
Последние обзоры Endquin Winter

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1.0 ч. всего
Personally, this is one of my top FPS classics, though it's been ages since i last played. I had a good nostalgic times with it. It was my kickstart to FPS multiplayer, i use to put the same drive and energy as with CSGO except i was a wee 7yo lad. When this got realest on steam i was surprised.
Опубликовано 2 августа 2024 г..
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2,251.4 ч. всего
This game is eternal, no matter how dated it is and how we've advanced your still coming back to it at times.
Опубликовано 2 августа 2024 г..
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367.0 ч. всего
Absolute iconic! both game and my experiences, though ive had numerous time where i was voted in game, its still worth it. every game im in i get called out for being "Egoistic" "Troll" "Selfish" it is in my nature i like to ruin my teammates time, being way ahead of them, leaving them no medkits, hold them still by healing while the tank is after them or a witch is adjacent, most of the time im the one with most health, i have a particular playstyle that annoys my teammates. i love this game!
Опубликовано 10 июля 2024 г..
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17.3 ч. всего
Even tho i haven't played in a year one thing I'll admit it is pretty soothing for a multiplayer shooting game i mean personally it is freeing from blood sweat and tears unlike the other similar type like tf2, one unfortunate thing is i play on sea servers and it is a dead region and it was almost impossible to get a match which is why i stopped playing
Опубликовано 10 июля 2024 г..
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185.3 ч. всего
this is taking a perfect opportunity to make it the best battle royal game out there but instead its being ruined by adding unnecessary features one of which is the weeb influences in skins,items,emote,etc. though its all marketing, i just wish they focus more on patching bugs and honing the game mechanics to the max and still preserving a true concept of warfare instead of having weeb references everywhere, its really unfortunate what this game has become there are so much better things to add that still pertains to a warfare like even more gun extensions some nuances and improvements. that could really reach the game's full potential, anyway- point is, it should've been much simpler, stripping back the weeb ♥♥♥♥ and actually put that effort on making the game make sense.
Опубликовано 6 июля 2024 г..
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37.5 ч. всего
I remember when how i use to grind on this back in 2019, ive finished most if not all of the maps in solo mode mainly the objective ones, i still recall how terrifying it is at times and how i had to turn off the music cus of how even terrifying it is, i remember the ones that were pretty chilling like that part where your dropping down the contaminated sewer with gas mask on, it was dim and narrow area but u have flashlight and u hear zombies groaning in reverbs as they come to u and u have cut through them*Absolutely terrifying!, on top of that, there's another map that includes u coming down the stairs then as u make it to the door an insane crowd of zombies breaks in and they were all considerably fast too.
Опубликовано 29 июня 2024 г..
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67.1 ч. всего
I had finished the campaign over n over now and would definitely comeback to it from time to time it goes without saying that it really is revolutionary in game production world showing how they were already ahead of their time by standing out with their powerful engine like no other.
Опубликовано 29 июня 2024 г..
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556.4 ч. всего (387.1 ч. в момент написания)
Опубликовано 14 мая 2022 г..
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