Don Baffetto
Don Baffetto
I hold an extreme and absolute appreciation for Baffi, particularly those, like mine, which are meticulously groomed, clean, and luxuriant. I extend this admiration to any other individual who takes equally good care of their facial hair. Baffi serve as the finest indicator of a person's decorum and intellect, invariably commanding respect.

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Review Showcase
39 Hours played
This latest installment of the God of War saga proves a commendable effort in rejuvenating the franchise, effecting a metamorphosis in its gameplay while imbuing it with added layers of depth and progression through the incorporation of skill trees and armaments. Narratively, it stands as a paragon of excellence, holding me rapt with its unfolding tale, ever instigating a keen sense of curiosity.

Should I venture a minor grievance, it would concern the two realms unveiled in the denouement, wherein an undue burden of grinding is imposed upon the player. Such protracted exertions seem disproportionate to the essence of the game, and I daresay a more judicious allocation of resources towards additional boss encounters would have been preferable. Admittedly, this quibble detracts but little from the overall enjoyment of the game, which functions admirably even in its absence. However, given that two valkyries are ensconced within these realms, a modicum of brevity could have been judiciously applied.

As for Kratos, his penchant for wholesale destruction remains undiminished, a facet of gameplay which I find exceedingly gratifying. Anticipation abounds for the forthcoming port of God of War: Ragnarok to the realm of personal computing gaming, an event which I shall eagerly await.
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39 hrs on record
last played on 25 May
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