1-508 PIR | T/Sgt Rip
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354 hrs on record
last played on 23 May
630 hrs on record
last played on 23 May
73 hrs on record
last played on 23 May
1-508 PIR | T/Sgt Rip 26 Apr @ 1:58pm 
send me your only fans
Omelette du Freshie 26 Apr @ 1:53pm 
Tell me why you got banned
Aros 31 Mar @ 9:07am 
il2 yorumunu gördüm bende bir il2 oyuncusuyum eklersen girebiliriz
Davynoe 8 Mar @ 2:53pm 
UwU so I wuz watching Swowd Awt Onwine, you know, wike, the gweatest anime evew, in cwass. And someone made fun of my Faiwy Taiw mug and my Tokyo Ghouw hoodie. And I was wike ÒwÓ baka! Watashi gonna Kamehameha you UMU. And then I made him wead evewy chaptew of Boku No Hewo Academia and we had an otaku discussion on why we think aww the gay ships awe supewiow and anyone who disagwees can wot in otaku heww. And then some cwinge otaku who watches seasonaw anime ÒwÓ towd us that SAO is bad and that none of the chawactews in Boku No Hewo Academia awe gay. So we ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stwangwed him to death with ouw Nawuto hoodies. Aftew that evewyone cwapped and gave us fwee anime giww body piwwow covews and Astowfo figuwines. And I was wike UwU watashi gonna go home and wead 177013 whiwe cuddwing my Sakuwa body piwwow ÒwÓ
Petrolsky 7 Mar @ 7:02am 
Beneath the azure canopy they soar,
Thirteen troopers strong, a steadfast corps.
Ammunition's weight, fourteen-fifteen's embrace,
In the open sky, they find their grace.

A Willys MB, a quarter-ton in stride,
Through rugged terrain, where courage abides.
Four by four, a utility truck's might,
Navigating challenges, day and night.

A thousand kilos, military cargo secure,
A mission's heartbeat, resolute and sure.
In the bed of the truck, a silent load,
A tale of bravery on this untrodden road.

As they descend, a brake chute unfurls,
A ballet of courage, in a realm of swirls.
Warriors on land, cargo from above,
In unity, they carry a nation's love.
ASIA 23 Feb @ 10:24pm 
Worst gaming friend :cta_emo6: