Omelette du freshie
Johnny   Toulouse, Midi-Pyrenees, France
Allez tous vous faire enfoirer / Compulsive Liar

We thank you, oh Monolith, for revealing the cunning plans of your enemies to us. May your light shine down on the souls of the brave soldiers who gave their lives in service to your will. Onward, warriors of The Monolith. Avenge your fallen brothers. Blessed, as they are, in their eternal union with The Monolith. Bring death to those who've spurned the holy power of The Monolith. Oh Monolith, we do not hear you. Why have you left us, oh Monolith? We await your orders, oh Monolith.
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Omelette du freshie 17 Jun @ 7:23am 
Sh00terin 17 Jun @ 3:18am 
XD OKAY You know we was on the same team at nuke you leave with 4/8 and -1000 Elo :lunar2020thinkingtiger:
Omelette du freshie 17 Jun @ 2:00am 
i negev you all pieces of sht
Sh00terin 12 Jun @ 2:12pm 
Ismail Ahmad Khan Nabawi 2 Jun @ 10:08am 
pierdol sie cwelu z negevem
Nemko 2 Jun @ 5:36am 
negev noooooooooooooooooooooooob