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Análises recentes de Sir Loin Stakes

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12.2 hrs em registo (9.3 horas no momento da análise)
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I recently picked this game up and it is almost everything I could ask for in a sandbox RPG. I have loved every moment playing this game, even the struggling ones. There isn't a lot of diverse content that I personally have come across yet, but, I have still been having a fun time exploring the world and leveling up different skills. there is so many skills to choose from and it allows you to create any combination of combat, im playing as a necro knight right now and it is AWESOME! I can not wait to see the end product of this game and I know I will not be disappointed. I think even at the current state of the game that $20 USD is a very fair price to pick up the game.
Publicado a 12 de março.
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Ainda ninguém achou esta análise útil
69.1 hrs em registo (61.0 horas no momento da análise)
It is a very fun game and has drawn my attention for hours at a time quite often. I like the selection and variety of characters, and future ones to come, it has made making different teams for missions exciting and challenging as well. The variety of cards each hero can choose from was a nice relief to see as it gave me more options to work on different builds or be able to swap cards in some decks depending on the team and mission Im about to go on. The fighting in the game is a pleasant mix of frustrating RNG and jumps for joy when you get an entire hand of cards that are nearly perfect synergy, the animations in combat are also very stunning and beautiful. The stories in the game are well made and have kept my interest throughout each of them as they unfold and as I continue playing I can not wait to see the end of each story.

The game does come with some complaints from me though, but they are outweighed by what I do like and enjoy. I feel at times some missions can be harder than they lead you on to be, but nevertheless still seem to be doable. My biggest issue is the lack of emotions and actions behind a lot of cutscenes throughout the game, most times I would lose the emotion behind what characters were saying because they'd be expressing anger, excitement, sadness, ect. and they would just stand there arms crossed or to their sides, acting almost robotic with human voices. It would have been nice to see maybe more animations put in to a lot of the cutscenes, especially the ones that take place in the Abbey.
All in all I would give the game an 8/10. It is definitely worth giving it a try.
Publicado a 6 de fevereiro de 2023.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
13.1 hrs em registo (5.0 horas no momento da análise)
where to start... well first, the controls on the map in battle glitch so often for me, i cant move troops, cant even select troops, me and my army get left like sitting ducks. There is buildings to enter in battle yet NOT ONE SINGLE UNIT WILL USE THEM!! what the F is the point in having cover if you cant even have your units use it!?! not even having the "follow me" command gets them into the buildings. very huge disappointment and i was expecting much more from this game. you can't even turn your units effectively so they are always in weird "formations", so some troops will be over a hill meanwhile the rest are behind the hill, not able to see or fire at anything and leaving their brothers/ sisters to just die and lose moral. with the lackluster control for your entire army id much rather have a "Freewill" or whatever and let my AI just do things on their own, which is another issue, your units AI SUCK HARD compared to the enemy, who seem to be much more accurate in battle than any of your troops could dream to be. That is, if the enemy actually spawns on the map and isnt some ghost unit that cant be killed, which leads to having to close the game since there is no way to just back out of a battle. (FYI half of these experiences are through custom battles using units that should be considered good(I.E armored, well equipped assault troops)
Publicado a 2 de junho de 2020.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
22.5 hrs em registo (5.7 horas no momento da análise)
For a game that has a couple DLC and even a season pass to purchase, I expected less Game breaking bugs. bugs are livable but when the only way to "fix" the error is by restarting the entire game I think the Dev focus should be on fixing that and not more content to bug more of the game. Several occasions I've been plagued with this disgusting bug that forces me to only have access to the building menu, even trying to load a save forces the menu to pop up, not a single thing fixes it besides just exiting the game and reloading and half the time i encounter the exact same bug. I think this game will be sitting on the shelves until this gets addressed because its frustrating having to lose a good hr or two of gameplay every time i encounter this bug.
Publicado a 13 de maio de 2020.
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