United States
I work every once and awhile, occasionally ya know I can't really hold down a job, people like me it's, it's really tough. Ya know my dad owns a gun shop but, ya know he doesn't like to admit it but I think it makes him real nervous when I work there cuz uh... anytime I get a gun in my hand it just automatically points to somebody's head. Sometimes I think maybe I wanna join the army I mean it's basically like FPS except better graphics, but what happens if I get lag out there, I'M DEAD! And I mean I even heard there's no respawn points in RL. What do you do when you're a person like me? When you're born to play FPS? Guess there's nothing left to do but play FPS.
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107 hrs on record
last played on 27 May
1,075 hrs on record
last played on 22 May
14.5 hrs on record
last played on 12 Apr
sweet blueberry 13 May @ 1:51pm 
♥♥♥♥♥ is a country in Africa
Calamity 16 Apr @ 1:51am 
Nubs 28 Jan @ 12:27pm 
cheats since csgo, report and kick him
blue 27 Jan @ 10:38am 
notorious closet cheater and sociopath
desi 17 Jan @ 10:13am 
cheats in casual
Want a Sprite Cranberry? 3 Dec, 2023 @ 9:22pm 
all teeth no toothbrush