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1 person found this review helpful
3.8 hrs on record
Forget the bugs and glitches. Cyberpunk is lacking in some basic stuff, like NPC AI, it is almost non existent. Secondly, our character in first person plays and feels like an early 2000s first person game character. Gun play is pretty average. Another disappointment is silly physics, which also ruins any immersion. Police AI is the worst, and they just spawn outta nowhere, and the best way to run from them is to simply get in a car and they don't bother to come after you. There is practically nothing to do apart from the main story missions. In a nut shell, buy this game at your own choice if you have extra money to burn. Or you can get it from me. A big 2/10
Posted 25 December, 2020.
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4.1 hrs on record
I really like the idea behind this game. This game is also very immerse, make no mistake about that. But the combat is a bit too stiff. Secondly, an RPG should always allow a player to be able to see their player with all the customization and armor they equip; what I mean is that they should have given this option to switch between first and third person play style (kinda like Skyrim, GTA 5, and the rest). However, for what it is, it's a great game.
Posted 20 July, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
322.4 hrs on record (28.0 hrs at review time)
Jumping to conclusion: IT'S A MAJOR GO; don't listen to the naysayers, just buy this game and embark on your own epic Odyssey. This game is a true successor to the Witcher 3, and AC: Origins combined. 10/10 PURE EPICNESS.
I have been playing Assassin's Creed games since the first one back in 2008, and while I have loved every single AC game; my most favorite ones have been AC:2, AC:3, AC: Black Flag, and until last year AC: Origins was my most favorite of them all, beating even the legendary AC:2 trilogy. And to no surprise, this year's AC: Odyssey has delivered more than my expectations; in short I'm completely blown away by this game, in a pleasant way ofcourse.
Posted 19 October, 2018.
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