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Yayınlanma: 11 Kas 2023 @ 7:18

The most expensive downloadable content (DLC)

But why Call of duty Modern warfare 3 receive lots of bad reviews?

Blame everything on the executive of Activision/Blizzard for their unreasonable time to release a game. Just to reach their financial quotas and appeasing their shareholder.

Any Call of Duty games usually takes 3 years of development but this one only took 16 months.

What are the devs going to do when you have to deliver the game on time?

You guess it!

-Carry Over every weapon, operator, accessories, calling card and weapon camos from the previous MWII to MWIII.
-Recycling 16 old maps. Rejoice everybody! Some maps from MWII will be on MWIII.
-Modern warfare zombie disguise as DMZ with undead creature on a recycle Warzone map. And it still a beta status.
- The campaign missions feel like an afterthoughts.
- Add a couple of new operator, weapons and other stuff that Nobody f*ck*ng cares about.

Let’s set the game free for 70$ US.

Oh no! The community are not happy. Don’t be sad. We are going to listen to your feedback this time!

Now give us your money peasant!
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7 Yorum
saladCsar 13 Kas 2023 @ 6:40 
@Magicia I watched this video before I sleep. And the song is highly contagious XD. Man that is a lot of poeple in a Sitcom! :coolstar2022:
saladCsar 12 Kas 2023 @ 16:18 
@GucciMessiah You're right! There are too many cooks in the kitchen. :shockedstar2022:
Gucci Messiah 12 Kas 2023 @ 13:16 
They had 10 studios working on this game. 0 excuse
saladCsar 12 Kas 2023 @ 12:45 
@Magicia thank you so much comrade. :happystar2022:

The executive’s dream is to outreach their economic growth to infinity without effort. In their line of work: «Money talks». We have to stop purchasing their lazy product and say enough is enough.

«Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it»
- George Santayana
CAMFINITYDOESGAMING [Suspended] 12 Kas 2023 @ 12:32 
He’s the executive of Blizzard too??? No wonder it’s horrible
🌊MAGE 12 Kas 2023 @ 10:33 
Wow SaladCsar! Your review is very spicy here! It sounds like a complete f*** up! :FFIVbomb: