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Kövesd ezt a felhasználót, hogy láthasd, mikor tesz közzé új Steames útmutatót, hoz létre új gyűjteményeket, vagy tesz közzé elemeket a Steam Műhelyben.

1–9/19 bejegyzés mutatása
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Half-Life 2 Overhauled
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
A collection that overhauls all of Half-Life 2 Reshade is highly recommended to use with this collection! !REQUIREMENTS! The blood mod used in this collection requires custom shaders! Link:
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
My second attempt to remaster Garry's Mod This remasters Sounds, Textures, Weapons, Particles, and even adds more stuff to the game! !OPTIONAL! for a more colorful game use these color modification settings. Brightness: 0.08 Contrast: 1.00 Color multiplier
Overhauled Antlion, Zombie, and Birds
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
an extension for Overhauled Combine, and Overhauled Resistance
Overhauled Resistance
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
An Extension to Overhauled Combine Reason why turrets are in this collection is because of the resistance turrets
Overhauled Combine
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
Got bored and decided to make this collection.
The Action Collection
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
A collection made to make your Garry's Mod into an action game Use ViewMod for Third Person! Third Person can be fully customizable to your desire! Made this collection because I was bored
Gmod realism collection with not as much addons
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
Gmod realism collection that contains 23 addons total. PLEASE READ THIS!!! Enable "Color modification" in "Post Process" tab. SETTINGS Brightness: 0.09 Contrast: 0.99 Color Multiplier: 1.86 Color Invert: 0.00 Color Add: 0 0 0 Color Multiply: 0 0 0 DON'T US
Cool addons for realistic blood :) 2!!!
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
the second collection that makes blood more realistic! ADDON FOR PEOPLE WITH NONE BETA:
Escape From Tarkov
Gyűjtemény alkotója: STUCKM0J0
subscribe to all of them and have fun!
Laponként: 9 18 30 
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