniper Bonus
Scouting The Port

It is possible to make this mission on time without skipping cut-scenes but to make sure to get other tasks and take it easy it is better to skip cut-scenes to be able to make on time.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 20:00. The crucial thing here is at the end of mission when you driving home not to take first vehicle or any trucks. It's better to run a little longer and take a car.

• Employee of the Month (Completed)
Complete without damaging the containers. Just watch out when transporting containers not to hit them hard. If you skip cut scenes you can make it on time without rush.

• Perfect Surveillance (Completed)
Snap all 3 photographs of the boat as instructed. Snap 3 photos along whole boat.

• An Honest Day's Work (Completed)
Complete without causing a disturbance at the docks. Watch out not to hit, insult or intersect anyone with vehicles in dock.

This mission is fairly easy you just don't need to jump in the ship and fight directly to get submarine, go from the side and take submarine down with sniper, if no one see you, you can escape easy.

This is part of mission Merryweather Offshore approach

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 8:30

• No Boarding (Completed)
Steal the submersible without boarding the boat

There are two entrances to this military base, one from below over the bridge, and another from upper left side. It's much better to take this one from upper left. Just rush into base and drive directly toward helicopter, and jump inside.

When you take helicopter your best bet to lose the stars is to drive toward outside of the map and you should be able to quickly lose them.

This is part of mission Merryweather Offshore approach

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 5:30
Merryweather (offshore)

To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.

• Show No Mercenary (Completed)
Eliminate all pursuing Merryweather enemies. There are total of Four boats and Six helicopters. If it takes you too long to take them down than Michael can already be long away of them and you won't get all.

• Salvager (Completed)
Find the container within 2:00. As soon as you get in water turn around to follow red dot and while going forward, you should also diving and going downward. This way you can faster reach to bottom.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 14:30

• Weathering The Storm (Completed)
Escape the pursuing Merryweather enemies in less than 4:00.
Blitz Play Intro

This is only intro scene for Blitz Play Mission, when this intro is done you won't be able to replay it anymore.

After this intro you will have 5 tasks (Pre missions before main mission)

You will have to complete following tasks for Main Blitz Play mission. The tasks are like missions so you can replay them if needed.

• Steal Tow Truck
• Buy Boiler Suits
• Buy Masks
• Steal Trash Truck
• Find and Set Getaway Car
Tow Truck

This is Pre Mission and one of required tasks for Blitz Play main mission.

You have to go to location of Tow Truck and steal it.

Remember tasks are accumulative so you can always replay mission and achieve missing tasks if you don't get all in one run. Example first run you can try reach top speed and in replay you can try to drive carefully for not a scratch

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 3:00

• Not A Scratch (Completed)
Deliver the Tow Truck with no damage

• Truckin' (Completed)
Reach top speed in the tow truck
Boiler Suits

This is Pre Mission and one of required tasks for Blitz Play main mission.

You have to go to Ammunation and quickly buy 3 different Boiler suits (Different color for each character)

• Quick Shopper (Completed)
Purchase all outfits withing 30 seconds

• United Colors (Completed)
Purchase a different color for each character

This is Pre Mission and one of required tasks for Blitz Play main mission.

You have to go to shop location on the beach and quickly buy same white hockey masks for all 3 characters

• Face Time (Completed)
Purchase all masks within 00:20 seconds.

• Cliché (Completed)
Purchase a white hockey mask for each character.
Trash Truck

This is Pre Mission and one of required tasks for Blitz Play main mission.

You have to intersect and steal Trash Truck and drive it to same location as Tow Truck. Stealing Trash Truck will make you 2 stars so you will also need to escape the cops and do all that without taking damage and delivering it within 5 minutes. Best way is to escape in the woods.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 5:00

• Undented (Completed)
Deliver the Trashmaster with no damage

• In the Dust (Completed)
Reach top speed in the Trashmaster
Blitz Play Getaway Car

This is actually not a direct mission it's one of the tasks you need to do for Blitz Play mission. I write task because for this one you don't have reply and it's not counted as mission like others pre-missions for Blitz Play.

Important for this is to find suitable getaway car with 4 doors and park it in parking spot somewhere nearby mission. At the end of Blitz Play mission you will have to drive away Trash Truck and destroy it and get in this getaway car and drive away.

When you are on parking spot that is suitable for getaway car you will get notification in upper left corner that you can mark that car as getaway. If you don't get notification, drive to another parking spot.

There is no any special tasks for this
Blitz Play

This is main mission Blitz Play. When you complete all pre-mission tasks.

• Hawk Down (Completed)
Shoot down the helicopter as Trevor. When helicopter appears near Trevor take it down with rocket launcher with Trevor.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 12 enemies with a headshot

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with an accuracy of at least 60%. To finish with accuracy avoid shooting with Trevor and rocket launcher. Use it only on helicopter.

• Switcher (Completed)
Switch characters 10 times. When fighting part start in mission switch between characters often. Shoot a bit than switch character.
I Fought The Law

For this mission you will have to skip cut scenes and drive fast to be able to achieve mission time task.

• Tight Squeeze (Completed)
Race between the two trucks. When you are in race with 2 other guys use Franklin's special ability and pass between two trucks.

• Bus Passed (Completed)
Race between the two busses.. When you are in race with 2 other guys use Franklin's special ability and pass between two busses.

• Follow the Leader (Completed)
Follow Trevor through the tunnel. At one point Trevor will turn in opposite lane and go through tunnel, you should follow him.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 12 minutes

• Split Seconds (Completed)
Use Franklin's special ability during the race
The Vice Assassination

This is third assassination mission. For this mission you will have to go to destination, park a little bit further and watch for girl and wait for the car that pick up girl. It's third car for me. Quickly kill the guy with sniper and get away from destination.

• Time Taken (Completed)
Completed in under 5:00

• Clean Escape Bonus (Completed)
Escaped without a Wanted level

• Money Earned (Completed)
Base Reward + Bonus
The Bus Assassination

When finish conversation with Lester, drive to destination and take a Bus. You need to drive Bus few stations on Bus route until you meet your target. When he start running away, follow him with bus and run him over. After that get away from location.

• Time Taken (Completed)
Complete within 5:00

• Hit and Run Bonus (Completed)
Killed the target with the bus

• Money Earned (Completed)
Base Reward + Bonus
Mr. Richards

For this misssion you have to skip cut scenes to make it on time.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 10:00

• Silent Assassin (Completed)
Kill 3 enemies using stealth attacks. Just kill 3 guys from behind, 2 of them are tricky because they are standing there with another partner. So you kill one with stealth attack and quickly change to weapon with silencer and kill another

• Can`t Touch This 2.0 (Completed)
Take no damage during the fight with Rocco. When fight starts just start throwing punches if you are constant, you won't take any damage.

• Perfect Touchdown (Completed)
Land the Frogger without damaging it. You CAN"T damage your helicopter and touch anything while flying with it and landing. If you even touch some tower with propellers while flying it will count as damage.
Eye In The Sky

• Not A Scratch (Completed)
Deliver the Z-Type with no damage. You don't have time on this mission so no rush, drive carefully.

• Eavesdropper (Completed)
Listen to 3 conversations. When Trevor starts scanning listen to 3 conversations of random people scanning.

• I See You (Completed)
Find Chad’s hiding place on the 1st attempt. When you get to garage he will be one sitting in the car on completely left side.
Caida Libre

To complete this mission on time you will have to skip cut scenes, you will have to get fast car before going to mission, and you will have to drive van to destination where you meet with Trevor and blow it up.

• Floor It (Completed)
Reach top speed on the Sanchez. To reach top speed, on straight road when you go fastest you can, lean back with your bike for few seconds.

• Glued to the Seat (Completed)
Don't fall off the Sanchez during the race

• One Two Three (Completed)
Shoot down the plane with 3 shots. Don't miss any shoot when shooting down plane.

• Time (Completed)
Complete within 09:45.
Deep Inside

• Not a Scratch (Completed)
Deliver the JB 700 with minimal damage. You will get shot in process of escaping but as long as your front part is not damaged and windshield you are ok.

• Fastest Speed (Completed)
Reach top speed in the JB 700. This is fast car and it will take you long road to reach top speed. Best is to go on highway and drive straight, when you reach good speed, use Franklin's special ability, this will boost your speed up.

• Stealthy Recasting (Completed)
Knock out the actor with a silent attack. Get behind actor silently and kick him with stealth attack from behind.

• Premature Ejector (Completed)
Use the ejector seat within 10 seconds. Immediately as you escape from chasing security you will get prompt notification to test ejector, press the button and eject actress who is in passenger seat. Don't stop because she will get out of car by foot.

• Second Strike (Completed)
Run over the actor as you escape in JB 700. When you steal the car, the actor you knocked out will get out of his trailer, run him over with your car.
Minor Turbolence

This mission is not so hard, but flying for almost 10 minutes with cropvester make it so boring if you need to reply.

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%. For shooting accuracy, use Trevor's special ability, that way you are much stronger and they won't kill you so you can just aim steady on them.

• Four Wheel Flier (Completed)
Exit the cargo plane in the Mesa. When you need to leave the plane and jump out, don't run out and jump. Get in the vehicle and drive out. After that you can exit and open parachute.
Paleto Score Setup

Before you start this mission, go to Los Santos Customs with Michael and tune up your vehicle.

• Leisurely Drive (Completed)
Drive to the bank within 3:30. Get your car to car shop and modify it to boost it as much as you can at that time, and you will drive almost minute faster than required time.

• Winner (Completed)
Win the race back to the meth lab. When you need to get back to the lab. I would suggest you to drive with Trevor as it's faster and easier to navigate with bike.
Military Hardware

This mission should be quick and easy. There are 4 marines in each jeep and 1 driving the truck. As for one task you need to stop convoy with sticky bomb, intersect convoy and blow up first jeep with sticky bomb. After that you can not miss headshot because you need 5 headshots also. So use Trevor's special ability and kill other 5 remaining guys with headshots. Get in a truck and drive it to destination.

Remember tasks are accumulative so you can always replay mission and achieve missing tasks if you don't get all in one run.

• Head Hunter (Completed)
Kill 5 enemies with headshots

• Sticky Strategist (Completed)
Stop the convoy using a sticky bomb

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%

• Time (Completed)
Complete within 09:00. You have to skip cut scenes to be able to finish on time.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 3 enemies with a headshots. You only have 3 brothers to kill here so you can't miss any shot.

• Thin the Herd (Completed)
Don't kill any animals. While chasing and hunting for brothers, don't kill any animal.
The Paleto Score

It's little bit hard to achieve "Let it Rain" and "Accuracy" at the same time so you can choose to complete mission once with accuracy, and replay later with firing over 4000 bullets.

But if you want everything in one play, there is a possibility to increase accuracy shooting at vehicles. So First don't fire unnecessary bullets everywhere, shoot first at the vehicles than on remaining cops. When shooting at the vehicles, shooting on front of the car, on hood, on engine bay increase accuracy. For remaining cops aim at headshots, don't switch on Michael.
And in the area right before Franklin goes in with a digger you can shoot at static vehicles to achieve over 4000 bullets.

• Let it Rain (Completed)
Fire over 4000 bullets

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 50%

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 16:00. In order to complete this mission on time you will have to skip cut scenes.

• Collateral Damage (Completed)
Cause $1 million damage in Paleto Bay. This is not hard to get just make mass destruction blowing up every vehicle.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 11:30. To complete this mission on time, you have to skip cut scenes.

• Fastest Speed (Completed)
Reach top speed on the Sanchez. To reach top speed on Sanchez, when you are on straight road and near top speed, lean back few times for few seconds.

• Better than CJ (Completed)
Land on the train using the first jump. There is a jump after you pass bridgewith the train on the right side. That is first location where you can jump on train. Jump from there.
The Construction Assassination

To complete this mission on time i would suggest to skip cut-scenes.

• Time Taken (Completed)
Complete in under 7:00. I would suggest you to skip cut scenes so you can have more time not to rush into killing your self.

• No Fly Zone (Completed)
Shoot down the targets helicopter. When chopper is in the air blow it out with Rocket launcher (by this time you should have rocket launcher) If you don't have it you can get chopper down with anything you want. Rocket launcher is just the easiest.

• Money Earned (Completed)
Base Reward. Based on previous 2 tasks.
Monkey Business

This mission have weird glitch. When you approach mission location it disappears and you get notification "This mission has disrupted. Return later to start the mission". But if you return later or change character, you get same notification. This is easy to bypass, you just need to drive to mission location and when you get message, drive away but not much far away, just until you see mission indicator on map again. When you drive back to mission location, mission will begin.

• Stunner (Completed)
Stun 8 enemies with the stun gun. Easy to achieve, you just need to stun 8 enemies with your stun gun.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 15 enemies with headshots

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of 70%

• Time (Completed)
Complete within 13:30. For this mission to complete on time you have to skip cut scenes
Hang Ten

There is not much to do on this mission. After cut scene, just get in to the car and drive straight to location on map.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Finish mission within 4:00
Surveying the score

• Perfect Distance (Completed)
Follow the vans without being warned on distance. Don't get too close, don't get too far, just try to keep same distance all the time. Be warned if Lester warn you about distance it means you failed.

• Cavity Search (Completed)
Find the construction hole within 0:20 seconds.

• Under the Bridge (Completed)
Fly under the bridge while following vans. At the start of following the vans, you can go under one of the bridges.

• Tunnel Flight (Completed)
Fly through the tunnel while following vans. At one point vans will go through tunnel so you will have to drop down with your chopper and go through that tunnel too.

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 11:00. You have to skip cut scenes to finish this mission on time.
Bury The Hatchet

Nothing special here, you need to skip cut scenes to finish this mission on time, and for accuracy and headshots you can use Michael's special ability for better aiming.

• Time (Completed)
Complete within 11:00

• Headshot (Completed)
Get 20 headshots

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 80%
Pack Man

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 12:00. To complete on time you must skip cut scenes.

• Not a Scratch (Completed)
Deliver the JB 700 with minimal damage. The cops will shoot you from the back and damage your car a little bit but as long as you don't get rear ended and keep your front of the car without damage you are good.

• Shredder (Completed)
Disable 3 cop cars with spikes. Just keep dropping spikes and disabling cop cars on the road.
Fresh Meat

• Switch Limiter (Completed)
Don't switch more than 3 times

• Accuracy (Completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%. For me best weapon for accuracy is using shotgun, and whenever you can use Michael's special ability.

• Headshots (Completed)
Kill 10 enemies with headshot

• Swift Race (Completed)
Rescue Michael within 3:30.

• Sense of Direction (Completed)
Don't use a map waypoint. When you need to rescue Michael, don't mark location on map, and don't use app in your phone to locate Michael. Take a look in the video correct location.
The Ballad of Rocco

• Mission Time (Completed)
Complete within 3:00. When you arrive at movie studio, some guys are beating Rocco, you chase them down, and i find best way is to use sticky bomb on their car. After you kill them return back to movie Studio.
Cleaning out The Bureau

• Eagle Eye (Completed)
Check out all license plates. Every car that gets out of parking lot you should check it's license plates.

• He Missed a Spot (Completed)
Follow the janitor without being spotted. Just follow the janitor within some distance and make sure you don't attack him until he get's in his apartment.

• Cleaned Out (Completed)
Complete within 9:00. To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.
Architects Plans

• Quick Getaway (Completed)
Leave the construction yard within 0:45 seconds. This is really easy mission if you know how to do it right. After you take suitcase with plans from architect you have 45 seconds to leave, so make sure no one see you when you smash architect and just run out of construction yard.
The Bureau Raid (Rooftop Access)

• No Innocents (completed)
Don't kill any innocent civilians. Self explanatory, don't kill any civilians. One thing to watch here is when you are escaping the building there will be 1 medic interfere with cops so you can easily kill him.

• Headshots (completed)
Kill 20 enemies with a headshot.

• Accuracy (completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%.

• Perfect Drop (completed)
Land perfectly on the main section of the roof. When you are landing on the roof don't forget to slow down and you have to land inside yellow circle.

• Hacker (completed)
Hack the system within 45 seconds.

• Time (completed)
Complete within 19:00. To complete mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.
The Wrap Up

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 7:00. This mission is hard to reach on time, you must skip cut scenes, you must be fast, and you must escape fast at the end but first you must take down pursuing helicopter to be able to finish everything on time.

• Headshots (completed)
Kill 18 enemies with headshots

• Buzz Off (completed)
Take down the pursuing helicopter. At the end when you must escape one chopper will start chasing on you and you must take it down.
Reuniting The Family

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 10:30. The only mission task here is time, so you have to skip cut scenes and drive directly to locations to be able to finish mission on time.
Doting Dad (Optional)

This is optional mission which means you don't have to complete it, there is no gold medal for this mission.

After you finish mission Reuniting The Family, you will receive a call from Tracey (Michael's daughter) about some stalker, i went on a mission and killed him.
Legal Trouble

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 5:30. To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.

• Floor It (completed)
Reach top speed in any car. So basically drive as fast as you can with the car you take. Best to complete this is when chasing on airport.

• Clean Escape (completed)
Lose wanted level within 2:00. Once you get a hold on movie rim, quickly get in in hearby airplane and drive as far as you can outside the map, this will help you escape chasing helicopters.

• News Hound (completed)
View Weasel News camera for 0:15 seconds. When you see possibility to switch to chase cam from helicopter you can switch back and forward between your car and chase cam for multiple times as long as you get total of more than 15 seconds. Be careful even if you switch to helicopter you can move your car so watch to not lose control or hit anything.
Lamar Down

• Headshots (completed)
Kill 18 enemies with headshots

• Accuracy (completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of 70%

• Three Way (completed)
Kill one enemy with each character

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 13:30. To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes. I would also recommend to get fast car because you will drive long destination and fast car could save you alot of time.

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 6:30. To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.

• Pedal To The Metal (completed)
Reach top speed in any vehicle

• Tier One Operator (completed)
Kill 12 enemies with a headshot

• Headshot Rescue (completed)
Rescue Amanda and Tracey with a headshot. When you run in to the house first you will see Amanda on stairs with one Enemy holding gun to her head, quickly use Michael's slow down ability, take your weapon and kill enemy with headshot. After that you go upstairs in Tracey's room and do the same with another enemy.
Parenting 101

There is no gold completion for this mission, this mission is not required any special tasks nor to complete it. After you finish mission Meltdown, after a while you will receive a call from Jimmy who is kidnapped by some internet stalker. You can choose to save Jimmy or to refuse. If you refuse you will get deducted some money from your account to pay for Jimmy's release. If you chose to save him, than you will have to drive to his location and scare the kidnappers in their car to take Jimmy free. Than you drive Jimmy back to his place.
The Big Score Planning Stage

This is just Planing stage for The Big Score mission, you don't have any special tasks or mission achievements on this.

In this mission you will have meetup with all characters and plan the final heist. You will have 2 choices

A: Subtle
B: Obvious

I choose Obvious because you take more money that way.

If you choose Obvious way you will have following tasks to complete for the heist:

Sidetracked Mission: Get one Train and flatbed

Driller Mission: To Steal a Driller

Getaway Car: To Tune up and Fully mode one suitable Getaway Vehicle.

This is a pre-heist mission for "The Big Score".
This mission appears if you selected Obvious way. And Task is to steal Driller.

• Sneak Thief (completed)
Don't get caught stealing the driller. A bit tricky task, you should start by entering construction yard from the opposite side, not the one where you have mission marked. First come near first security guard and smack him with fist because if you pull out a weapon people passing by will see you and you will raise police level, you can't do that. Next when you smack first security guard enter the yard, pull out weapon with silencer and start killing guards in order like in video. At the end last 2 guards you can see i killed both with one shot with sniper rifle, if you don't kill them both at the same time you will raise police star and you wont get this task.

• Mission Time (completed)
Finish the mission within 5:00. Time on this mission is not so crucial. As long as you don't raise police level and you don't have to escape them, you will be able to finish it within mission time.
The Big Score Getaway Car

This is not actual mission and it will not appear as mission but if you selected to do The Big Score mission in Obvious way, you will have to find suitable vehicle and tune it to the max.

So find some good suitable 4 door car, if car is suitable you will see notification in top left corner that you can use that car as getaway vehicle. Take the car to Los Santos customs and tune it up to the max. If you tuned up car correctly you can call lester and select Getaway vehicle ready, than drive the car to marked location. You will get mission passed but there is nothing required for gold medal.

This is a pre-heist mission for "The Big Score".
This mission appears if you selected Obvious way.

• Mission Time (completed)
Finish the mission in 4:30. Mission time for this mission is very crucial and hard to achieve, i would suggest you to do as i did and once you play mission to restart it. This way Trevor will appear on train track station very close to the workers and it will save you alot of time. If you try to approach regular way from the road you won't have enough time as mission will start when you are far away from train station and by the time you get close or drive close enough you will lose precious seconds. Another way is to drive your car from the train tracks way to the station but if you come too close worker on the station will see you, if you don't come to close you lose a precious seconds. As i don't drive chopper too smooth i decided to restart mission and this saved me precious 10 seconds that needed me to get this on time.

• Undetected (completed)
Don't get caught while taking over the train tracks. To pass as undetected your task is to kill train track workers without anyone or them seeing you.
The Big Score(Obvious way)

The Big Score is last heist mission in GTA 5. I choose Obvious way because you get more money at the end of mission.

• Headshots (completed)
Kill 20 enemies with headshots. Suggest to use Michael's special ability to slow down time so you can aim more easily.

• Time (completed)
Complete within 16:00. To complete this mission on time you have to skip cut scenes.

• Cha-Ching (completed)
Drop the gold onto the train within 30 seconds. The counter starts counting seconds when you are near the train with the chopper, actually time is counted (if you have subtitles enabled) from time when you have on screen "Drop the gold into the train track" text.

• Accuracy (completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 60%. Use a powerful and not fast shooting weapon, that way you can kill more easily and you wont spread bullets around. Every time you can use Michael's special ability, use it to aim more easily and precisely.
The End Intro

When you finish your last heist mission (The Big Score), Franklin will get a visit in his house from Devin Veston.
He will request from Franklin to choose to kill either Trevor or Michael, so at the end you will have choice in your mobile to call Lester and select one of 3 endings.

• Something Sensible (Kill Trevor)
• The Time Has Come (Kill Michael)
• The third way (Deathwish)

Choose wisely what you select because once you complete selected mission there is no back unless you saved before and load again.

I choose The third way (Deathwish) because at the end you are left with all 3 characters live. And if you choose to kill either Michael or Trevor at the end of game this character will be dead and any any activities or anything related to this character will disappear so you are left without possibility to finish the game 100%.

Example if you kill Trevor all strangers and freaks missions for Trevor won't be available anymore.

NOTE: After you complete the game you can come back to the menu and replay other 2 endings. So if you choose Deathwish you can come back to menu and replay Kill Trevor and Kill Michael, but those endings are not required for 100% completion.
The Third Way (Deathwish)

This is the last mission in the game, when you finish your last heist mission (The Big Score), Franklin will get a visit in his house from Devin Veston. He will request from Franklin to choose to kill either Trevor or Michael, so at the end you will have choice in your mobile to call Lester and select one of 3 endings. This is the third one (Deathwish) and this one is best choice because at the end you have all 3 characters live and you can play their activities, otherwise if you kill one of characters you can't complete game 100%.

• Mission Time (completed)
Complete within 21:30. To complete mission on time you will have to skip cut scenes (i think on this mission last cut scene (finishing scene) is not counted but i am not sure).

• Headshots (completed)
Kill 20 enemies with a headshot

• Accuracy (completed)
Finish with a shooting accuracy of at least 70%. Use Michael's special ability as much as you can.

• Stick, Tick...Boom! (completed)
Kill Cheng with a Sticky Bomb. The best way here is to wait for them to drive out of parking lot and stick sticky bomb on the car in the middle, if you can stick on other cars too, and blow them up. Don't escape like me, i lost here like 2 minutes by trying to escape, rather gun them all down.

• Stretched Out (completed)
Kill Stretch with a melee weapon. For Stretch i wouldn't go into fight, just kill the one with white shirt, he is marked red on minimap, and escape with car, before you enter the car there will be one car chasing you so gun them down for faster escape.

• Lead Lobotomy (completed)
Kill Steve Haines with a headshot. When you switch to Trevor and drive down the port, turn left on parking and entrance that looks toward Ferris wheel. Kill Steve with headshot and than run out same direction from where you turned to entrance. From there go to parking lot and steal some fast car, you will need fast car for later, and drive on the beach to escape the cops.

After you kill all 3 guys with all 3 characters you are heading to Devin Veston's house, take a fast car to save some time. When you arrive at his house you will have to kill his guards and go down the pool to kidnap devin.

Last part is to drive Devin to arranged location. To save some time, when you exit Devin's house with his car, you can turn left (not right like me in the video) and drive down the mountain toward near intersection with a bridge. Just be careful going down the mountain i missed a road a bit and that costed me 30 seconds. When you are on the road again just drive to destination and there's final cut scene.

After that you will watch some end credits and you can go to Replay Mission in Menu and take a look what tasks did you achieved.
You can also replay other two endings from there.
Something Sensible (Kill Trevor)

This is the one when you have to kill Trevor (Something Sensible)

But i would not chose this one as mission when i have to call Lester, rather play the third choice (Deathwish) and that one is best choice because at the end you have all 3 characters live and you can play their activities, otherwise if you kill one of characters you can't complete game 100%.

So you can replay this mission later from the Menu.

This mission doesn't have gold requirements
The Time's Come(Kill Michael)

This is the one when you have to kill Michael (The Time's Come)

But i would not chose this one as mission when i have to call Lester, rather play the third choice (Deathwish) and that one is best choice because at the end you have all 3 characters live and you can play their activities, otherwise if you kill one of characters you can't complete game 100%.

So you can replay this mission later from the Menu.

This mission doesn't have gold requirements
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18 Kommentare
Lachy 22. Jan. 2021 um 22:40 
Sorry but your threes company strategy is not working for me. If I pilot with trevor to fly back to the destination. Michael either sits there not shooting despite having a clear shot, or he shoots so weakly that I just end up dying because they kill me.
Juudo 3. Nov. 2020 um 6:43 
I know im quite late to this guide but this is so helpful to have in steam overlay while doing missions for gold. Thankyou ! I Gave The Golden Unicorn Award :)
lonerunner  [Autor] 13. Juli 2018 um 17:06 
If you look at the video you will see that i took the car to los santos customs and upgraded few things.
lonerunner  [Autor] 13. Juli 2018 um 17:05 
I think i found what you need to do. You need to upgrade car in shop. Mod the car with 100% Armor, Bulletproof Tires, Turbo, etc and then give Lester a call.
BOSS DE BOSS 13. Juli 2018 um 14:18 
im at big score b btw
BOSS DE BOSS 13. Juli 2018 um 14:13 
yo man, i need your help. i am the big score at the 4 or 3 cars and when i enter a car it says: $1463 needed to purchase the mods required for the heist. how da fuck i purchase the modes
lonerunner  [Autor] 14. Apr. 2018 um 16:56 
Hi guys i updated my last section in guide "THANKS", so thank you all for watching my guide, check the section and if you can, please subscribe to my YT channel.
ShadowArian' 23. Nov. 2017 um 13:27 
oops :P
lonerunner  [Autor] 23. Nov. 2017 um 13:19 
I'm not sure if you can use saves like that because they are synced with account in the cloud.
ShadowArian' 23. Nov. 2017 um 7:47 
plz send me your saves if you can :P