Cornwall, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
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bAllu 3 Jul @ 5:54am 
crazy cosplay crazy duel, GG
Mango 6 Feb @ 3:37pm 
DS2 will always be the goat for pvp. the B team really knew what they were doing when they were balancing the weapons and builds
Jazod 6 Feb @ 6:34am 
Lukecis 26 Jan @ 2:18am 
Elden Ring is a pre-mature abortion on the online aspects of the game- a complete and total downgrade from both DS3 and DS2.

The never ending ball smashing invaders have been getting since post ds2 launch- is at its worst here, and the netcode is so bad it makes DS1's look good at least in comparison to the status bar- Not to mention the damn near total and complete lack of any kind of stable connections for the first year-ish of it being out with every invasion (and co-op outside of mods) being dropped within the first few minutes of the invasion/co-op.
:5s 25 Jan @ 6:16pm 
Don't we all. ill admit elden ring is a good game, one of the best fromsoft has made, but the pvp cannot compare to ds3. neither can most of the bosses, questlines, and mood/artistic direction/lore.
Mango 25 Jan @ 1:27pm 
i hope 6 player limit is brought back ;(