David Edgren   Wasilla, Alaska, United States
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girlfromverona 5 Apr, 2017 @ 9:46pm 
Oh wow - looks like you had a fantastic trip. Well done on the weight loss, too! Yeah, mods have really made a good game even better. (I have so many mods loaded - my poor computer must hate me...) Great to hear from you. :)
davidredgren 3 Apr, 2017 @ 9:49pm 
Hi Marisa. Been busy. Thought I'd give Cities:Skylines a year to grow – and it has. Thanks so much for being in touch. Hope all is going well for you. I'm spending a lot of time bicycling these days: b2bbiketrip.com
girlfromverona 1 Feb, 2017 @ 12:39am 
Hey, David! Have missed seeing you on Simtropolis recently. Hope all is well with you!