
บทวิจารณ์ล่าสุดโดย keikerzenstein89

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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 11 รายการ
294.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (184.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
i will write a better review later, but for now, I rate this 10 out of 5 stars. Absolute banger. Amazing game. Relaxing, comfort game. If having trouble with difficulty (we all do sometimes), getting stuck or whatnot, use traps and ranged weapons, and ask a friend to back you up.

For aesthetic loving folks, there are cute chonky beetles, many buggos, wendigos, some pet items/skills (though some are just vanity), sallets and protective looking but stylish plate armour, bloodborn-y armour, coats with feathers, claws, big khopeshes, flintlocks, kite shields, and more.

The equipment looks great and doesn't ruin immersion by looking too flashy or stupid at all. There is no sexualised armour, except if you go to Levant and get the dancer garb, which improves your stamina economy but also makes you look as if you've just woken up and forgot to change nightwear (except if that's your thing, then more power to you i guess).

Game has great aesthetics and nice writing and lore, they take inspirations from many cultures, bits and pieces and mixes and matches them to create the awsome cultures in the game. There are some scifi lookin aesthetics, and also some other stuff. There are ruins of more advanced places and destroyed parts of cities. There also exists other non-human cultures, which are done awsomely.

The gameplay is simple but still fun, the survival aspect blends very well with the combat, trading can be lucrative and fun, cooking is nice, building (late game) is simple but neat. There are skill trees of which you can learn the basics (thereby letting you use and play with the basic mechanics of each), but can only master three. You can play as a rune mage, which plays like a lite version of invoker mixed with some Vaan and Emperor from Final Fantasy; you can go full health and stamina and forego mana completely and do yourself like the ESO knight focusing on parry abilities, you can play as a flintlock and sword user ala Saltzpyre by using the merc tree and other trees. Or be a gigachad and play as a hunter trapper and be relaxed.

Game is designed for short and sweet playthroughs, with lots of replay potential. You can take different paths in the story and join different factions. The way you complete quests also matter much, some quests are given a month or so of in-game days to complete, and some quests have great consequences. Though you can also just relax for a while at the start and explore the game. Your characters can pass on items to new characters (which they can get after getting rep in the cities later on and recovering their ancestor's item), these items can change or evolve like how pokemon would when traded with certain items. You can also be an insect frog fishman cavedweller, for all you Innsmouth/Dagon fans.

For lore lovers there is a collection of lore letters in the wiki, from pre-release. These were made for letting people see how different factions and cultures in the game are like as a teaser
โพสต์ 12 กันยายน แก้ไขล่าสุด 12 กันยายน
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31.7 ชม. ในบันทึก (31.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Why is it 20 bucks now??
โพสต์ 24 พฤษภาคม
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164.9 ชม. ในบันทึก (126.7 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
very nice
โพสต์ 17 พฤษภาคม
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1 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้ชวนขำขัน
19.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (5.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Very nice. Could use some polishing though
โพสต์ 15 พฤษภาคม
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56.5 ชม. ในบันทึก (40.0 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Silliest damn thing. Orc ambushes me trying to help his brother, ends up accidentally shooting him when he threw me off after attempting a vault. Had he not done that, I would have gotten shot instead.
โพสต์ 22 เมษายน
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3 คน พบว่าบทวิจารณ์นี้เป็นประโยชน์
28.4 ชม. ในบันทึก (21.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
I have very mixed feelings about this. On one hand we have a very nice RTS based on the Iron Harvest/Scythe 1920s+ universe, modern graphics, modern mechanics, and THREE GLORIOUS CAMPAIGNS. Fun mech guns and melee, steampunk exosuite jump troop dudes, cute bear, cute chunky mechs, nice music, nice world by Mr Rozalski. A nice mix of hero gameplay and army gameplay like ye olde warcraft. On the other, it might need more polishing, at least for me. The controls lack features and optimisation, the pathfinding is not very nice, the sound design hurts the ears, the camera is so near, there is no super high or super low settings (which hurts the amount of people able to play the game), the UI is a bit underoptimised, pathfinding bugs causing mechs to do a wiggly dance instead of acting normal. At least the UI allows you to see when reload and when shot ready, a necessary thing for this type of RTS. I'm glad modern mechanics such as skillshots are implemented into this CoH-like game, but it really feels like as if CoH, a near 20 year old game at this point, is just modded with the developers forgetting pathfinding and controls. For people using guns, there is no hold ground and fire at will button, for mechs there is no hold fire/don't fire until I tell you button, now I'm not a young big microlord who can somewhat recreate this by using movement to volley fire. There should also be a button for commanding "hey, walk backwards for a bit, don't look back and run because your ass will get hit" because most mechs, bipedal as they are, don't know how to do this and will run around in a circle to face backwards instead, you can command some mechs to move a small pace backward, but for most it seems you cannot, even 10 year old CoH tanks know how to move backward. For a game that relies on many voxels to look good and modern, the hitboxes are a bit bad, it's hard to decide if your charge will stop prematurely and collide with a tiny thing because of a bad hitbox. For a modern game, the sizes of the bigger mechs is also underused, the theme source has big ass mechs/walkers walking among 1900s countryside farms, and instead we get mechs small as environment civillian buildings. Another sad blow it took for me is how the DLCs are big money. The campaigns are really nice, but the one faction alone? Air units as well. It's as if they did not learn from their predecessors, air units have been balanced and optimised a long time ago, so are clunky controls and pathfinding. We are not in the 1990s, many older games similar in genre has better pathfinding than this. I waited a chunk of time to try this out, had very big expectations, now I see it not even receiving updates, bad monetisation and cosmetics, and so forth, really saddening for such a nice RTS. What hurts the most is the lack of updates (as it seems at the moment), because like any other RTS before it, RTSs just generally take a long time to fully iron out the balancing and bugs. I'm excited to see more of the factions from Scythe, and their mechs and techs get into the game. I sincerely hope the best for this game because it has huge potential, in my humble opinion.

Please focus on DLCs if it would monetise well to keep the game alive, then focus on the pathfinding, controls, and UI so that the game feels more ironed out. Then we can finally go on balancing and making an option for more mellow sound. The many radio clicks, loud high pitched voice (looking at you polania sniper lady), loud gunfire may be nicer if done some mellowing. High pitch sounds in general should have lower volume, gunfire could be as loud as you like for immersion, but an option to lower each type of audio (voice, UI, environment, gun sfx, announcer sfx, etc.) would be nice. Please, give us higher camera.

Wish the mechs looked more gritty and cool like the art, in-game most of them look chunky and cute. There's nothing wrong with that but, small and chunky mechs = unterrifying. Does not help sell the gritty war torn world, especially since the target audience seem to be people who already like scythe and the world. Then again the heroes, all have pets in this world, and Nik Tesla really made a futuristic robot fox, of all animals, a fox so. So I guess maybe that's how it is- maybe it's not supposed to be gritty like how the earlier periods before the second world war (WW1 was known to be one of the grittiest wars, with soldiers looking for glory and adventure being met with all the horrors of new tech used in that war as with most wars). I wish they went ham on this, they could have went full battlefield 1 on the grittiness hehe. I love Polania micro and strategy. Wish there was more to the game, I feel older RTSs had more complexity and choices for strategy and tactics. I'm sorry but Uncle Lech just really screams overwatch to me and I can't help it xD. I guess the whole world and theme just isn't as serious, more like a more fantasy-like and hopeful version of alternate history, which I guess is a nice and fresh take and still really fun and good in its own right.

If you reader, see this, please do not take reviews for granted, rather as supplements in deciding whether to get the game. Look at gameplay, try a friend's copy, this might be a really good RTS for you despite its current bugs and such. The game is still really fun, and the campaigns are a must try. Who knows, this might be an amazing RTS for you as it is for me.
โพสต์ 11 เมษายน แก้ไขล่าสุด 11 เมษายน
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1.7 ชม. ในบันทึก
Nice game, nice art, nice music. All in all a chill and nice experience
โพสต์ 17 มีนาคม
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45.2 ชม. ในบันทึก (24.4 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Epic game. I have a longer review on synthetik arena's page. This one has more content than the free standalone synthetik arena. Your loadout here has 2 modules (selected passives), and 2 items. Overall, great game, good developer, bought all the DLCs to support the game.
โพสต์ 1 กุมภาพันธ์
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15.0 ชม. ในบันทึก (6.6 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
Amazing game. One of my top 10 probably. Fun both solo and multi.

First off, some comparisons: If you loved Risk of Rain 1 and 2 (and maybe even the mobile version, if you've tried it) you'll love the unforgivingness of this game. You like Killzone from ye ole PSP? You like tactical gameplay like Door Kickers? You like sneaking then going loud on shoot'em ups like Payday? You like going in, shooting, knife, then dashing out? You like to play tactical or sneaky sometimes, but also like going Leroy Jenkins? Bullet hell but not simply just dodging and shooting? This game (and its sequel and prequel) might be for you.

Here mah review:

First, gameplay
Mechanics. Manual reloads that reward you for reloading perfectly (which you can make easier through the settings if it annoys you). Theres an overheat system, you shoot too much you jam. Accuracy is different for each gun, you move, you get less accurate with your shots. There's shields and health. Basically, manage your shields, reload properly while doing other things including dodging bullets, shooting, and deciding where to take cover next and who to hit first.
Difficulty is also not just a health and damage slider. Your difficulty settings add or remove mechanics for you. There's also a big brother mode in case you play with someone very new or your younger bro who isn't used to video games yet.
Enemy AI. They will look for you, alert their allies, check out bullet sounds and so on. Though they aren't smart enough to back off or kite you when you dance around them, or coordinate with their allies, but I think that's a gameplay choice because you can't exactly close range dance around enemies when there's enough of them or you're facing enough types of them to have them cover each other's backs (or fronts). Personally I wish they did coordinate more. There's dudes who can dash on you and chase you with a shotgun, attack balls who are unforgiving in chasing and exploding on you, dudes who can stunlock you, mortars, drone nests, hovertanks, chronotroopers, bounty huntin bots, and others. They all play well together, but they need numbers to have frontlines properly protect their supports and backline. Otherwise you'd kill them easily. So playing tactical and sneaky rewards you that, while for big gun users or bomb/AoE users it's better to call enemies and have them clump together. With assault rifles you can go solo or straight ahead. You can play however you like.
Weapons. Gun design on this game is based on ye ol' usual guns on most FPS games and IRL, but with futuristic spins on 'em. They got many guns (and more coming probably idk), from classic sturmgewehr to fps player favorite m16, RPGs and nail guns, the awsome Val, crossbows, particle cannons, missile and grenade launchers, blade shooters, energy blasters, railguns, double barrelled precision rifles, all made to look and feel unique with a futuristic spin. I hope they add melee based weapons soon, right now knives and shields only exist as class items.
Items. You get all that fun random stuff you pick up at roguelikes/dungeon crawling games. Stuff that are basically drone summoner, lightning caller, various bombs, airstrike caller, tank summoner, and so on.
Classes. Blue dude, plays like a tank, feels like you're robocop and also a cyberpunk dystopian adeptus arbites with a tactical shield and smg attached to it, and also a pistol. You can also scream at people to stun them. You can play shield or breacher, breacher is when the riot police guy gets pissed and decides to breach doors and raid your home lol. Green dude, for speed freaks or unga bunga people. Run around, knife, dash n dodge. Other green dude is heavy weapons guy, or the mg42 carrier. Purple dude, sniper, slow and tactical, has flashbangs, smoke, decoys, traps. Can also play as a knifey assassin. Orange dude, the engineer, for those who wanna set up shop or make a bot army (get spider summon, riot guard summon, then drone items. Can also play as a boom boom guy.

Looks and Such
Graphics are really great, in fact I like both max settings and lowest settings, which speaks miles on how optimized and good the graphics are. Art style is unique, seems like a mix of minimalism and vector art. Makes the game look very streamlined and clean, which accentuates its own unique grittiness. You can turn off or on almost any graphical thing you might not like in the settings, which is really good. While you can turn on bloom/glow, it isn't too bad on the eyes and isn't just a shader, it looks pretty cool and makes buttons and the UI glow a bit. The lighting is immersive, you can choose to get a glow on where you are looking/pointing your cursor, and have some actually good vignette and dark effects that don't ruin immersion or gameplay; Or you can choose to have the look cleaner and less dark, both are good, see for yourself. The game doesn't have to rely on upscalers or high res textures in order to look good, unlike most games are nowadays, which I love personally and I think it's a smart decision. Not to mention you can run this on very low end devices because of how optimized it is.
The UI is immersive while still staying informative. The design choices on having buffs and the reload near your character and cursor respectively is good (or you can turn that off if you like looking back to where you are whenever you reload). The UI is light on the eyes but bright enough to see on your peripheral vision. Heck even the launcher and settings menu even look good while staying simplistic and clear.
The sound design makes all this even better. They selected a neat robotic voice for the announcer/class selector. Even the "READY" voice when you start or ready up is immersive and neat. Guns sound nice :3. Music is bop.

There IS lore, but you gotta get the first and second game to taste it yourself, but at least we do know there is a good amount of lore here. Designs and motifs used in the art and music are consistent, so immersion (game intro is also immersive, great on them). I do hope they expand more on this world, because it is well built. And they do make great design choices.

Devs if u read this pls add a nice melee class :D it would be fun to have high risk reward melee gameplay and parry all those bullits

Truly one of the games of all time.
โพสต์ 18 มกราคม แก้ไขล่าสุด 23 มกราคม
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14.1 ชม. ในบันทึก (12.1 ชม. ณ เวลาที่เขียนบทวิจารณ์)
It gud
โพสต์ 1 มกราคม
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กำลังแสดง 1-10 จาก 11 รายการ