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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 8.7 saat
Erken Erişim İncelemesi
the moment this exits early access im shooting for 1k hours
Yayınlanma 13 Şubat.
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68 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
5 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.6 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.3 saat)
I am permanently locked out of playing this game on steam. It says my multi-log is already configured. Apparently I accidentally clicked past the title screen, which automatically created a new account linked to steam, and this cannot be reversed. I was supposed to hit a tiny button instead.

This information related to this tiny button, and the irreversible consequences of failing to immediately click it, is available on the devs' twitter account but nowhere on steam.

This game released with 2 full days of maintenance and then this. There is no crossplay either, and the currency you use cannot be transferred between platforms. Dead on arrival.
Yayınlanma 25 Eylül 2024. Son düzenlenme 25 Eylül 2024.
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29 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
14 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 4.2 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 0.9 saat)
Prostitute told me she'd only help me if I was wanted by the guards. I smacked her with my sword and then talked to her again. It worked. 10/10 RPG.
Yayınlanma 15 Eylül 2023.
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2 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 82.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 81.8 saat)
It is good but flawed. Don't expect Divinity: OS 2. It is better in many ways, but not as good in the critical ones.

Combat is faceroll easy, so you'll have to avoid optimizing your build or using potions of haste in order to get a challenge. Maps are too full of bloat and have many fake ledges and objects you can't actually jump on. Most of the origin characters are unbearable, but there's no way around them because you can't customize hirelings.

As a side note, I can't dream of why they thought we needed animations for every throwaway line of dialogue. This makes dialogue trees naturally more linear and less reactive, and it shows. But the writing isn't the draw here anyway, so it's not a huge deal.

All of that said, it's still Larian. Gameplay is still more open-ended and emergent than most RPGs and there is a wealth of content. I've had fun with it.

This is a must-play this if you're new to CRPGs and want something easy and accessible. It is recommended if you're a fan of the Divinity: Original Sins and want something with the same general design philosophy. There are better games but this one is not bad.
Yayınlanma 10 Eylül 2023.
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4 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
2 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 11.5 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 10.4 saat)
I like the game overall but I’ve spent 15 minutes in a bathroom trying to do a tutorial on how to do a certain type of fart. It makes you rewatch the useless demonstration and relisten to the dialogue every time. For this reason alone, I could never recommend this game to anyone.
Yayınlanma 16 Temmuz 2023.
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3 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 130.5 saat
Ignore my 130 hours. This game is trash.
Yayınlanma 18 Haziran 2023.
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kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
Great DLC. Steal for the price. Characters are much more engaging and unique compared to most in the base game. I want to see more characters like Babi-Onna, McCoy, and Miang. Fewer like Gav'et-Oni

Weapons are hit or miss but the good ones are solid additions. Mirage Robe is one of my favorites. Marumasa is a HUGE disappointment however.

I could see the map getting old but it's a welcome change and a good direction for the game to move in.
Yayınlanma 9 Haziran 2023. Son düzenlenme 9 Haziran 2023.
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1 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
kayıtlarda 63.9 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 15.4 saat)
Great game. Absurdly low price for what it is. I played it and DLC on mobile, then on steam. Has the potential to be the kind of thing you can sink thousands of hours into, with some enhanced difficulty settings and QoL changes.

A mode where enemy movespeed and spawns are nerfed but damage and health are increased would add hundreds of hours of content and new builds. Kiting and single target damage become irrelevant quickly when the screen fills up with enemies, and scaling is too easy with the extra xp.

We also need the ability to toggle off chest animations select 'favorite' characters, more transparency into how items/passives work, better tracking of metrics, and a sandbox mode.

Will happily keep buying DLC, even at a higher price point, if it continues to bring positive changes.
Yayınlanma 9 Haziran 2023.
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Bu incelemeyi yararlı bulan henüz olmadı
kayıtlarda 8.7 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 3.0 saat)
Actually enjoy the game but too many negatives to recommend unless you're specifically looking for this kind of game (I was.)

Difficulty is punishing, which is good, but unfair, which is bad. Enemies can hit you with astonishing accuracy from 500+ meters, with any kind of gun. They all learn your position as soon as one does. They are especially adept with grenades. The inability to manual save is also huge negative for me.

The map is terrible, and traversal is a pain. The minimap lacks cardinal directions. Some ledges can be climbed, other identical ledges of the same height cannot. Sometimes you'll get stuck on a ledge, and getting stuck on terrain in general is common.

This kind of jankiness and inconsistency is common to a lot of the game's mechanics. Sometimes you take fall damage, sometimes you don't. It's often impossible to tell whether an action will alert enemies until you do it. Enemies can often see you through walls.

All of that being said, it has great sniping and the sequel could be amazing if they ironed out the flaws. I paid $15 which is about what it's worth. If steam had a better rating system I'd call it a 5.5/10. If you want a sniper game, this delivers.
Yayınlanma 2 Şubat 2023. Son düzenlenme 2 Şubat 2023.
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35 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
1 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
At least it's cheap now but somehow still doesn't feel worth it for $10. It's just not very good content. Or particularly useful unlocks. But Ambrose Island and Freelancer were good and free so I guess I don't regret buying
Yayınlanma 28 Ocak 2023.
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