Juninho Chandra Tan, 陈堰可   Indonesia
True inner peace is my goal, math enthusiast.

I have no talent.
Before you ask me anything,
Unknown public people and being well known is the scariest thing I witness, evil people exists for a reason, this is perhaps the hardest test I should face in this modern social world community.

Hello everyone, I am a chinese-born Indonesian, studying in Australia for university life, and possibly career purposes.

Currently in Indonesia for one semester university break.

I like to mock myself for comfort.

I set my game activity to private only when I am doing some experiments or modding by reopening the game over and over to avoid my friends' notifications piling up.

Left 4 Dead 2 Information
Started playing it after TLS update, precisely Jun 27, 2021, until I stopped about a year before coming back to it.

+ Mod Suggestions and Requests, as well as my workshop +

If you don't see your comment replied, that doesn't mean I am ignoring you, I appreciate every compliment I get, I mostly reply to questions regarding my add-ons, other than that, I most likely haven't read them, so feel free to comment again if I haven't answered.

You may give mod suggestions to me either from my profile or any of my workshop's comment, don't get your hopes up since it is only a suggestion, please do not put it as a discussion on any of my add-ons as it is irrelevant . Keep in mind that I am only capable of doing textures, sounds, UIs and scripts.

I don't do commissions, I don't like making something in return for anything, all are just merely fulfilling my hobby.

You are allowed to make any modifications or reuploads to my add-ons on any external sites, my add-ons are released for free and effortless anyway, I am not overprotective with them.

I am not always online to help everyone, so if you need any source modding related help, join the Dead4Mods [] Discord Server.

Friend Requests
I'll accept it under privacy reasons, sometimes I would accept it immediately, but please specify your intentions through my discord or my profile comment section if possible :steamhappy:, here are a few things to consider:

:summercat2023: I always prioritize behaviour first, this is crucial !

:summercat2023: You can add me if you just want to be friends, not bloating up your friend list. But keep it mind that I have limits to who I accept.

:summercat2023: If you got some modding questions to ask, add me if you want to, but it would be better if you join the Dead4Mods [] Discord Server and ask there, you won't hurt my feelings.

:summercat2023: If you would like to teach me more about source engine stuffs, go for it.

:summercat2023: I might add you back if I somehow recognize you from somewhere.

:summercat2023: I am not familiar with any risk adding a private account, I heard it's mostly scam or something, so please keep your profile visible to me.

:summercat2023: Leave a message on my Discord if you're blocked.

:summercat2023: One day, my friend list might be full, people that are inactive in a long time will be removed and I am sorry if I deny any friend request if I got so many.

:summercat2023: Other than that, I have my private reasons if I somehow remove or deny friend requests without any reply.

I don't add random online people on Discord aside from real life friends. Though, I will accept temporarily if you have anything to talk about.

You can invite me to your game if you want to when I am online, I'll happily join if I am not busy. I prefer someone who doesn't abuse their admin powers too much.

:summercat2023: My Youtube
:summercat2023: My Twitch []
:summercat2023: Discord: juninho3 (My old username was Juninho#5876)

You can find me on the Dead4Mods [] discord server., feel free to dm, ping me there or ask for vc, just don't spam.

As much as I like making add-ons for free, I am encouraged a lot by most of my relatives to make a profit from my knowledge, so here is my Paypal link I've just made recently, it's up to you.

I would suggest keeping your donations to yourself if you have something meaningful to do with them.

:summercat2023: My Paypal []

:summercat2023: My garbage taste and ratings in anime []

I am using the old steam UI, so I have to use Imgur or other sources to send images in DMs.

Favorite Quote
:summercat2023: The tongue is mightier than the sword.

:summercat2023: Don’t judge other people, and you will not be judged. You will be judged in the same way that you judge others. And the forgiveness you give to others will be given to you. - Matthew 7:1-5

:summercat2023: It's hard to win an argument with a smart person. It's damn near impossible to win an argument with a stupid person. - Bill Murray

:summercat2023: Reaching your goals quotes []

That's all about me, have a wonderful day!

If you're wondering how's the workshop doing, this is what it looks like [].

I wish there is a way to hide follower count. :(
Recent Activity
52 hrs on record
last played on 25 Jun
14.7 hrs on record
last played on 12 May
[ V AN IT Y ;_F A IR ] 29 Mar @ 6:17pm 
Added to see if you'd be interested in recreating a HUD from a game that I've got close to a full conversion for, I know you don't do commissions but maybe a request and donation.
Darkdeplayer 23 Mar @ 12:35pm 
hey do you have discord? add me on discord my discord is thiago9099 i want send suggestions there
Interneted 25 Feb @ 12:03am 
I am afraid that I don't know much about sourcemod, sorry.
Kitto 24 Feb @ 1:13pm 
Hey, added about a question regrading sm plugins.
Interneted 14 Feb @ 8:59pm 
I mean, hue doesn't like the color of a rose?
ChimiChamo 14 Feb @ 10:25am 
purple-flavoured interneted is no more