
Käyttäjän Morpheus viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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Näytetään 31–40 / 40
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 328.4 tuntia (62.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
20/10 - Would play "Sekiro : I die 400 times" again.

The gameplay is outstanding, the combat is intense and gets your heart going, the satisfaction after each successful enemy encounter makes you feel like you're flying high and the story and characters are really likeable.

The only problem I have with the game, and this is probably just me cause I have not figured out the trick, the movement in the middle of a fight where I want to start running as soon as I dodge to the left or right felt a little bit clunky.

Other than that, there is not really much else for me to say about the game. I will add that I am very happy From Software tried something new and moved away from Dark Souls (that masterpiece of a trilogy ended perfectly if you ask me) and I hope they continue to make fresh experiences in the future for masochists such as myself.
Julkaistu 15. joulukuuta 2019
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
29 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
4 käyttäjän mielestä tämä arviointi oli hauska
yhteensä 1,029.6 tuntia (627.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
My family and friends were convinced that video gaming is a real addiction after seeing how I played this game. That alone is enough to explain the quality of this masterpiece.

Going a little bit deeper though, coming to this after a burnout on the souls series having spent more than 2000 hours in the trilogy (I may or may not have a problem controlling myself), this was a very different and pleasant challenge, and I am gonna say it right now, this game felt harder than souls, it was faster, you took more damage than ever, where even basic mob would one shot and you really needed to play smart (No more R1 spam against the PvE). And while this has some similarities to souls, namely being hard and losing your stuff permanently if you cannot retrieve it after death, that is about it. Everything else is completely different, the build matters, equipment matters and your skill really does matter. Now that we have that out of the way.

Best parts of the game, the combat, dear lord, that smooth combat. Despite have a limited group of weapons, the sheer number of over the top and flashy skills brings more variety than any other RPG.
The level designs were very good and greatly balanced. The character and enemy design was quite outstanding and helped in creating a very intense and fitting atmosphere.
Lastly, people seem to forget that there is an actual plot in this game and it is done quite well, taking real life historical characters and building something out of it that works cannot be easy but they have executed it wonderfully. Overall, i would rate this game, 9.7 out of 10, if you like the challenge of souls and continuous game play of diablo, this game is for you.

Now coming to what could have been better, firstly the online, while it is decently active, there is a lot problems with the net code, lag can be horrendous, even when playing with a friend in close vicinity where both of us have fiber.
Second - They could have done something more with the enemy variety. This is a personal gripe, team ninja is not really at fault, nobody twisted my arm to play this for 600 plus hours but when you give players the opportunity and challenge to get to the highest difficulty on NG+4, there will be people who get there and the feeling of tedium can get immense. These are very minor rants that most people probably don't even experience.

I hope more people get into this game, it deserves more attention. I cannot recommend it enough, and with Nioh 2 coming up (hopefully to PC at some point as well), I can hardly wait.
Julkaistu 13. lokakuuta 2019
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 37.1 tuntia
As someone who does not like stealth games, I was quite pleasantly surprised by this game which I picked up after it was recommended by a friend. The number of ways you can go through each mission in the game is quite impressive. The gadgets and powers offer some great variety in terms of combat as well, (but the best being https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1151017-teleports-behind-you-nothing-personal-kid) . Decent story with some interesting side characters coming together for a perfect 10/10. There is really nothing bad I can think of about this game.
Julkaistu 15. syyskuuta 2018 Viimeksi muokattu 15. syyskuuta 2018.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 72.1 tuntia (63.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
For anyone wanting a fantasy game which includes multiple facets such as open world, stealth, intense melee and a decent story, it can't get any better than this. The game play is very fun and addicting. Since there are so many ways to perform the side missions and with so much side content along with the amazing DLCs, you will never get bored,whether it is making a captain into a warchief or making them fight each other, messing with orcs is always fun.
The game lacked a little bit in terms of charaters and while it is hard to create a story that lives up to the world it is based on, the game handled it fine.
In short, this game is definitely worth getting.
Julkaistu 20. elokuuta 2018
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 953.4 tuntia (151.4 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
"Do things really end ? I mean, do they REALLY end ? I don't think so, not in the world of Lordran, nor in Drangleic and things most certainly do not end in Lothric. Because time...is convoluted. Fires fade and are reignited, again and again. Lords of Cinder come again and again to show us how to never give up, give in or back down. This is what I have learnt. This is Dark Souls".

I hope that was nice and edgy, but seriously though, here is the review. TL;DR It is a fantastic game. I recommend it.

If you still wanna read, go ahead -

The last game in the souls series (apparently remasters don't count), in my opinion From Software did a great job and lived up to the hype and expectations. I have some gripes but that's just me, overall, for the people new to the game and for veterans alike, this should be a great and enteratining experience (if not.....well.....Git Gud Scrub).

Movement - The movements are crisp, actions are fluent and controls are seamless. Leagues better than the 4 dimensions of Dark Souls 1 and the wonky movement of Dark Souls 2. The overall pace of the game is fast and aggressive which is much appreciated.

Visuals - Just look at some screenshots or better yet, take in the view yourself. I don't need to say anything, you will understand.

Game mechanics - Everything from automatic storage of items when exceeding capacity to the number of players that can be present in one game is excellent. From software has shown that they learn from every game and they also listen to the community.

Multiplayer - Speaking of multiple players, this part of the game was hands down the best part of it. With the most active community I have ever seen, every duel, co op and even gank was very very entertaining. The multiplayer mechanics are also great, the net code is fluent and being able to have free for alls in Irithyll (Gank city) is awesome. Though this was the most fun part of the game, I have one serious question, which till this day pisses me off and makes no sense. Why are there TWO blue covenants ? Did we really need them, they have the same covenant mechanics and same rewards. Just why ? Did they really need to remove the Path of the Dragon covenant for another blue covenant.

Gameplay - For a series known for it's difficulty, this game certainly created quite the image as the most difficult game of them all over the internet, however I strongly disagree with this. Perhaps it is because I have already played the other games but the difficulty everybody keeps talking about was really not there. That is not to say that all bosses and enemies are easy, not at all, some bosses, especially the DLC ones proved to be a nice challenge and I liked how there are respawning enemies that do the same if not more damage than bosses (dem golden winged knights and crow quill corvian knights...woohh). But I still maintain that this game is not the hardest in the series, I'd say it is about the same as it's predecessors.

Final note - I built my PC for this game, I planned my specs keeping this game in mind and I had a blast with it. I want to thank From Software, they have given a great finale.
Julkaistu 28. maaliskuuta 2018
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 442.8 tuntia (214.2 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game.....how does one describe it ? Words like amazing, outstanding or awesome are just not enough to describe the wonder of this game. A truly incredible experience, I would vouch for this game 100%.
Ok, now that I got through the first fanboy rant, coming to my thoughts on a few key elements of gameplay while comparing to it's beloved predecessor (and I know how the community likes to bash on this game while comparing to Dark Souls 1).
1.Movement - Definitely requires getting used to after DS1, but not uncomfortable, better for PvP.
2.Visuals - This a moot point as DS1 came out so long ago but I still felt that I should mention how breathtaking some of the visuals are, really amazing.
3.Level Design - Not as remarkable as DS1, with each area being interconnected through multiple shortcuts but well enough that each area in and of itself has a complex map which can be traversed in different ways. It also helps that you can go to the main four areas in any order that you desire. This is good for giving a different experience on different NGs.
4.Combat - Leagues better than DS1, the sheer number of different weapons with various movesets, spells, equipment and the fact that you can respec a character so many times allowing you to experience almost all of the different ways you can play in the game is a very welcome addition to the game series.
5.Enemies - This is where the game loses rather badly to DS1. Repetitive enemies and boss designs are a pretty bad blow.
6.Lore and NPCs - I feel this one is subject to personal opinion above all, but for me, the lore is rather lackluster, interesting in some ways but the references to DS1 don't really achieve the sense of nostalgia that they were aiming for. NPCs, not interesting. There is no Solaire but I think that is a good thing, there can be only one gloriously incandescent sunbro.
An important part of this game are the DLC areas. I would recommend anyone who played Dark souls 1 and felt this game was not up to par, to play through enough to get to the DLCs, you will definitely change your mind.
All in all, once again, this game is brilliant, it has such good replay value, one can clearly tell how popular it is after seeing all the multiplayer action that is going on to this day.
The emotional rollercoaster you go through while playing is just crazy. I may sound repetitive, but like I said before, words are just not enough to describe this. It can only be experienced. And that experience is a must for any action game fan.
Julkaistu 14. tammikuuta 2018
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Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 13.8 tuntia
An outstanding representation of a post apocalytic world, the game stands out in the huge crowd of this genre. Providing an excellent feeling of despair and hope while trudging through the tunnels beneath a ruined city, the game offers varying levels of difficulty. The Library being the hardest, or more precisely, the most frustrating. But kudos to them for thinking of such a unique level, it gives a real feeling of fear of the mutants and choking on the very air we breathe.

There are some problems though, a bit more variety in the enemies and something a little different from the horde attacks. A simpler explanation of difficulty levels would also be better i believe, having a level of difficulty and four sub levels to that is a bit confusing. Even if it is for replay value, I feel it doesn't add much.

All in all, would highly recommed this game for anyone who is interested in a fast paced action FPS with a thought provoking story.
Julkaistu 2. lokakuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
3 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hauska
yhteensä 128.0 tuntia (48.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
To the guy I invaded and killed to get 880 thousand souls, If you ever see this, I want you to know, I sincerely hope you were able to recover your stuff.

Also, I highly recommend this game, you cannot regret it, you'll recover your lost faith in God with the help of this game. 10/10 IMDb, 5/7 IGN.
Julkaistu 27. elokuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
2 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 98.3 tuntia (51.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
For a game that came out in 2011, it has aged incredibly well. CD Projekt red found their winning mantra in this game with amazing story telling and beautiful visuals. One can tell that they took a lot of elements from this game and improved upon it in the phenomenon that is Witcher 3.

About the game itself, fast paced and heavier emphasis on combat than in Witcher 1. The branching path idea is very much appreciated offering a lot of replay value. Ofcourse, the combat system being vastly improved also helps. The game is challenging, even on normal. I personally can't even imagine Insane mode. But by the middle of the game, it becomes much more manageable. My only complaint is the potion system, not being able to drink in the middle of combat is a bummer.

The ending is a bit rushed but still enjoyable. All in all I would highly recommend this game to anyone who has the patience to explore the amazing world of Geralt of Rivia.
Julkaistu 15. heinäkuuta 2017
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Yhden henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 52.1 tuntia (40.6 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
The Witcher 1 - The very definition of old school bad graphics but astounding story telling. I am glad that CD Projekt Red's first installment of their epic trilogy is a great game and i would highly recommend it to anyone who wants to know more of the Witcher lore.
Julkaistu 12. kesäkuuta 2017
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Näytetään 31–40 / 40