
Последние обзоры illegal-immigrant

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14.2 ч. всего (6.2 ч. в момент написания)
Difference between this game and DOOM

I need more bullets!

I need more bullets!

<shaking speed increases exponentially>

I need more bullets!

I need more bullets!

Bigger weapons!

Bigger weapons!

Bigger weapons!

I need more bullets!

I need more bullets!

<stops twerking, proceeds to shadow peg again>


<cowboy filter>

Wow, thanks for the protein, sir!

Watch me ride that horse, sir!

<thug shaking blocked off by fireworks greenscreen>


Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Hasta la Vista, Baby!

Now that is a weapon!

<twerk machine gun>


Опубликовано 23 июня.
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1.4 ч. всего
This game doesn't have many basic settings. E.g. can't adjust camera moving/rotating speed. The default speed is literally uncontrollable and very shaky. This is annoying af.
No interactive tutorial. Give you a manual and let you read yourself.
Опубликовано 5 февраля.
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26.7 ч. всего (3.2 ч. в момент написания)
Driving system is even worse than Watch Dog 1 that was released 3 years ago. I once thought Watch Dog 1's driving system is the worst one ever but now I take that back. Ubi truly doesn't have any programmer that knows how to design driving system.

Mission has no saving-loading system at all. Failed a mission in the middle? Good luck on
starting all over from the very beginning.

Tons of bug as usual. No ♥♥♥♥♥ quality control. Typically Ubi-soup. Imagine failing a mission due to a bug or bad mission design (e.g. the dude you wanted to capture alive got killed by something random or your ret2ard AI teammate; or your vehicle got stuck somewhere then the timer runs out). So you gotta start all over from the beginning, then failed the mission again due to another bug.
Опубликовано 12 января. Отредактировано 18 января.
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
770.4 ч. всего (752.1 ч. в момент написания)
Ubi has the most disgusting, shameful, brain-dead balance and operation team ever. Been fixing problems that werent a problem to begin with.
+ Pointless recoil change every year
+ Remove terrorist hunt just to make you play their trash Versus-AI
+ Balance by adding/removing scope and grenade. A player gets 1.5-scope this reason then lose it next season then get it back.
+ Make many 1,2 health defense operator 3 health. Everyone is fat AF now so roamer main (like me) don't have much choices.
+ If they find something hard to be balanced (e.g. grenade, but this isn't actually a problem to begin with) for their fish brain capacity, they will rework it.
+ Remove spawn peek/run out
Опубликовано 9 декабря 2023 г.. Отредактировано 9 декабря 2023 г..
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1 пользователь посчитал этот обзор полезным
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39.8 ч. всего (39.3 ч. в момент написания)
This studio is capable to produce the prime masterpieces like season 1-4 as well as the ultimate digital garbage - Michonne. If you don't crave full achievement then only play season 1-4 so it doesn't ruin your good impression of this series. Michonne is not even finished. Many objects in the scene have buggy shiny green outlines instead of black ones. The boats fly on the river with no interaction with water. Storyline is piece of ♥♥♥♥. Putting it in the same collection is such a big insult to season 1-4.
Опубликовано 28 января 2023 г.. Отредактировано 28 января 2023 г..
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214.1 ч. всего (28.7 ч. в момент написания)
Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU Alarielle MY WAIFU
Опубликовано 12 января 2023 г..
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Пользователей, посчитавших обзор полезным: 3
Пользователей, посчитавших обзор забавным: 2
7.2 ч. всего (4.9 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 14 декабря 2022 г..
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57.7 ч. всего (39.4 ч. в момент написания)
Bad game makes me sad. Can’t marry my ship in real life.
Опубликовано 24 июня 2022 г..
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21.3 ч. всего (13.1 ч. в момент написания)
+Smooth combat and climbing systems facilitate great playability. Would be better if can have more variety of weapons. I missed the heavy ones in Unity.
-Not immersive enough but still fine. Low diversity of map design. Over reuse of models and scenes make the map repetitive.
Overall a good game. Much better than the trash Odyssey that got raped by RPG. Fk you the UBI today.
Опубликовано 1 февраля 2022 г.. Отредактировано 28 января 2023 г..
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21.2 ч. всего (17.2 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 15 декабря 2021 г..
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