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Senaste recensioner av Man

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648.4 timmar totalt (456.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
When I first picked up Elden Ring, i had not really touched a From Software title, and I was probably in one of the lowest points in my life, But as I beat a boss and then beat another I started to realize that, Shutting up and keeping moving forward is all you can do in a hard time and continue to get back up when a great challenge knocks you down. Towards the end of my playthrough I felt like I did not have what it took to complete the game and a boss, try after try continued to defeat me. But instead of giving up it started a over 1000 hour training arch through Sekiro, Bloodborne, Darksouls 1, 2, and 3 and aswell as Demon souls, I actually ended out platinuming Sekiro when I was finished. I completed all these tasks and guess what I came back. Stomped all the Achievement based bosses in Eldenring and giving that bastard that gave me such a hard time a run for its money. Moral of the story is, Never give up, keep pushing forward and the love God my brothers and sisters. Never go hollow, Never allow shura's evil to grab ahold of you and make you his puppet. Best of all Praise the Sun, it will always rise in the morning. Much love to your art, you saved my life Hidetaka Miyazaki. I know you will never read this but if anyone told you in life that its just a game you will never make a impact in real life, Just know you made a impact in me and i know you made a impact in many other soulsheads.
Upplagd 24 oktober 2023.
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246.3 timmar totalt (67.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
I stole a Corpo scum vehicle with my boo, then I drove it, neurologically linked with said boo, Had the sex time with boo while neurologically linked then got attacked mid sex time, and fought off rapscallions while naked in Corpo Vehicle, Best game 10/10 must play would buy multiple times. Thank you CD PROJEKT Red for another great sex scene, up there Gerald and Yennifer and unicorn sex scene.
Upplagd 3 oktober 2023.
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211.3 timmar totalt (143.1 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
notice before your turned away from the game that most of the negative reviews are of players that have burned themselves out playing the game, do not listen to reviews like that. The game if you take your time and play as intended taking the tier systems to heart the grind feels alot less crazy and you wont burn yourself out so easy. Give the game a chance it has alot of to go but its new, A New World
Upplagd 23 oktober 2021.
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618.6 timmar totalt (202.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
when does this dlc come out its wednesday where is it ubisoft please some help me i have know idea how to play it and i have the season pass
Upplagd 18 april 2017.
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