
Recensioni recenti di Yukio Kouri

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4.9 ore in totale (0.1 ore al momento della recensione)
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Just picked this game up after its official Open Beta Release with the new Developers. The game runs well, 3060ti 1440p everything on high getting close to 200fps in the game, instant full matches the game play is good so far. It does need some work and some audio work, I recommend this game. I have had no issues matching games are going flawlessly and it runs well. Keep in mind its still not fully finished so some work is to be done but if you have a Battlefield itch this will scratch it.

There are a lot of reviews of people complaining, i would ignore them and give the game a try it will be F2P soon, the Open beta purchase is to get some extra skins and support the developers before it goes F2P, the Developers that took over are a team under the developers of Conqueror's Blade. People also forget BETA, so yes there will be issues which this beta will help the developers discover so they can fix them. I see complains that the developers wipe on big updates, we will have to see what happens again it was taken over by a new team, but at the same time if you play Call of duty or other shooters with a Mastery system, once you hit that master level and reset you reset your stuff regardless so not to big of a deal currently.

I have not been booted from games yet, the TDM maps are a bit big but luckily the players know this and mostly stay in one area so the fighting is constant. Do be aware of the crash bug that occurs when you send an invite to someone. I like the direction the game is going in, i see potential. I know people are sceptical due to the amount of changes the game has been going through, but guys you gotta remember this is not a AAA title, this is not some small indie game as well, it is an indie game but the scale of the game it takes time. They have been using us as testers since the beginning and the game has changed hands a few times it looks like, wait for F2P or pick it up, it's like 5-10$ depending where you live, im sure you spend that on coffee in a day. Give your feed back to the developers so that they can make the game we want.
Pubblicata in data 27 settembre 2022. Ultima modifica in data 28 settembre 2022.
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6.3 ore in totale
The game is great, the Multiplayer is garbage, it crashes all the time you can never get a game in with a friend cause it crashes every 5 minutes
Pubblicata in data 14 settembre 2022.
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Uno sviluppatore ha risposto in data 4 mag 2023, ore 8:59 (mostra la risposta)
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45.8 ore in totale (0.1 ore al momento della recensione)
40 minutes into this game, the optimization is garbage, another DLSS reliant game combat is dumbed down, to much un realistic parkour now what the heck, So far not impressed . All this Super human power stuff is just a not thanks, Why is Sprint gone with this new stupid movement system. How did you guys go backwards you had a perfect combat and movement system and went backwards. The Skills menu is a joke compared to the first one so far as well. You cant use Mouse keys to replace in Key binds so no Mouse button for crouch

I love Dying Light, but i think i will be refunding this soon i will see after another hour, but honestly i do not recommend this game at full price which im sad so say. Wait till a sale and don't expect Dying Light 1 quality of Combat and Movement.. No sprint wtf
Pubblicata in data 3 febbraio 2022. Ultima modifica in data 23 maggio 2022.
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Uno sviluppatore ha risposto in data 8 ott 2022, ore 5:48 (mostra la risposta)
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11.9 ore in totale (9.5 ore al momento della recensione)
This game is fun, i have had a good time playing the only issue is the Servers, the servers are so bad i don't understand how in 2021, you have a game like this with such terrible Server service, since launch almost a full week the servers have been awful, extreme lag and delay on the servers, you attack something it takes 5-50 seconds for that attack to register it is awful. I can't recommend this to any one due to the server quality, i will be leaving the game until they decide to get Proper Servers, it is honestly kind of sad to see such server's in 2021, and even after a full week of 'Server Maintenance' they do not improve at all

I have played many MMO's and MMO Alphas, not even Beta's that had Servers that legit just dumb on this games FULL RELEASE Servers, heck New World when that Alpha was out, i think more people played that then PSO2 NG, and the Servers where 10x better on it this is sad honestly come on, also why the fudge do i have to pay REAL MONEY to revive my self in battle what in the fudge that is how you ruin your MMO, when you have pay to win like that
Pubblicata in data 12 giugno 2021. Ultima modifica in data 12 giugno 2021.
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0.3 ore in totale
Recensione della versione ad accesso anticipato
It's an okay game, but Enlisted is better and free..
Pubblicata in data 21 maggio 2021.
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296.1 ore in totale (86.5 ore al momento della recensione)
First off, I did not buy this due to the hype. I have been following this game since day one.
I recommend this game to any one really, I have had no issues with the game. I have been able to complete the campaign with no issues blocking me, there has been bugs all around as expected in a game this size, this is not GTA, this is an RPG game. The graphics are nice heavy on PC's at the moment needs some optimization. I have got everything i expected this game to have, there is a lot of detail to small areas in this game so keep your eyes open. This is a new game built from the ground up not a copy paste like everything being released the last few years so there is issues around. Campaign is fun you make it what you want play how you want, I have a corpo that is 100% stealth based, a nomad that is mix of both all about family. and a street kid all about gun blazing, hours of quests and things to do of course lots of Cyberpunk everywhere. I really enjoy the game and understand the bugs going around as this is a large game with a system no other game has implemented before on this scale. everyone is so use to games being the exact same thing with a new skin coming out everywhere they forget what it's like to make a brand new game, Fallout 3 was just as bad when it came out, No Man sky i mean come on? Obilivion can we keep going? many of the best games all launched with rocky starts. If you purchase this game keep your mind open don't expect it to be like GTA this is an RPG you can't just steal a car and keep it, that defeats the objective of the game you are a Merc you earn everything this is not Saints row and it is now GTA.
Pubblicata in data 21 dicembre 2020.
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For any one who was hoping this would be like Forsaken sorry to disappoint it adds probably less content then Shadow keep at least for now, I have not finished the Campaign yet but so far, I have not seen much new content just Recycled Enemies from D1. And Public Events recycled from the removed planets. Honestly this is not worth the price. For how much content they removed they did not add in enough, Europa had 1 strike i can see so far. This is sad Was hoping the game would get better since they Left Activision but the last 2 DLCS have sucked almost no content for the price. It's like an over priced Season Pass. Forsaken was probably the last and only DLC worth it's money Beyond Light has been a let down as fun as it is to see stuff from D1 again i wish they could use there brain and the time to actually make stuff, instead of Recycling so much stuff, what are we even paying for? the Story line is also pretty much a re skinned Forsaken. Same exact plot honestly. I do not recommend this DLC for Full Price this DLC is worth 20$ at most.
Pubblicata in data 11 novembre 2020.
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33.4 ore in totale (2.9 ore al momento della recensione)
Garbage, I heard great things about Wastlanders Update

My experience was after spending 30-60 minutes make my character, Game immediately crashed when picking up the Pipboy. Re launched the game had to create my character again. Get out of the vault the world looks like ♥♥♥♥, Pixelated shadows blur everywhere. Very diluted visuals looks like the game is missing all its saturation and contrast just looks so faded. Indoor is stupid bright any LIGHT is stupid bright. No mater what setting even if you disable Vsync game cant pass 50 FPS. I have an RTX 2060 i can't get this game to hit 60fps any where in any setting.

This game feels like a free to play runs like absolute garbage, Let's not even get into the amount of bugs you encounter. Go to options to video with graphics the Menu will Freeze out you have to back out to the map even then the menu stays frozen open. When certain prompts appear you can't use the arrow keys any more they just stop working. These are issues i discovered in the first hour, The last hour i spent trying to fix settings to play the damn game. I set my game to 1080p full screen and now im stuck in an infinite Loading Screen.

I do not recommend this game to any one its just straight garbage. I don't even want this for free 2 hours i haven't even been able to play. I am so happy i have not spent 54.99$ i would be very pissed paying so much for F2P Garbage. I am blown away that there is a game Crash so early on and when it happens you have to redo your character creation. I don't want to know what other issues are coming, After loading into an area your character is locked in place for a solid couple minutes. The lack of polish is just a joke
Pubblicata in data 15 maggio 2020.
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110.9 ore in totale (49.3 ore al momento della recensione)
This game has come a very long way from day one. I bought this On PS4 day one and it was not worth a dollar now it worth the money if you see it on sale grab it for any one who loves space and the other open world and building farming aspects you will not regret it
Pubblicata in data 29 giugno 2019.
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2.3 ore in totale
I couldnt even last an hour. I hate the main. Some of the story i was a bit confused knowing Dantes History i call alot of bull * and the music whats with this f****ing Techno? This is DMC not dance dance. The moment the last DMC game started it had great music this game had nothing..im hoenstly running around with muted music and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ story and a dumb robot arm my interest is gone. Great graphics but the music alone is why i uninstalled freaking garbage.
Pubblicata in data 8 marzo 2019.
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