
Narvin 最近的评测

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有 6 人觉得这篇评测有价值
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总时数 5,979.8 小时 (评测时 5,820.8 小时)
After 6k hours in the game i decided to write a short review.

Do i recommend this game? Mostly NO! -Why? Mostly because the devs don't give a sh,t to fixing a tons of bugs, server performance issues what you still experiencing in the game. The reporting system is a joke on official servers! Anyone can basically report you and with no warrning you can be banned from all official servers. And to contacting back to the admins is another waste of time as you wont have any answer. They simply DONT GIVE A ♥♥♥♥!
Since they added the Bazar system in the game this is just leech from those who likes to add more stuff to their base to make it more epic and fun to build. And from all those money what you paying for that you would expect a more stable game with less bugs and so on...but you just wasted your money on this as devs not fixing years long bugs what is stil in the game. Instead you have more (PVE) content with more bugs.


The only Good thing about in this game is the building system and the various designs with build your own base. No other survival game have that atm.
If you just want a game for build this game is still value. But don't expect more! Pvp system is garbage as devs keep changing the core of the game in every half year. With a lack of server performance your biggest enemy is the lagg on pvp time in a populated server.

I could add more to it but feel free on a comment to Agree or Disagree with me.

Have a great day :)
发布于 4 月 29 日。 最后编辑于 4 月 29 日。
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