Enthusiastic Waffle Hater
it doesn't make much sense right now, but it will eventually :papyruswacky:
Currently Offline
Heyo, welcome to my profile!

Hey all, welcome in! Since you apparently had the time of day to swing on by and check out my profile, maybe you'd like to learn a little bit about me or maybe not which is completely fine too .

Anyyyyway, my name is Pancakes (or Nuri as many people generally call me). No, it's not my REAL name but it's the name I have on display typically. I'm a 22 year old PTEC student (currently working towards my masters) and have an affinity for computer software engineering, cooking, and gaming.

My dream is to hopefully become an influential streamer someday once I can settle into my job comfortably and fall back on doing the things I love in my free time. I'm generally a very "reserved" individual, but I have no issue engaging in lengthy conversations most of the time. So if there's something you want to talk about, feel free to hit me up as long as it isnt small talk :p . Now, onto the list of a few games and gaming categories I typically play:

Gaming Stuffs

So, normally this is the part where I come up with these extraordinarily diverse games that make me appear to be more interesting than I actually am, but realistically I'm just as much of a casual as anyone else is. Anyway, here's the list:

• Indie game enthusiast

• Veteran Brawlhalla player (7 years, 9k+ hours hahahaha im not being held at gunpoint i swear)

• Huge fan of difficult platformers, tower defense games, and roguelikes!

• Usually prefers multiplayer games over singleplayer games

• Occasionally play shooters and RPGs but not a HUGE FAN of em.

• Looking to expand my category choices but most of that requires money which I do NOT have (but feel free to send me suggestions anyway).

Segue time!!!

Likes and dislikes

To be honest, when it comes to liking and disliking things, I really don't have much of either well I do but my creative juices are already running low and this info box is probably bigger than it needs to be!


• Traveling (the 16 hour drives suck though)

• Gardening (sometimes)

• Cooking (again, sometimes)

• Singing by myself in some isolated room lol

• Music (huge on the FNF and UT stuff!!)

• Interacting with friends

• Ice cream. SPECIFICALLY the Blue Bell brand!!!

• Dressing out. Shirts with text on them are the coolest imo


• Exercising. This is just motivational issues really. My routine is kind of loose and all over the place, but I still do it where I can. It's the thought (and 30 pushups) that counts!!

• Wasps. Wasps. Wasps. Wasps. WASPS. WASPS!!! I have a deathly fear of them and they're primarily responsible for holding up some of my outdoor activities

• People who act condescending and would rather undermine someone's intelligence instead of trying to rationalize the situation so it's resolved on both ends yeah I know it's super specific but thankfully it doesn't happen often enough for me to start naming anybody . Still, you should know who you are and probably not do that probably.

• Heights. Yeah, this one's self-explanatory. Can't be more than 4 feet off the ground before I start feeling lightheaded and dizzy. Too bad the industry I'm going into specifically requires that I get over that fear. Whoopsies!

• Swimming. MA, I CAN'T SWIM!! I may or may have not taken any swimming lessons at all.
So uhhh... I'm cooked if I ever get stuck in a large body of water without a vest on. Better get started
sooner or later.

BRUSSEL SPROUTS AND SARDINES. The smell and taste makes want to throw up, and it probably has on quite a few occasions.

Commonly asked questions (I think)

Okay, I'm actually running out of things to say at this point so let me try and run through this real quick.

Q: Are you a furry?
A: :papyrus:

Q: Why exactly do you change your name so much?
A: Honestly, you got me there. Maybe it's something mentally wrong with me, or could just be due to
my indecisive nature that I always carried. Regardless, it's definitely a habit that has become a
permament part of my character (at least for the length of time I'm still using social media).

Q: Can we be friends?
A: I don't usually mind adding random people, but I do request that we at least have some sort of
familiarity prior. It doesn't make sense for me to inflate my friend list with someone who is only
interested in saying "hi" every 6 months then disappearing off the radar. It's a waste of my time and
yours frankly, since I probably won't reply. Additionally, just don't be... weird in general. Yes, I
do understand that it's a subjective on what is considered weird. But, you'll know what I mean if
something comes up that I'm uncomfortable with discussing.

Q: I can't reach you on steam. Where else can I add you or talk to you?
A: Steam normally isn't my first line of communication. Most of my time is typically spent on Discord,
which you can add me here: Nuriii#3150. Again, please state your intentions or add a bit more
substance than just saying hi. I'm not insanely talkative but I would prefer a bit more than just 2
words and nothing else.

Oh yeah, little extra tidbit of info here. Switch Friend Code: SW-4820-9415-7220

Annnnnnd finally, I'm going to list a few of my mutuals that you can also check out (they won't bite).

The gang

Check out these cool people as well: :papyrus: :papyruswacky: :torielsad: (this guy sucks)

Thanks for taking the time to read all of this!! if you did

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829 hrs on record
last played on 23 Jun
10,997 hrs on record
last played on 22 Jun
603 hrs on record
last played on 21 Jun
Plushcat ♡ 1 Jan @ 7:47am 
Happy new year 2014!!!!
swagsilly 26 Nov, 2023 @ 3:35pm 
i just checked out ur profile off random. i was very clear from how long and useless it is that u dont like to exercise. fat ♥♥♥♥
Fresh 26 Aug, 2023 @ 8:47pm 
Magic Senpai✨ 25 Aug, 2023 @ 6:28am 
$20 is $20
Wot In Kermnation 25 Aug, 2023 @ 1:43am 
brother i know you didnt name yourself $20. smh
Fresh 31 Jul, 2023 @ 1:48pm 
bro what ur ♥♥♥♥♥ ass mean estrogen pills u ♥♥♥♥♥♥ bottom ass yeah my stuffed and filled. ♥♥♥♥♥ where is ur top he needs to make u bark until ur in control