I enjoy builders, map painters, strategy, and simulators
Trưng bày đánh giá
Đã chơi 3,9 giờ
Great game, maybe even the most immersive military experience in gaming, but there's no real single player option.

I hope the devs rectify this. There's a lot of older gamers these days (millennials are getting old, especially those of us who remember the Iraq War) who absolutely refuse to game with the toxic, immature and over-competitive players that gravitate toward shooters and mil-sims, many of whom were still ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in their diapers when the fine men and women of the US Marine Corps graced the hellscape that was Fallujah. I simply won't have it anymore, my time to game is too limited and too many online gamers simply have too much time on their hands.