Zack #Jesus Loves You
Zack   United States
The Ten Commandments :
[1] You shall have no other gods before Me.
[2] You shall make no idols.
[3] You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
[4] Keep the Sabbath day holy.
[5] Honor your father and your mother.
[6] You shall not murder.
[7] You shall not commit adultery.
[8] You shall not steal.
[9] You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
[10] You shall not covet.
Zack #Jesus Loves You 18 hours ago 
You too, God bless you and Jesus be with you :gk_cross:
O R I O N 19 hours ago 
Nice to see someone else who loves the Lord here on Steam. Keep walking faithfully with the Lord and read you're word as much as you can my friend in Christ. Have a blessed day.
No Touch.. 16 Jul @ 12:56pm 
I am always available to talk regardless if you want to
Zack #Jesus Loves You 16 Jul @ 8:19am 
Just didn't see any reason to stay on Discord any longer. Hope you're doing okay as well
No Touch.. 16 Jul @ 6:43am 
hope you're doing well mate..