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Publisert: 5. juni 2020 kl. 19.22
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"This game makes you wish for a nuclear winter" - David Donkleburg, b76c

I can't believe I've put so many hours into this game! A dear boobala gave it to me for free and I actually played it and to my surprise I liked some of it. But that is no excuse for how much of a cash grab this game was and still is!

The beginning of the game is just as boring and tedious as it was when it first released. The fetch quest after fetch quest approach didn't work well in fallout 4 and doubly so in fallout 76. The start of the game is so slow you'll want to replace your eyes with your ears like you were Mr. Potato Head.
But once you finally reach level 50 the game actually tricks you into thinking it is actually going to get good because you can do some cool ♥♥♥♥ like join the enclave and launch nukes on unsuspecting B.E.T.A Males or to spawn the Scorch Beast Queen and Wendigo Colossus to farm legendary gear. However once you've done that twenty or so times to fun of it fades and the only reason you're even doing it is to get a legendary which may or may not be something of value (99% never anything of value). Speaking of legendaries, which brain dead monkey ♥♥♥♥ at Bethesda thought it was a good idea to have a completely random drop chance on weapons and their effects when there are so many weapons and armor pieces. Like seriously the amount of 1 star brass knuckles I've gotten off of 3 star enemies is unbelievable! If they actually cared (I know they don't) they would find a way to give you a guaranteed 3 star items other than a stupid rat that swindles you out of scrip.
The cardinal sin of this game is that Bethesda is so desperate for people to play their game daily that they placed daily caps on the amount of in game currency (ie; scrip,caps, bullion, reputation sort of) so players are forced to come back daily if they want to maximize what they can earn. The main problem is bullion, while you can farm as many treasury notes as you want per day you can only turn in 20 a day which equates to 200 bullion making the progress toward the items you want to buy very slow. BUT WAIT if you want to buy the coolest things like the Gauss shotgun, minigun, or ammo machine you have to grind faction reputation. This can only be done by completing daily missions which you only get one for each faction a day that really gives you any rep and a a secondary mission that rewards a small extra bit of rep. Other than those you have to grind random encounters which if you do good luck because the reputation gain is so small it would take hours of grinding to even equal to the dailies.

To sum up this rant, while Bethesda has fixed a lot of problems since the game released it still is a scummy broken cash grab at heart that somehow even after 2 years of bullshitting its way through it somehow still has a thriving player base of dumb dumbs including yours truly playing it. I hope that Bethesda releases a true fallout game again someday but as it looks now with the huge player base and probably thousands of dollars spent in the atom shop per day that wont be for a while or ever :'(

2 Steaming Dumpaloos piles/10
P.S If you see Indiana ducky in game tell him his house looks like doodoo cheese!!!
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33 kommentarer
Bacon Overlord® 16. nov. 2022 kl. 0.43 
250 hours in a game you didn't like. How was that? Did you die from all that self-imposed laboring in a game you didn't like? C'mon... like anyone believes you didn't like a game you spent 250 hours playing. Get real.
IndianaDucky 16. des. 2021 kl. 11.00 
Best review from the legendary year of 2076BC :bbtraccoon:
marktulip76 6. juli 2020 kl. 12.48 
ha ha you actually spent your money on the shit
Dingus Khan 4. juli 2020 kl. 18.06 
@IndianaDucky what did I tell you about coming out of the dungeon you dumpalomer you! Go back in there before I raid you r Minecraft server and steal all of your dedicated wam!
IndianaDucky 4. juli 2020 kl. 10.26 
#DingusGreen a hypocrisy, may-be a monarchy :vcdjanitor:

Your dad, Dr. Squizzle Square, would be very disappointed as you bring dishonor to you-a-famiree. Dingus Khan, is an embarrassment and most importantly has a depraved way of logicality. :launchpad:

May dumpaloo have mercy on your soul, for you truly are slow-witted. :sbscare:

Flash Morgan Webster & Company: Publishing. July 4, 1942.

Dingus Khan 3. juli 2020 kl. 22.17 
@BloodMist the survival elements were in Fallout 4 but fair enough. I just wish this game was an actual Fallout out game like literally any other game in the series.
BloodMist 3. juli 2020 kl. 22.06 
Oh and umm, it's a Fallout game on every fucking level, with additional survival elements that are new because you know, new games add things to established gameplay, and a completely optional PvP component which adds an additional element to the game that can potentially be enjoyed if you like it. So, again, your thought process is DEEPLY flawed. Tremendously.
Dingus Khan 3. juli 2020 kl. 22.03 
@BloodMist I mean they literally made a FALLOUT themed survival/ battle royal. At a time when battle royals ( Fortnite, PUBG) were at their peak. When they could have used the time and resources to make an actual Fallout game. So yeah this is a a cash grab, maybe not as crap as it was but still pretty crappy.
BloodMist 3. juli 2020 kl. 22.02 
You clearly have no idea what "cash grab" actually means, though you are unabashedly a whiny bitch, so you and any whiny bitch like you are not going to be able to enjoy a game like this, because it actually requires you to think about what you're doing or you will have a bad time due to your simplistic, and ultimately flawed way of going about playing the game. A common thread in the mentality of a lot of these haters, I've noticed. Yeah it's an objective review, but it's also really simple minded and flawed. Though if you really, truly think this is the way the game is, there is, without question, a deep thread of hypocrisy going on here if you have indeed played it for that long, and hypocrites should never, ever, be taken seriously. Ever. Anyone who doesn't realize that should never be taken seriously either.
0033 3. juli 2020 kl. 13.53 
"Received product for free" is meant for people who got a copy for free from the devs. Since it is generally bad practice to pay someone to review your game, it is acceptable to GIFT them a copy and ask for a review - positive or negative. If you love the game, and the devs sent it to you for free, you click this box to let us know that maybe we should also contrast some other reviews with the ones from free review copies, which might be biased for obvious reasons, intentionally or unintentionally.