El Psy Kongroo
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✍️ : Shirakii
🎨 :Artstation
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齋藤 不老不死 さいとう ふろうふし 注意壁纸有很多自定义选项 原图为久保带人绘制的ED人设图 BLEACH Twitter 由于斩魄刀能力未知,因此没有臆想其他元素 图片没有做超分,如果之后有好的图源可以更换为4K 有什么改进之处可以留言反馈 最后 狂气双马尾赛高!! ----------------- Please note that the wallpaper has a lot of customization options Saito Furofushi The original picture
61 ratings
Created by - Mio
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2020-10-02 03:10 首次击杀黑龙
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86 hrs on record
last played on 25 Dec
104 hrs on record
last played on 23 Dec
60 hrs on record
last played on 21 Dec