enlisted.d jún. 22., 16:32 
+rep best funni sword game player, no contest :lunar2019piginablanket:
cunt jún. 17., 14:58 
vormity jún. 17., 10:11 
fitting the description
fruit ninja jún. 17., 5:32 
fruit ninja jún. 16., 3:27 
woof woof player in a dog world
vormity máj. 25., 9:55 
bingod máj. 24., 23:58 
I think you can find woodwork supplies at Lowes
seanset máj. 15., 16:29 
-rep ♥♥♥♥♥
Crown of Thorns máj. 12., 14:09 
distinguished ape
vormity máj. 3., 8:51 
Bib ápr. 27., 21:03 
seanset ápr. 3., 3:00 
pile driver
seanset ápr. 3., 2:59 
hip hop cat márc. 28., 23:53 
you're a statistic
vision márc. 28., 23:31 
I am stronger than your god and older than your devil. I am the darkness between stars, and the roots beneath the earth. I am promise, and potential, and when it comes to playing games, I divine the rules, I set the pieces, and I choose when to play.
hip hop cat márc. 23., 15:11 
srry didn't mean to make you fall for me a 3rd time
vision márc. 23., 13:58 
someone call the police this man is trying to groom me !!!
hip hop cat márc. 20., 23:26 
either taking a long ass break or quit games for irl
besi márc. 20., 22:09 
what happened to tenten
remote controlled human márc. 19., 21:57 
this guy is gonna be at my wedding
Bib márc. 19., 16:34 
no more mordhau!
vormity márc. 11., 19:33 
get off csgo and play valorant
hip hop cat márc. 9., 12:29 
vormity márc. 9., 12:11 
catboys? go to your room young man
hip hop cat márc. 7., 16:35 
are you cereal
hip hop cat márc. 2., 21:29 
bro did not just let me duel him
vormity márc. 1., 22:08 
bro did not just ask me to play minecraft
etn ben febr. 27., 1:53 
so do you guys still talk to nox?
vampyra febr. 26., 10:10 
where's my money...
hip hop cat febr. 26., 1:31 
gn Saint Pawl
seanset febr. 25., 15:16 

~The NA Superstar, seanset
lolnoob febr. 22., 12:02 
"bark bark"
hip hop cat febr. 21., 17:05 
i love everyones hate
vampyra febr. 21., 14:24 
i might hate you
hip hop cat febr. 21., 13:52 
duuuude we're the best thieves in minecraft ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
tenten febr. 21., 13:51 
SEAL Team Six 🥱🥱🥱
vampyra febr. 20., 11:06 
i will get my horse back...
hip hop cat febr. 20., 6:56 
The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack, we might not all make it home
tenten febr. 20., 4:38 
Horse thief
tenten febr. 15., 17:54 
vampyra febr. 14., 14:19 
i love watching you🥰
tenten febr. 12., 1:32 
nice tage i watched it it was nice
seanset febr. 11., 19:22 
nice tage i watched it it was nice
hip hop cat febr. 4., 23:46 
wyd if your family went missing?
Crown of Thorns febr. 4., 22:07 
wwyd if i just walked into your house and just emoted: woohoo!
Crown of Thorns febr. 4., 22:07 
tooth and nail
tenten febr. 4., 21:02 
hip hop cat febr. 4., 20:55 
tenten is a noob
hip hop cat jan. 30., 14:22 
vampyra jan. 30., 13:05 
you're evil