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1 person found this review helpful
79.0 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Aska is a great Game with nice graphics, very active and friendly dev team and a promising future!

Long Version:

For an Early Access Title, Aska is a phenomenal City Building/Villager Management Game within a good old viking setting, adorned with a little bit of mysticism/magic that fits within said Setting.

You start with nothing, stranded on the coast and have to slowly build up your village, summon new villagers and manage them, do your best so you and your villages don't freeze to death in the harsh winters and try to survive the monsters and wild animals on the island and the regular raids (Bloodmoons) on your village.

Overall i've enjoyed the game tremendously and would recommend it to everybody that likes this type of games, but there's also some small gripes with the game (tho i'm very optimistic that they will be ironed out by the Dev Team, who are very active)


Graphics: I personally like the graphics of the game, they are not "ultra next gen wow looks like RL", but they are pretty, stylized and fit the game.

The Survival Aspect: The Game has 3 things you need to keep track off: Hunger, Thirst and Coldness. All 3 Systems definitely enhance the Survival Part of the Game and are in my opinion tuned in a way that they are not too obtrusive.

The Building System: Pretty simple and straightforward. Limited Customization, but you can terraform the terrain (also allowing for fancy stuff like earth walls or a moat around your village) and place Buildings "almost" anywhere you like (large Rocks block Buildings).

The Management: While managing your Villagers can sometimes be very tedious or buggy (more on that later), overall it is very good. You can assign Villagers to workplaces, black- or whitelist Villagers from Containers, customize their Tasks or turn off Tasks completely, etc. It takes time to get into the whole system, but once you understand it gives the player much more control over how your villagers act. You also need to satisfy their needs obviously. Basic Needs, your Defenses and Housing. If you deprive them of sleep, don't put defenses up and don't give them nice housing they start to complain and if their happyness reaches 0 they leave your village. Tho in my time playing the game that has never happend, it's very forgiving.

The Combat: Simple but effective. Dodgeroll, Attack, Heavy Attack that staggers most enemys. Bows if you feel like it. Nothing feels out of place, Combat feels (mostly) fluid and it's not too hard, Bloodmoons can be handled pretty much on your own. There are 5 Bosses in the game that vary in difficulty and some stronger and rarer enemys that can pack a punch, you probably don't want to mess with those at the beginning of the game. Multiple "Camps" of Enemys are spread across the map


Performance: First off, don't be scared by Performance in THE BAD Section. Starting out with the game the performance is perfectly fine performance wise. But the higher your villager count comes, the more your fps tank. Some of the biggest villages (~250 Villagers was the biggest i've seen/heard of) struggle with around 10 FPS or less. Generally FPS seems to be decreasing after around 50 Villagers. But keep in mind, unless you only play on one safe and just keep summoning villagers with no real reason for it, you'll not get to these big numbers of villagers.

Bosses: I've personally only fought 2 of the 5 Bosses yet, but both were not a very pleasant Experience, both for a different reason. I try to be as spoiler free as possible. Boss A is the boss that spawns at the Wulvar Dens. Idk how you are supposed to do this Boss alone. Heavy Attacks dont stagger, trying to walk to his side just results into him following you and waiting for you to attack/stop moving, so you kinda just have to face tank. And without spoiling what exactly happens, but I feel like Phase 2 just tells you "nope, come Back with your Fighting Villagers". Boss B is the one that spawns at shipwrecks on the coast (not the one you spawn at). Way better Boss, but exposes something I disliked about the Combat System. While the Boss has clear tells what attack he's gonna use, the Dodge Roll is VERY inconsistent. I would get hit mid Dodge animation and knocked back. Additionally, and that's a problem many enemys have not just this boss, standing up takes way too long so you are guaranteed to get hit a second time after standing up.

The AI: First of all, for an EARLY ACCES GAME (just wanted to point that out again), the AI works extremely good. You have to keep in mind, it's an EA Game with many compley AI's running around that dynamically adjust to their needs, changing terrain if you terraform, the tasks you adjust, etc. And overall the AI works perfectly, with a few smaller but one large exception. Regarding smaller things, that's stuff like villagers just stopping their tasks even at critical points (like hammering iron) when their schedule tells them to sleep or leisure and dropping everything regarding their job in the same cases (so cooks drop all the raw food they wanted to cook as an example). Many Villagers (especially Woodcutters) just completely cluttering the floor with items (which also impacts performance). Or them not recognizing that there are tools they need in a toolrack and complaining about not having said tool. Stuff like that, mostly small annoyences that you notice throughout your game but are'nt too bad. Another very bad thing is them just lining up on a single well for water, instead of going to another well, rarely causing them to die due to thirst. Now the BIG ONE though, is the AI completely giving up the more villagers you have. Some Players with 50+ Villagers, but ALL Players with the largest villages of 200+, reported Villagers being stuck, starving or freezing to death, because their pathfinding just... gives up. Devs have looked into this and confirmed it, and are probably working on a fix as we speak. But currently it's not advised to go for a very large Village Population, both because of the Performance Issues and the Pathfinding Problems that arise.

Warmth: While the warmth System itself is completely fine, I'm annoyed by the Sources that provide said warmth, of which there are currently only 4: Campfires and Cooking Houses, Fireplaces inside of the Villager Homes and healing Huts. Campfires and Cooking Houses have the obvious drawbacks that they only get ignited by their respective workers, as long as there is food to cook and storage isn't full, Fireplaces can only be put inside of houses and both Healing Huts (which right now are the best source of warmth due to them staying 24/7 lit if assigned with one Day and one Night shift) and Cooking Houses are just extremely big. Torches and Stone Torches don't give warmth and even if they did, they only get lit by Villagers in Leisure Time and only at night, they extinguish torches at day). So either you live with the really big Buildings that need 2 Workers each + raw food in case of the Cooking Houses, or you manually ignite Campfires everywhere.

Achievements: The existing ones are ok, but there are no achievements for beating ANY Boss, any of the hard Enemys or in general anything regarding late game content. Also, Achievements get completely disabled if you play with custom setting. Even if you made the game harder. or just changed the terrain to have a bit more height diversity.

Tutorials: Generally lackluster. You really only learn through trial and error in this game.


Additional Sources of Warmth + Firekeeper Job

Rivers and Ponds / generally more varied terrain + Water-related Terraforming

Rock removal (confirmed in the works)

Seafaring (sailing to other islands, maybe even with some nice Viking Raids on other Villages, exploring other Islands, etc)
Posted 24 February. Last edited 24 February.
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347.3 hrs on record (286.8 hrs at review time)
Ein gutes Spiel um im Steam Summer Sale seine Punkte zu erhöhen habe Ich gehört. #Soda
Posted 30 June, 2019.
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214.5 hrs on record (156.6 hrs at review time)
Da Ich nicht das Originalspiel besessen habe, kann ich schlecht etwas dazu sagen, was sich im vergleich zum Original verbessert oder verschlechtert hat. Nachdem ich DS3 und dann DS2 SotfS gespielt hatte, musste ich natürlich auch den ersten Teil spielen, auch wenn ich schon hunderte Videos und Streams dazu gesehen hatte. Und mich hat dieses Spiel von vorne bis hinten überzeugt. Die niederigen FPS in Blighttown wurden gefixt und die Grafik wurde auf stand von Mods für das Original angehoben. Natürlich wäre da noch mehr gegangen. Es ist Schade, dass Dinge wie das Wasser in Ashen Lake oder das grausame Lost Izalith nicht gefixt oder verbessert wurden. Generell hat es einen Grund, warum die meisten erfahreneren Spieler ihre Funruns nach O&S beenden. Zwar ist das hier ein Remastered und kein Remake, was sehr schade ist, aber man hätte dennoch etwas mehr erwarten können. Am schrecklichsten ist aber meiner Meinung nach eine gewisse Sache bezüglich der FPS: Das Original war auf 30 FPS gecapped, da es quasi einfach die Konsolenversion war. Soll heißen, selbst mit einem Nasa-PC, wäre das Spiel nur auf 30 FPS gelaufen. Das Remastered wiederum, ist auf 60 FPS gecapped. Sprich: wenn man diese 60 FPS mit seinem Computer/Laptop nicht erreichen kann, ist das Spiel in einem dauerhaften Slowdown. Es gibt zwar im Internet verschiedene Lösungsansätze dafür, bei mir hat jedoch keiner so wirklich geklappt. Also hatte ich im Endeffekt alle 10 Sekunden(ca.) einen Slowdown der für ca. 10 Sekunden andauerte, was bei mir beinahe Augenkrebs verursacht hat. Dennoch habe ich das Spiel auf beinahe 100 % durchgespielt (mir würde nur noch das Messer von den Geisterfrauen fehlen). Und trotz dieser schrecklichen Performance hat mich Dark Souls überzeugt und ist meiner Meinung nach das beste Souls Spiel, vor DS2 (meiner Meinung nach ist DS3 zwar das hübscheste, aber auch irgendwie uneinfallsreichste Spiel der Reihe, Demon Souls und BB habe ich aufgrund einer nicht vorhandenen Konsole nicht gespielt). Um zu meinem Fazit zu kommen: Ich kann dieses Spiel ohne Bedenken an alle Leute empfehlen, die einen PC haben der die 60 FPS erreichen kann, ansonsten nur eine eingeschränkte Empfehlung. Und mit Mods, von denen immer mehr entstehen, kann man das Spiel noch ein bisschen verbessern und "aufhübschen" (Gwynevere und Quelaag+Schwester mods ^^. Aber natürlich auch einige grafische Fixes und "neue" Items wie z.B. Links Ausrüstung). Der Optimalfall wäre natürlich ein Mod, der dieses 60 FPS Cap entfernt, solch einer existier aber meinem Wissen nach nicht.
Posted 25 November, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
1,313.3 hrs on record (211.8 hrs at review time)
SpyWare RedShell enthalten
Posted 23 June, 2018.
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