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42.1 hrs last two weeks / 3,812.2 hrs on record (540.7 hrs at review time)
Posted: 30 Dec, 2018 @ 3:03pm
Updated: 21 Jan @ 2:35pm

Amazing Game in concept and gameplay for both casual and competitive players. The problem I find with the game after playing 3000+ hours is that it has so much potential to move forward and become something even bigger but it being held back and neglected by valve and the current state it's in is not acceptable anymore. The way I envision the game is to port the base game to source 2 as a fresh start and slowly port over other stuff like hats,weapons,maps while fixing them. TF2 doesn't need new weapons or maps,we just need to fix the bad ones,the underpowered weapons just need buffs while the OP(ones that people consider op) can get a slight tweak, for maps most are fine ,some are just mehh, than there is bad ones that maybe could use a remaster or something like what COD does. I feel Valve should support both the casual and competitive community of TF2. For Casual I wouldn't change too much, just get rid of the bots and cheaters which is what makes casual unplayable and quality of life changes I would enable fixed bullet spread where most people would want it on for consistency and little to none would complain about it(not game breaking) since 5 of the 9 classes has a shotgun/scattergun and is relied upon depending on the class and loadout. The ingame competive mode is the big thing that is wrong with TF2 in my opinion ,it has too many problems that can easily be fixed. The main problem is forced settings such as restricted viewmodel fov, and graphics cranked up for no reason when CSGO didn't force this in their ranked matchmaking, there is also a problem with the map pool and balancing which can easily be fixed with ideas from the TF2 community, these problems is what makes the competitive mode unsuccessful scaring off players and thinning out the possible matchmaking playerbase. I hate to say it even though I really want to see this game go on I just don't see it doing that with the way valve is treating it unless Valve steps up and actually try, the game is possible to fix I just listed a few ideas while the community has thousands that can be found from every corner of the internet. Steam Discussions, Youtube, Reddit,
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