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Reseñas recientes de Ward3n

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A 4 personas les pareció útil esta reseña
6.5 h registradas
while I never got that far into this game, buy it for the design and atmospehere alone. The very world feels hostile, alien, and sentient. While I found the combat janky and not super satisfying, I believe this by design, as you feel like a rat in a maze descending into the Gut. Lots of searching hallways for keys and running away from squelching sounds. The plot of this game is still a mystery to me, but it is intriguing and encourages further play.
Publicada el 3 de noviembre de 2024.
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13.4 h registradas
Great little game to kill some time in. The mission design means it's easy to jump into a ten minute mission. The fun from this game comes from trying to run those perfect missions without a mistake, and then making the best of a situation gone wrong. The atmosphere of the game is almost cowboy bebop-esque, with last minute scrambles to escape and ship interactions that change the course of the heist. story is pretty barebones, with each character having a background specific mission that will allow them to retire, though it is essentially a roguelike. a great game with quick scrappy missions that allow for a lot of prep and planning, you can play it like metal gear or hotline miami, 8.5/10 would reccomend
Publicada el 3 de noviembre de 2024.
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"i'm the Galileo of murderboss. Get at me"
Publicada el 14 de mayo de 2021. Última edición: 14 de mayo de 2021.
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8.8 h registradas (8.6 h cuando escribió la reseña)
i wish there was a kind of middle option , but i unfortunately can't give this game one so i have to recommend against it. While the gameplay itself is fun for a while, it got stale real quick for me. the loop of platforming, arena, boss ,platforming, arena , boss got incredibly boring for me very quick. If you like the sound of that then by all means get it but i can't recommend it at full price, maybe wait for a sale or something
Publicada el 10 de abril de 2021. Última edición: 10 de abril de 2021.
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Un desarrollador ha respondido el 17 SEP 2022 a las 7:06 p. m. (ver respuesta)
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1.0 h registradas
while occasionally buggy, and lacking co op, this one is better than the first one, you'll get attached to survivors and there is an actual story, second one is just randomly generated everything

also, i played this disconnected to the internet, i have a lot more than one hour
Publicada el 9 de marzo de 2021. Última edición: 9 de marzo de 2021.
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0.3 h registradas
I have this game on switch and played it on there, i did have it on PC a while ago but didnt really play it, so ill leave a review on here

Darkwood is an amazing game, and one of my favourite if not my favourite horror game. The combat is functional, but not really designed to a combat game. think Silent Hill but a bit smoother. There's melee weapons with a light and heavy attack, and a dodge button. Guns do appear later on in the game and are incredibly powerful but lack ammo.
What really shines in this game is its sound design and atmosphere, probably the best ive ever experienced in any game.

The story is very good, but you have to look for it, a bit similar to dark souls storytelling where you get some cryptic characters and a few clues, but you have to fit most of it together yourself. The story and universe are incredibly interesting if you want to find it.

My personal favourite part of this game is the nights. the game is open world, but at night you have to return to your hideout to survive the night. This is the part of the game that focuses on horror, and where the sound design shines. There are what feels like hundreds of randomised night events, such as a knocking at your door in the night, do you answer? or stay in your barricaded room, clutching your wooden plank. A strange red light shines through your window with a voice, beckoning you to come outside. crows fly overhead and you hear a loud stomping echo through your house. This games horror thrives on the imagination, leaving your mind to make up the horrors. the unique top down perspective and limited FOV is incredibly immersive, not knowing whats behind you chasing you, just hearing ragged breathing and the crunching of leaves makes you panic like nothing else.

9.5/10 game. my only problem is that the last part of the game focuses less on horror and pretty much becomes a shooter, but even this part is enjoyable.
Publicada el 20 de agosto de 2020.
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49.7 h registradas
Dark souls 2 had a lot of potential and cool ideas but overall weighed down by a lot of issues, if you are already a souls fan i can recommend it, but definitely not for new ones

Bosses were a mixed bag overall, there were definitely some really cool bosses I enjoyed fighting, such as the looking glass knight and Velstadt, but the vast majority of bosses were either incredibly easy or boring or just bad design. there are way too many bosses that are either just repeated, or common enemies, such as royal rat vanguard which is literally just a room full of common rats, or the prowling magus and congregation, a room full of basic hollows and a few weak sorcerers. Bosses are repeated a few times as well, with the smelter demon boss appearing later, and is exactly the same but a bit more powerful. the Dragonrider, a decent early game bossfight also appears later and is exactly the same, except now there is two of them. The final boss is also extremely disappointing, as i beat it first try and was no challenge whatsoever.

The story is just as deep and interesting as the other two dark souls, albeit you'll probably have to watch vaatividya to understand what is happening. The opening cinematic is also quite dissapointing and doesnt really set up the story the way the first and the third did, it mostly just says some pretentious crap about how you have no idea what is happening or why it is, and you're going to die a lot. Later on in the game it does a better job that dark souls one at explaining the story, with actual NPCs talking to you about the world and what your goals are, which is better than the cryptic speeches and item description reading some of the others had. i liked 2s story the least, but its told in a slightly better fashion than number one was. The ending felt honestly disappointing, and I finished the game feeling honestly annoyed at what an unsatisfying ending it was

Gameplay is alright, a bit smoother than dark souls one, but definitely not 3. You can now no longer spam attack like 1 and 3, attacks have to be carefully timed at the end of previous attacks , or your character simply wont do it. Dodging is worse in ds2 than others, you actually have to level up the adaptability stat to make it actually viable late games, as it starts out with very little I-frames. I think this is terrible choice as it encourages the tanky, defensive style gameplay with a greatshield early game, which closes off things like dual wielding, magic and miracles, or parrying. It is possible to use rolling from the start, but unless you master it quick it wont work very well. Sorcery, hexes and miracles make a return, with sorcery being quite boring and repetitive with it mostly being 20 different variations of souls arrow. Miracles are fun but underpowered compared to dark souls one, which was disappointing as it really felt like something that you earned, and was powerful in dark souls one. I did a melee/hex build in my run and had a lot of fun with it, it has more interesting spell than sorcery in my experience and it was cool to do something new. A new healing item called lifegems also appears, being a consumable that you can buy infinite amounts of right from the start. It is nice in some ways as healing is especially slow in this game, and lifegems are fast and restore health over a period of time, however if you are smart about it you can easily cheese most bosses with 20 lifegems, which kind of destroys the point of estus being a valuable resource you need to maintain.

Level design is pretty bad in my experience, with areas like iron keep and shrine of amana just having tons of the same enemy attack you at once, this is really ♥♥♥♥♥♥ level design as it was not fun at all, and easier and more efficient to keep grinding enemies until they stopped spawning, or just tank everything with a greatshield. my favourite ares were probably forest of fallen giants and dragon shrine. Forest of fallen giants felt like an og dark souls area with plenty of secret rooms and tons of places to explore, and dragon shrine having great atmosphere. Theres also an area that is pretty much blightown from ds1 which was very fun to explore, with heaps of jumping and exploring which felt really fun.

this has dragged on way too long, and i apologise for tons of spelling errors, i give it a 4/10, play it if you already love souls games, don't if you're new to the series
Publicada el 18 de julio de 2020.
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10.0 h registradas (8.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
mega swag
Publicada el 5 de julio de 2020.
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0.8 h registradas (0.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
really excited for the full release
Publicada el 26 de marzo de 2020.
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1.6 h registradas
pretty short, but a good time killer, can be very challenging at times. hand drawn cut scenes and non professional voice acting make it ten times better lol -8/10
Publicada el 29 de noviembre de 2019.
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