Railey   United States
"Don't you dare go hollow" :bonfire2:
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1,320 Hours played
This game still sucks // wall of text below :)

TLDR - Play this game if you are alright with throwing your wallet at a group of developers that don't care about their own game.

This review is written with mostly opinions from prior to Lightfall, but all still stand true from what I have heard.

It's kind of disappointing seeing the game I loved so much growing up become the pile of trash that it now is and I've played since TTK in D1. Stopped playing and deleted the game in December of 2022. That was after playing off and on throughout the previous year or two, sometimes missing almost entire seasons because of boredom. Much happier without this game wasting my time and money.

Every season felt similar even if the content appeared to be different // do seasonal activity > rank up reward vendor > get upgrades at said vendor > get loot that is slightly better (or worse) than the last season > repeat process 4 times a year with 1 season having a decent increase in content due to the insanely overpriced $50 DLC.
-What really ticks me off is the fact that the yearly content drops have continuously gotten worse and worse over time, with some outliers ??? (I personally have hated every DLC since forsaken).

You can't forget that they tried sunsetting all weapons and then later RE-RELEASED them as main seasonal weapons with different perks for more "content" and "loot". If you think the community might not like something, WHY WOULD YOU GO THROUGH WITH IT????
Don't even get me started on the crucible (pvp), which probably hasn't even had a dedicated dev team anymore for the past 3 years at least. Rarely any new maps, mostly re-released maps, and re-released gamemodes.

Can't forget about the cash shop though, right? Oh, did you want cool looking armor? Well, you can get it at the small fee of $20 per set (technically earnable through real life work!!!). Yes, a earnable non-paid currency exists and isn't super hard to farm, but a frustratingly low amount is earned at a time. The armor earned through actual game play is VERY hit or miss and imo hasn't really had an outstanding set since Rise of Iron in D1.

Don't even get me started on the finishers, which are EIGHT DOLLARS for each one. EIGHT DOLLARS FOR A 1-2 SECOND ANIMATION. Armor transmog also is just another way for them to creep into your wallet. They lock the currency used for it (idk if they still do) to a certain number PER SEASON per class. But don't worry you can buy the currency with real money, because... why would you want to play the game when you could just give your wallet to the greedy company?

With raiding being my favorite thing to do in the game, I can't say I've had a good time doing so since remastered raids returned (VoG and KF), and before that was Scourge of the Past (which got removed by the way because *excuse* the game was getting too big in size). Can't say anything about the Lightfall raid as I haven't played it or purchased the DLC.

There have been a large amount of great moments that I have experienced on this game and the first one. I have met many friends online with this game and still talk to many of them today. Can't say if this is nostalgia speaking, but the friends definitely make the game better. This game can absolutely be fun, if you are willing to throw your wallet at it (F2P sucks and is a way to bait people in). There have been many great raid moments are pvp moments with friends, and it sucks to not really experience those anymore since I stopped playing.

I have a lot of fond memories of earning god-roll guns or armor from activities and hitting clips in the crucible or just staying up really late with friends doing mind-numbingly boring activities to progress through some things.

I really have always wanted this game to be better since I have invested so much time and money into it. It is so disappointing seeing the road that this game continues to go down, and I really hate how so many people blindly apologize for Bungie's mistakes like sheep.
Apologists for gamedevs who don't care really need to stop voicing their opinion and seriously take a look at the game they are playing. Many people who apologize for Bungie are long term players that have not yet taken off their rose-tinted glasses and don't realize the state of the game currently.

I really have always wanted this game to be as fun as it used to be, but after quitting for almost a year, I can say I am happy I left when I did.

It is really unfortunate that this game has gone down such a bad path.
Games also need to stop having $20 skins (1/3 game price!!!!!)

// They might just be better off releasing Destiny 1 on PC for $60 all dlc included.
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Slayinajs 11 Sep, 2022 @ 7:05pm 
No, you are not a “Man of Culture”. You are an 18 year old who has no romantic partner because you have a chronic addiction to anime porn where the characters dont look or sound any older than 13, seriously, the stuff you are watching should be illegal. Getting off to fictional drawings of ambiguous age THREE times a day is not even remotely cultured, it just makes you a sex-addicted pedophile. What’s gotten into you? You’re better than this.
John Based man lol (basedguy88) 11 Sep, 2022 @ 6:59pm 
-rep likes valorante to child game only cs go since skin gamble
Aquatic 2 Aug, 2022 @ 7:19pm 
Slayinajs 31 Jul, 2022 @ 7:25am 
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Morgan Freeman 25 Jun, 2022 @ 9:29pm 
Bubblegum clan :steamhappy:
Leucridus 26 Dec, 2021 @ 9:02pm 
No, you are not a “Man of Culture”. You are an 18 year old who has no romantic partner because you have a chronic addiction to anime porn where the characters dont look or sound any older than 13, seriously, the stuff you are watching should be illegal. Getting off to fictional drawings of ambiguous age THREE times a day is not even remotely cultured, it just makes you a sex-addicted pedophile. What’s gotten into you? You’re better than this.