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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 97.3 hrs on record (40.3 hrs at review time)
Posted: 11 Dec, 2023 @ 7:53pm

7.8/10 not enough Nurglings.

As a big fan of 40k, I really enjoy this. Characters are fantastic. Story is great. Worldbuilding and atmosphere, fantastic. Bugs...are everywhere. Which seems somewhat against the point of Early Access? (Shoutout to the neon pink prisms that kept showing up everywhere and Sister Argenta disappearing into the void while exploring Footfall!)

But the combat...well, some of it's perfectly fine. And some of it is just painfully ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and tedious. (The latter not helped by aforementioned bugginess and the game tending towards slow.) The miserable combats aren't common, but they are really tiring and I do not like them, and also a lot of them just happen when you're not even on a quest, just investigating a system and then suddenly you have to fight 30 poxwalkers or 8 eldar turrets with those awful lasers.

Still overall recommended, but with reservations.
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