Fallout 4

Fallout 4

50 ratings
Run Fallout 4 at a lower resolution than native when using borderless windowed.
By Delcan
For a lot of people, myself included, Fallout 4 has issues when trying to run it in exclusive fullscreen, so your only worthwhile option is to run it in a borderless window at max resolution. This guide will go through what I found worked to run the game at a custom resolution whilst still in borderless fullscreen. Hopefully this works for you to get the game running well!

This method can also be used to run the game at a resolution not shown in the launcher in fullscreen (including weird resolutions that don't perfectly divide into 16:9).
Before starting
This guide will more than likely work best if you have a completely unmodded game that runs fine with Borderless Windowed mode on. If you are using a modded game and you have any issues making this guide work, try uninstalling all mods and trying again.
(Optional) Install Fallout 4 Configuration Tool
Fallout 4 configuration tool is an excellent free tool that makes it much more straight-forward to modfiy the game's ini file. You don't need the tool to complete this guide, however I recommend it if you have a lower-powered system and are regularly tweaking stuff. You can get it here[www.nexusmods.com].

Note: This guide WILL feature instructions for people not using this tool.
Installing the Upscale mod.
For this to work, you'll need to get the upscale mod, a super easy mod to install.

DLL Launcher
To run this mod you'll need the DLL Launcher mod. Download the Native Mod DLL launcher here[www.nexusmods.com]. After unzipping, you should find a d3d11.dll file, which you should just place in your Fallout 4 directory (steamapps\common\Fallout 4\, i.e. the same folder as the executable). If you're using a vanilla install, you shouldn't have to replace anything, but some other mod launchers, such as ENB, use this file. There are instructions on the Nexus page for DLL Launcher to fix this.

Now that you have the launcher installed, you'll need to get the Upscale mod itself. Download it from here[www.nexusmods.com], then unzip it and place the upscale folder into a new folder in the Fallout 4 directory named NativeMods. So, you should have a folder at ...\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\NativeMods\upscale, then in the upscale folder you should have an upscale.dll file.
If you've done everything right, you should be able to replicate this screenshot;

You should now have a d3d11.dll in the same folder as Fallout4.exe, as well as a NativeMods folder with an upscale folder inside, which should contain the upscale.dll.
Configuring your resolution
Setting a resolution
With Fallout 4 Configuration Tool
Open the configuration tool, then click the "Tweaks" tab at the top. There should be a Custom Resolution section on the bottom right. Make sure Custom Resolution is enabled (should have a blue box, toggle by clicking on it). Now, set your X and Y values to the resolution you want. If you are unsure, see below for a list of 16:9 resolutions.

Go to your Documents folder, then go into My Games, then Fallout4. Now open Fallout4Prefs.ini with any text editor (notepad works). Now, press Ctrl+F and type iSize. You should be able to find two lines of code that say something like:
iSize H=
iSize W=
. Set these values to what you want your resolution to be, with W being the number of horizontal pixels (X axis) and H being the vertical pixels (Y axis). If you are unsure, look below for a list of 16:9 resolutions.

Standard 16:9 resolutions
X (iSize W=)
Y (iSize H=)
Not recommended!

As an example, this is what it should look like in the tool if you are using 1280x720;
And this is what that same example should look like if you are editing the ini.

Making sure it runs in a fullscreen borderless window
There are still a few settings we need to change to make it all work.

With Fallout 4 Configuration Tool
Under Custom Resolution, make sure Borderless is enabled, but Fullscreen, Maximize, and TopMost are all disabled. Items are enabled if they are blue, and disabled if they are black (very dark gray).
It should now look like this;

Save these settings with the button in the bottom left. If it comes up with a warning about plugins not being accepted, press No and then disable Warning for Invalidate Archives on the Settings tab of the tool.

Near the lines in Fallout4Prefs.ini that we edited earlier, you should find these lines;
bTopMostWindow= bMaximizeWindow= bBorderless= bFull Screen=
Set bTopMostWindow, bMaximizeWindow, and bFull Screen to 0, and set bBorderless to 1.

Save this file.
You should now be done!
You should now be able to run at a lower resolution than native. I hope you found this guide useful because I took ages to figure this out. It is basically just installing and setting up a mod, but with all the so called fix guides and videos out there it was difficult to find. Good luck. If you have any issues, please leave a comment.

One more thing!
There is an issue with this solution I have noticed where the dark green (default color) background of some UI elements is slightly shifted from where it should be. I don't know how to fix this, sorry, but it doesn't happen as noticably when you're ingame, so you should be able to get used to it pretty easilly.

Also, this will look more pixelated than regular fullscreen, as regular fullscreen typically has to share multiple pixels for each bit and can look more muddy. Generally this blurryness actually looks better, but there is not much to be done about it.
rainwater 29 May @ 4:45pm 
Stupid Game I can't even get past the Dinosaur in Level 3.
Rozz Synthclair 13 Oct, 2023 @ 10:21am 
amirfoox 7 Aug, 2022 @ 10:48pm 
Thank you very much for making this guide! I just found this, and it really helped me play the game on a lower-end tiny laptop seamlessly without it looking like minecraft :D
Delcan  [author] 26 Feb, 2022 @ 7:58pm 
The UI issue is pretty subtle and believe it or not most people play without mods :)
TrashPanda64 25 Feb, 2022 @ 10:15pm 
This guide just doesn't seem very helpful. "run game at a shitty non-native resolution oh and the UI is gonna be fucked and it probably won't play nice with mods hah lul" yeah nah not feeling it. :/
Rootiga 15 Feb, 2022 @ 10:42pm 
I love how the useful guides get no attention while shitpost guides do... Really a shameful thing because guides like this are fantastic.
Hats 7 Sep, 2021 @ 5:58am 
Gotta say didn't think it would work but it has for me.
you're doing gods work.
Delcan  [author] 12 May, 2021 @ 8:34pm 
Glad this guide's still helping people 4 years later :)

@Ready Player One
Glad it's working for you. Not sure about that error, sounds like it's related to the custom DirectX 11 dll (d3d11.dll) and Nvidia Ansel. If the game still runs fine then I wouldn't worry too much, but disabling Nvidia Ansel might be an option.
Don Diego 12 May, 2021 @ 2:15pm 
I passed the last 4 years to set these damn settings do be done, now finally they works. THANKS
(however, i get an error like "unable to find start point in procedure of D3D11CreateDevice in library C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Ansel\NvCamera64.dll , do someone knows how to solve it?)
CuL8R 4 Jan, 2021 @ 11:08am 
I'm playing a heavily modded (Wabbajack install) FO4 on a 70" 4K Samsung TV and I was getting really bad fps drops downtown, at native 4K res. This guide helped me to be able to play at 1440p (and still fullscreen) with a VERY noticeable performance increase. I don't think I would have figured this out if it hadn't been for this guide. THANK YOU so much!