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Ostatnie recenzje napisane przez użytkownika King<3Brant

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105.5 godz. łącznie (22.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Wish the destiny packs were better. It takes a LOT to level up, to the point that you have to open hundreds of packs to level up once. Opening the same line of packs becomes very boring and numbing even when you pull something good.
Oh, and unlocking bigger size boxes and quantities of items shouldn't cost so much when you can buy two for the exact same price without buying the license, and you can save larger boxes if you really want to store more.
Overall I like this game, just wanted to put out my biggest gripes. Cannot improve if you don't know what you're having problems with.
Opublikowana: 12 listopada 2024.
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0.7 godz. łącznie
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Ark Survival Ascended runs worse than Ark Survival Evolved, which takes over 350 gigabytes to have the core game and all DLCs installed. ASA's performance is worse on lowest settings vs highest settings on ASE. Charging people anything more than $20 for a game that's almost the same and runs even worse is criminal.
Opublikowana: 15 kwietnia 2024.
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56.8 godz. łącznie (0.5 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Despite the few hours I have on steam, I've played this game for years and years. I honestly don't believe there will ever be a game like this. It's got its flaws, but it's a genuinely awesome game, and it's definitely EA's last masterpiece.
Opublikowana: 14 października 2023.
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159.2 godz. łącznie (97.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I got into this game after missing the initial hype around its release. In many, many ways it is an incredible game. The atmosphere is exceptionally good, as it makes you feel truly alone in a dangerous environment.
The story isn't fantastic, but it can be REALLY good if you know what you're doing within the game. Which you most likely don't know because it's your first time playing.
Despite my praise, this game has one incredibly major flaw that keeps people, including myself, from truly appreciating it. And it's how the exploration is both the best and worst part of the game.

Exploring the map for the first time and discovering wrecks, new creatures, biomes, etc is incredibly interesting. I loved exploring for the sake of curiosity and finding new things. It was fantastic. Except when extensive exploration and travel became mandatory.
When you get to the point where the Sunbeam gets destroyed, you become sort of... Lost. The only thing you can turn to is exploration, which initially is not a bad thing. The coordinates of destroyed lifepods tend to help the player discover what they need, but it's hard to pick up on this in your first playthrough. This uncertainty makes it mandatory for the player to return to these places, which is not a first thought when the coordinates are turned off whenever you go to the area. The game tells you that you're done exploring that area.
Eventually, the only thing that will help progress the plot is looking for wrecks. By this point, the player has explored a handful of them. With the lack of a map, it's very difficult to know exactly which ones you've been to, so stopping to check is a massive waste of time and it becomes frustrating.
Late game is kind of where you get some pointers again, as any destroyed lifepod on the map has already been explored. After the Sea Emperor gives you vague dialogue, the only thing to drive you forward is the PDA itself. It tells you where some important places are in the Lost River and Lava Zone and... you follow. The obnoxious part of these caves is how you NEED to go back to your base to craft depth module upgrades even though it's the only place with the resources you need. Travelling down to the Lava Zone is an insanely long trip, and you will first go down for nickel, and then go back to this area for kyanite, where you then go back home to craft mk2 and mk3 for your prawn suit and cyclops. You can only craft upgrades in the modification station and moonpool, of which cannot be accessed in a cyclops and must be at a base.
The trips between necessary points is absolutely mind numbing. You must first go to the aurora after it explodes. Then, go again when you have the code for the Captain's Quarters from the Radio. After that, you must find the Lost River for nickel, assuming you know that it resides there. Go back home to create your upgrades. Go back to the Lost River to try to find Kyanite. Discover it's in the Lava Zone and realize that you absolutely need a drill arm in order to get any, which can take another entire trip because it's completely up to chance that you have a drill arm because it's never implied that you need it to complete the game.
Go back home to create your upgrades that require Kyanite, blah blah blah. There's too much back and forth. It's really obnoxious and not fun at all. This is why the exploration is downright horrendously annoying.

Despite my long rant, I do enjoy this game and I think it's a genuinely good one. There's really not much like it. I hope my review was helpful to anyone.
Opublikowana: 27 sierpnia 2023.
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19.2 godz. łącznie
After just completing Portal and Portal 2 for the first time, I can see a solid little story here that deserves credit. I thought that P2 was far more engaging than the first one gameplay wise and story wise. Without being part of any fandom, I genuinely could not tell that Portal had much lore at all, like where glados comes from, where you (the player) comes from, etc.
I really enjoyed myself until... The gel was introduced. I did not like the gel. I liked Portal for how the mechanical components worked, like the portal gun, aerial pads, cubes + buttons, ETC. The gel just didn't fit in my opinion, and was a pain to work with. It's a liquid, and yeah it was described to have very small nanobots inside of it to modify your genes, but that's not what I mean.
Opublikowana: 24 lipca 2023.
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6.8 godz. łącznie (4.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I have now completed my first run of this game. I don't see myself playing it in the future, but it is a very good game for its time.
The puzzles are, for the most part, not impossible to figure out. I'm not a huge fan of puzzle games for the most part, but I can appreciate an old gem. I had very little difficulty on figuring out what to do, other than one mission and a couple times where I just stacked a few items to get over something, which I'm 99% sure I'm not supposed to do...
Opublikowana: 21 lipca 2023.
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27.9 godz. łącznie (13.2 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Best for people starved of Dishonored content. It's a nice little plot that I actually quite enjoyed. The idea of the Outsider pretty much being killed or destroyed is a bit silly because it's hard to imagine something that we have next to no idea about.
It's a nice way to wrap up the series, imo. I like that the original design of clockworks were used here, and I like the hard-hitting enemies at the end.
Opublikowana: 7 czerwca 2023.
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Według 1 osoby ta recenzja jest przydatna
246.8 godz. łącznie (20.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
What a game. Just finished a low-chaos run. Had fun. Overall I recommend it, especially if you're familiar with the first game, Dishonored.

I have a lot to say about this, as a game on its own, and as a sequel. I'll be "comparing" it to the first game, as it's a really good way to really put it into perspective.
I think both games are better in their own respective ways. The first game genuinely nails details very well, and I really like the style it has. It's desolate with some wonderfully creepy elements. The weepers had me super creeped out the entire time. I would rather deal with a tallboy than a group of weepers.
Edit: I feel that I should clarify this: I did not grow up with Dishonored. I played it 2-3 weeks ago for the first time, in fact. Nostalgia and awaiting a new game has a HUGE impact on how someone will feel about a sequel. The longer you wait for a sequel, the higher the game will be on a pedestal. ESPECIALLY if you grew up with the game.

This game, the second one, has a different kind of feel, although some moments are still very desolate. I loved the sandstorms, as they felt really eerie to me. The sound queue of a sandstorm coming in, although very loud, was great. I love the sound queues of both games.
Let's get into the improvements.
Combat, the graphics, and general movement just feel good.
1. Combat felt smoother, especially with the ability to knock out people during a scuffle. I found running away from conflict in the first game felt almost impossible, without using up an entire bar of Mana to do so (or if you quite literally have a very good idea on your surroundings, which not everyone can say about their first few playthroughs).
2. While the puzzles in the early - mid missions were pretty annoying, I could deal with it. It just took patience. I suppose for people looking to fight and have a really exciting experience, this in particular can annoy them, as you were forced to get through all of the grueling searching to get where you needed to go.
This didn't bother me as much because I had dealt with having to be patient in the first game. I had gone through Dishonored, Knife of Dunwall, and Brigmore Witches all without killing anyone and not being detected. It was rough, and required obscene patience. I'm not a big person on combat, as stated in my Dishonored review, but I did genuinely enjoy that aspect of both games anyway.
3. Corvo's redesign is cool, I like it, though I prefer his mask from the first game. Felt more "unhinged", if that makes sense. And I like that he can talk in this one.
4. Story was pretty alright. Not amazing, but not particularly bad, either. I kinda wish there were a tiny bit of clarification, like: how did the Crowned Killer go around causing trouble and killing people, without being seen clearly as a woman with no disguise? I'm sure she had a disguise, but it was never shown. This is an important thing left out, as it was very strictly shown that everyone thought it was Corvo going around killing their enemies. Another kind of inconsistency is: How did Delilah escape the painting that Daud had sealed her in? It is very vaguely referenced by one of her witches iirc, but still not explained. Also, it was nice of Billie Lurk to get an appearance, although the bit where she speaks to Corvo about who she is and what she did was a tad too fan-service. With that said, it's nice to have a tad bit of transparency in a game's story. I'm kind of tired of characters brooding like edgelords and never telling someone they care for about something that would be very important to tell them.
Generally, this game feels really nice with tons of QOL changes since the first game and I can appreciate it, even if first person combat games are not typically my cup of tea.
Opublikowana: 28 kwietnia 2023. Ostatnio edytowane: 28 kwietnia 2023.
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201.5 godz. łącznie (22.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I completed my first ever playthrough of this game. No DLCs purchased at the time of completion.
This isn't really my type of game; I was recommended this by one of my friends because the main character Corvo has a remarkably similar start to his story that I have written for one of my characters, and seeing how it went down, yeah, it's very similar. I like the take that it took on older civilization with the plague. I won't spoil it for anyone, but I do recommend doing a bit more exploration so you can uncover the truth behind some of the game's lore.
I appreciate that the story is very interesting, despite being based on reality in many aspects. It kept me wanting to know more, and most of my questions were answered by the end of it. The antagonists in the second half of the game had very real concerns for doing what they did. It was realistic how they were handled and humanized them quite well. Every party involved had a valid reason for doing what they did.
For people with obscene patience in video games and wanting high-stakes with the outcome being determined by your actions, I recommend this game. A simple pleasure.
Opublikowana: 5 kwietnia 2023.
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354.3 godz. łącznie (199.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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The devs of this game are clearly dedicated to providing quality content. Regardless of their issues, I can respect the project and them for their hard work.
Frequent updates, everything promised is delivered, and high quality content. The devs are involved with their community and are amazing people.
What I like most about this game is that, despite it being a horror game and an absolutely terrifying one at that, there are no intended in-your-face jumpscares. I really like horror things that are genuinely scary without using cheap in-your-face stuff. With the active updates, there's never a chance to get used to and bored of the game.
Opublikowana: 17 grudnia 2022.
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