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9.0 hrs on record
what sorcery is this? it’s a woman, altair.
Posted 16 May.
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16.0 hrs on record
I fear the day I shall complete this game may never come, so I will share what I have gathered.

I personally believe the concept of reimagining the tales of pinocchio in such a unique direction offers a captivating interpretation. the desolate city of krat and the stunning environments of lies of p with its impressive graphical gauge are a visual delight. uncovering the lore of this world and understanding its history is surprisingly immersive.

one of the innovative mechanics lies of p offers is weapon assembly. you are given the option to mix and match the handle and blade of any weapon you collect. the handle determines your moveset and your fable arts, while the blade dictates your damage and speed. this is one of the features I truly appreciate. fans of souls-like video games are used to investing heavily in one weapon, only to discard it when a cooler option appears. this is where lies of p excels. you can upgrade only the blade of a weapon, allowing you to attach it to a different handle if you prefer its moveset or fable arts. this promotes experimentation and variety in your arsenal.

in addition to blade upgrades, there are also basic character and combat upgrades: motivity, technique, and advance, which enhance your build in the game.

another fascinating concept lies of p introduces is perfect parries. a series of perfect parries can break an enemy’s weapon, including major bosses. this feature rewards players for mastering the parry system. maintaining weapon durability is also crucial. your mechanical arm serves as a grindstone to repair your weapon. this feature is especially valuable during boss fights, where finding openings to repair your weapon can be challenging. some players repair when the boss is staggered, while others might risk continuing their assault.

additionally, healing in lies of p is also handled differently. you have pulse cells, which serve as your healing resource. once your base pulse cells are depleted, you can recharge them by landing enough hits, giving players a greater chance to turn the tide of battle.

from the outset, people dubbed this game as “pinocchio souls” or “bloodbourne meets sekiro,” among other vague comparisons. it’s perplexing to see a game not receive the credit it deserves just because it draws inspiration from the souls games. I feel like all lies of p will ever be recognized for is being a competent souls-like, which is unfair. yes, it excels in souls-like elements, but calling it a “passable souls-like” undersells it tremendously.

when the game first launched, one of the common discussions circulating was how to approach it as more sekiro-like, bloodborne-like, or akin to elden ring and the souls trilogy. this is a testament of how dismissively people treat souls-like video games. instead of giving the game a fair chance and adjusting to its features, the initial question was about finding the closest comparison and approaching it based on that.

another early criticism was that the parry windows were too small, the stagger windows too brief, and the game too difficult—or so I’ve heard. I think that’s an invalid point. as someone who’s not particularly skilled at the game and hasn’t finished it, I haven’t encountered any game-breaking difficulty issues. everything feels fair. the developers clearly knew what they were doing. my deaths always felt just, allowing me to further assess the combat rather than blame the game mechanics.

lies of p isn’t an experience that requires extensive knowledge of souls-bourne history. it’s something you should approach on its own terms, a unique experience distinct from other titles. explore its features, experiment with its combat mechanics, and develop your play style accordingly. treat it as it’s own thing, treat it as lies of p.

lies of p is a remarkable experience. it’s one of the few souls-like games that captivated me from the start and kept me engaged far longer than the souls-bourne games ever did. if a game can make me appreciate a genre I was never fond of, it’s truly commendable. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to neowiz for crafting this gem and can’t wait to continue traversing the terrific textured tapestry that is lies of p.

thank you, zain.
Posted 16 May.
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14.0 hrs on record
moments like these are when I am particularly grateful that I naturally left some games unfinished; it grants me a second chance to rediscover and appreciate these gems once again. I first played mafia II as a child, but unfortunately had to abandon it at chapter 12. my save files got deleted. back then, I adored the game, and that admiration has only grown over time.

mafia II features stellar voice acting. the authentic dialogue and impeccably perfected accents make every conversation feel genuine, as though you are watching a real film. this gauge of authenticity is rare in video games, where dialogue often feels somewhat contrived. it’s a genuine pleasure to hear these mob bosses speak with their thick, immersive accents.

empire bay, the game's fictional setting, is a slightly altered rendition of 1940s new york, and it’s an absolute delight to immerse yourself in. the aesthetics of the 1940s are wonderfully realized, offering a setting that many games have not ventured into. when a game does capture this era, it evokes a feeling that is truly unique. everything feels fresh and distinctive; you get to drive classic cars that are not only visually stunning but also provide a robust driving experience.

cutscenes in mafia II are incredibly cinematic. the way each character acts, speaks, and interacts with their environment makes it feel like you’re watching a meticulously crafted 12-hour movie. no element feels exaggerated; every element is executed with perfect balance.

if you haven’t played Mafia II, I highly implore you to do so. and if, like me, it has been some time since you last played it, you should definitely revisit it to experience this exquisitely crafted narrative once more. mafia II is one of those games where its simplicity is honed to perfection.

I wholeheartedly recommend mafia II, even to those who aren’t very experienced with video games. it will leave both novice players and seasoned veterans in awe.
Posted 6 May. Last edited 24 May.
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2.0 hrs on record
it's worth getting back to in 2024.
Posted 29 April.
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21.0 hrs on record (12.0 hrs at review time)
I am truly at a loss for words, a rarity in my experience with video games. I am not sure if it is because I have been out of my reviewing and writing element, or the fact that this game is simply so enjoyable that I lost myself in the experience without a thought to crafting a review. I have beaten shredder's revenge numerous times, solo and with various friends and yet, I still have not grown tired of it.

shredder's revenge features a diverse roster of nine unique characters: six base, one unlockable, and two additional characters included in the dimension shellshock add-on. each character possesses distinct abilities tailored to specific playstyles. they are differentiated by three key attributes: speed, range, and power. characters like casey and donatello excel in range but sacrifice speed, while others prioritize speed. some such as leonardo are balanced. personally, I gravitated towards the fast-paced characters such as michelangelo, april o’ neil, and particularly usagi, whose rapid playstyle was incredibly gratifying.

the dimension shellshock add-on is a worthwhile addition to the base game. I highly recommend it. it introduces a fully fleshed-out survival mode with fresh mechanics and two new characters, karai and usagi. usagi is a personal favourite standout character for his incredibly satisfying fast paced gameplay which should not be missed, and karai is also a blast to play. even though I've only scratched the surface with the two new characters, I find the add-on well worth it. seriously consider getting the add-on, the characters alone make it worth the investment, and the survival mode offers so much more to explore.

typically, I would not bother writing reviews for games I am revisiting, but it's been a while since I've penned anything, and this game is that good.

this review hardly encapsulates the sheer joy of shredder's revenge. all I can say is, buy it. I wholeheartedly recommend shredder's revenge to teenage mutant ninja turtles fans and beat 'em up arcade enthusiasts alike. I truly hope to see more games like this from Dotemu in the future whether it's more TMNT or arcade beat 'em ups with other properties. I see a lot of potential with this style of video games
Posted 21 April. Last edited 24 April.
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3.0 hrs on record
two-dimensional metroid-vanias might not be for me.
Posted 23 March.
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13 people found this review helpful
2.0 hrs on record
let me preface this review by saying I have beaten the game elsewhere before inscribing my thoughts here.

if metro last light is rotting away in your library because you acquired it free of charge through epic or snagged it during a steam sale, then it's about time you gave it a try.with a shooting experience of wolfenstein's caliber and a compelling narrative populated by captivating characters, last light offers an prodigious experience. stepping into the shoes of artyom in the post-apocalyptic realm of moscow is an absolute delight.

the survival elements truly resonated with me. swapping gas masks and filters to evade contamination, employing a lighter to illuminate the grim caves and tunnels of moscow, and occasionally having to clear your mask to regain clear vision. these mechanics contribute to the game's immersive allure. the game never fails to catch you off guard with its hauntingly desolate environments. 4A games has masterfully crafted a menagerie of grotesque creatures that compel players to move with an urgency unmatched. in certain pitch-black areas, every step must be taken cautiously, as screeching creatures amplify the already palpable tension and terror. in such moments, your sole companions are the flickering flame of your lighter and the steadfast presence of your trusty rifle.
Posted 23 March.
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7.0 hrs on record
if you haven’t heard already, warner brothers intends to delist every game published under adult swim games, along with some other indie titles. the fate of every game published under adult swim games is yet uncertain. however, word has been circulating that the delisting will commence within the next 60 days or so.

battle through time, a title under adult swim games, did not go on sale during steam’s major spring sale, despite being available during every other major seasonal sale on steam. the reason for this omission is still unclear. if battle through time is indeed going to be removed, wouldn’t it be ideal to promote it one last time and give fans a final chance to grab the game? on the other hand, do the corporates believe that leaving it at full price is a better decision, assuming players will buy it anyway as it nears removal from the platform?

The likelihood of battle through time going on sale in the near future seems slim, given that it has only been discounted during steam’s major seasonal sales. the next seasonal sale won’t occur within the next 60 days.

battle through time has always been on my radar ever since it was first announced. purchasing it has always been on the agenda, so it's disappointing that I couldn’t acquire it on sale. I would recommend samurai jack fans and followers of the game alike to consider purchasing the game at full price due to the mere possibility of it being delisted.

this situation is particularly distressing because battle through time is actually a great game, a well-thought-out title that captures the essence of samurai jack in an appropriate manner whilst offering thrilling gameplay and a captivating alternate take on the saga, rather than simply capitalizing on a well-established property with a cheap product.
Posted 23 March.
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5 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record (5.0 hrs at review time)
warhammer 40,000 space marine is an exhilarating joyride through and through.

among the many games I’ve always wanted to try in the past, space Marine flew under the radar due to being a one-of-a-kind entry in the warhammer 40,000 franchise. I recall seeing glimpses of the game several years ago and briefly intending on playing it; however, the game simply didn’t stay prevalent in my thoughts due to not getting the recognition it deserved.

on the surface, the first impression space marine forges is a gears of war-esque third person shooter. I can assure you that there’s so much more to it than that.

enter captain titus, an ultramarine who’ll use any means necessary to fight for the emperor as he fends off hordes of orks and daemons. with a plethora of weapons at your disposal, space marine offers a diverse way of satisfying gameplay: a chainsaw, a battleaxe, a sledgehammer, each serving its function accordingly. machine guns, laser firearms, missile launchers, and so much more provide exhilarating gameplay. space Marine implements the usage of hack and slash along with third-person shooting flawlessly, with both methods delivering satisfaction in their own manner suitable to every player according to their own preference.

playing space marine made me feel like a kid again; exciting and pleasing third-person shooting mechanics that never got tiresome, over-the-top action-packed scenes, purely chaotic sequences such as shooting off orks from a jet as it eventually crashes and you somehow make it out alive. a short yet very fulfilling experience consisting of a narrative that works just right. a feeling that only some 2000s to early 2010s video games can encapsulate when developers didn’t necessarily stick to formulas and did whatever they pleased.

I’ve been a witness to the recent discourse circulating around the increment in the pricing of the game due to the announcements of the upcoming sequel as the original is receiving some newfound fame. all I’ve got to say is while the base price may have increased and may be deemed unreasonable for a 12-year-old game, the promotional prices have remained relatively similar, which is realistically the most common way of purchasing the product. I can’t strongly support this gripe as it isn’t as corporately predatory as increasing the promotional price of a video game after newfound fame. A recent example is konami significantly bumping their promotional prices of the metal gear solid V games after newfound popularity around the snake eater remake and the master collection.

I’d like to bring up the fact that these opinions are molded solely through means of the campaign as that is what I intended to play the game, and additionally, how I’ve never been fond of multiplayer games.

I wholeheartedly recommend warhammer 40,000 space marine to warhammer and third-person video game fans alike. space marine has reignited my excitement for the sequel coming out this august.

post-script: don’t let my playtime mislead you about my overall feelings on the game. this review encompasses the entire eight-hour experience.
Posted 18 March.
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4 people found this review helpful
8.0 hrs on record (6.0 hrs at review time)
buy it, let democracy prevail once again.
Posted 16 March.
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